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2012063 <br />Document drafted by and <br />RECORDING REQUESTED BY: <br />VJells Fargo Bank NA. <br />8480 Stagecoach Circle <br />MAC X3801-03M <br />Frederick, MD 21701 <br />SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE <br />LIlYIITED POWER OF A'I°TORNEY <br />The trasts identified on the attached Schedule A(the "Trasts"), by and through <br />U.S. Bank National Association, a national banking association organized anc� existing under <br />the laws of the United States and having an office at 60 Livingston Avenue, EP-MN-WS3D, <br />S� Paul, MN 55107, not in its individual capacity but solely as Trustee ("Trustee"), hereby <br />constitutes and appoints Wells Fargo Bank N.A, ("Servicer"), and in its ttame, aforesaid <br />Attorneq-In-Fact, by and through any officer appointed by the Board of Directors of Servicer, to <br />execute and aclrnowledge in writing or by facsimile stamp all documents customarily and <br />re.asonably necessary and appropriate for the tasks described in the items (1) through (6) below; <br />provided however, that the documents described below may only be executed and delivered by <br />such Attomeys-In-Fact if such documents are required or percnitted under the terms of the related <br />servicing agreements and no power is granted hereunder to take any action that would be adverse <br />to the interests of U.S. Bank National Association. This Limited Power of Attorney is being <br />issued in connection with Servicer's responsibilities to service certain mortgage loans (the <br />"Loans") held by U.S. Bank National Associafion, as Trustee. These Loans are secured by <br />collateral comprised of Mortgages, Deeds of Trust, Deeds to Secure Debt and other forms of <br />Security inst�uments (collectively the "Security Instruments") encimmbering any and all real and <br />personal property deIineated therein (the "Property") and the Notes secured thereby. <br />Demand, sue for, recover, collect and receive each and every sum of money, debt, account <br />and interest (wluch now is, or hereafter shall become due and payable) belonging to or <br />claimed by U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee, and to use or- take any lawful <br />means for recovery by legal process or otherwise, -including but not limited to the <br />substitution of trustee serving under a Deed of Trust, the prepara#ion and issuance of <br />statements of breach, notices of default, and/or notices of sale taking deeds in lieu of <br />foreclosure, evicting (to the eactent allowed by federal, state or local laws) and foreclosing <br />on the properties under the Security Instruments. <br />2. Execute and/or file such documents and such other action as is proper and necessary to <br />defend U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee in litigation and to resolve any litigation <br />where the Servicer has an obligation to defend U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee. <br />3. Transact business of any kind regarding the Loans, as U.S. Bank National Association, as <br />Trustee's act and.deed, to conlract for, purchase, receive and take possession and eviclence <br />of tifle in and to the Properly and/or to secure payment of a promissory note or performance <br />of any obIigation or agreement relating thereto. <br />4. Execute bonds, notes, mortgages, deeds of trust and other contracts, agreements and <br />instruments regarding the Borrowers and/or the Property, including but not limited to the <br />execution of releases, satisfactions, assignments, loan modification agreements, loan <br />assumption agreements, subordination agreements, property adjustment agreements, and <br />other instruments pertaining to mortgages or deeds of trust, bills of sale and execution of <br />deeds and associated instruments; if any, conveying or encumbering the Property, in the <br />interest of U.S. Bank Narional Association, as Tnistee. <br />5. Endorse on behalf of the undersigned all cheeks, drafts and/or other negotiable instruments <br />made payable to the undersigned. <br />