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<br /> Sorrawcr st�xEl pr.nmptly give Ixnder writtcn notla�f Rny lnvestigadon. claim, dcmand, lawsuit or other nction by any
<br /> governmental or�gulatory�gency or pr[vute party involv ing the Property and any Nar.ardous Substance or Environmental Law
<br /> of which &�rrowur has nctual knowledgc. [f 8orrowtr learns, or is not�fied by uny govcrnmental ar regulatary uuthority. thut
<br /> any remavul or otBer rcmcdiation of any Huznrdous Substunce nffccting the Property is necesw�ry.Battower xhail pmmptly take �
<br /> ull ncccssary remccifal actions in accordnnce wlth Enviromz�cntul I.n�v.
<br /> As u�:d in this p�rugraph 20, "Hezurdous Substances'u�e thuse substunces defined a.r toxic or huia►rdau��►ubstwnccs by �
<br /> �nvimnnxntal L.aw and tha fallowing subytam:es: gesolix. kerc,scne. ather flummublc or taxic petroteum prcxlucKs, roxic
<br /> pcstirides and herbicides,volatilc�olvents, materials cantuining a�bcstos or fi�rnwidchyde,und rs�diarctive n�ateriuls.AR usa! in
<br /> this puragraph 20, 'Environmcntal Luw" mcans fcciend �uws nnd luws of Ihc juricdlct{on wherc the Pr�ipertY Is locuted that M
<br /> rtl�te tu 6xalth, salety or enviranmental protectian.
<br /> NUN•UNIFbItM CC)V�NANTS.Burrower and I.cnalar 1'arthcr cuvcnant anci ngrce as followe;:
<br /> 2i. AccderaHon;kr�nrriia�+.I.r�xier sltiwll giv� �x�t ice tu IG►i�r�tiser prtnr to uccel�ratlnn 1'nllnwing flur��w�r'N brcxch
<br /> a��ny rnvewnt or agreeme�t In thu Securlty I�xNnament lbut nut priar to wccrlerwtlon under (w cylrrph 17 unlaw
<br /> M�lIICMM!I/M pfOYI�ItA WIItiWilC). The nMke�11 epeclfy: (N) the�ietwult; (h)the wctl�n requlred t��curc lhe def�ulti
<br /> (c)�drte, nut Ir�than 30 dwye fmm the date tt�nM[ce I� Aivrn ta �►rrowrr.hy whlch It�drfNUlt musl I�cured;�nd �
<br /> (d)Iluit fNliure to cure�hr dKfMUlt an ar beG►re the datle�►peclfled tro the nutice msy rrzu�t In an'rlerw�i�m �►(the�um�
<br /> nccured by thl!a Security Inalrument and Rwk ut the Pr�perty. 'fUe notice�hAll furlher Infi�nn HorruM�rr of the riRht to
<br /> rrlro�tNte pner �ccelerwtkm md the riRht tu brinK w eoun wcU�m ti� wNert the n��n-exhtrncr ot w drfwuil or wny uther
<br /> deten�e ot Borrnwer t�� wccrler�tlon wnd e�le. [t the defauh Is �u►t cue�ed an ur 6efi►re the d+�t�specltled b the n�►ti�e,
<br /> i.ender, at It��ptMn, m�y require immedl�te {wyment In tull oP wll wms recured by thi!+Security Inxtrument wtthout
<br /> ('udher dem�nd�nd m�y invoke the power ot�le�!wy other remedie�permitted by w ksbk I+iw• 1.endc+'��� b�
<br /> 1�I�ulud(n�,but not fimited
<br /> en119kd to collect�il expe�►KS lacun'ed in pur�ufng tbe nmedka provided In thl�pwrsytrnph u
<br /> tu�re�.sonA5lc wttornGys'kes aud cc�sts ot title evidenc+e.
<br /> I[tl�epnwer at sale!s tu��okcd,Tru.�tee sh�tll record �notke ut detault in each county In whkh any port of the
<br /> property i�located and slwlf m�il coples ot such notice In the manner preeccibed by ppplicAble IAw to Bormwer and tu
<br /> the other perac►ns p�^esc�ibed by�pl�iicable Irw.A[iter tlxtime roquired by Applic�ble I�w�Tnusta shall give public rwtke
<br /> ot cnle tu the pe�sons and tn tfrc mAaner prescribed by�ppiiable f�►w.Tr�tee.w�ittwut dcmant!on BnrroN�er�Rhwll sell
<br /> the Property�t publk a�x�tton to the highest biddec�t ik time�nd pl�ce and under the terms destanated in the notice ot
<br /> ssik in one or mone pprcels and In any order Trusta ddermines.Trustee m�Y poRtpone sak of qll or any porcel ot the
<br /> property by publk stnnouncement at the Nme�tnd place ot Aqy prevtously scheduled sale. I.ender or [tsi designee m�y
<br /> . purchaee the PrnpaSy at nny sale. "`
<br /> _ Upon receipt ot pa�ment ot the price 4id, Tnastce sluill dellver to the purchaser Trastec's deed rnnveying the _
<br /> property. Tbe raitals in the Tn�sta•s deed sh�ll be �xlms�fACie evide�Y aI the truth of the statemmts mAde thereln.
<br /> Trusta shall�ppiy t6e proce�.�d.9�o!the gale in the[dloM�lrrg order:(s�)to stll costs And expens�a4 exercisina the power o[
<br /> •� sAle,and tMe swle,including the payment ot the Trustce'a fees actunlly incurred,not to exceed the=o f$5 0.00 o r�96
<br /> af the principal�mount of the note wt the ttme of the d�clanHon Qi dciault, And reason�ble attorneyr►'�ees pa permUt�d
<br /> by law;(b)to aU sums secured by this Security instrurnmt;and(c)any excess to the person or person9 kBd�Y entltled to
<br /> it.
<br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upc�n payment oi ffii sums sccvred by du� �v�ity I��stia�'Knt. i.cndrr xl:�ll r�iu=si T^!`t!''' �^
<br /> remnvey the Praperty and �haU surnnder this Secudty Instn►msnt and all nates evidencing debt secured by thls Security
<br /> Instrurr�nt ta Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey thz Property without warranty and without charge to the penson or persons legally
<br /> entitlad to it.Such�rson or persons shall pay any recordation costs.
<br /> 23.Substitute Truata. L.ender,at iG�c option. may from time ro dmc removo Trusta and�ppoint a succ�sor trustee to
<br /> any Tcustee appointed hereunder by an instn�mant rec.rord�d in the cc�unty tn which this Socurity Instrument is recorded.Without
<br /> conveyence of the Property,the successor trustee shuil saiaeed to all the title,powar a��d duties conferred upon Trusta herein
<br /> and by applIcable.faw.
<br /> 24. Requat for Nottces. Borrower reyuests �that copies of the notices af default and sale be sent to Bc►rtower's address
<br /> which is the Propecty Address.
<br /> 25,Riders tt►�t�is Security Lzstrument.1f one or more riders are executed 6y Borrower and recordal together with thi�s
<br /> Security Ii�stniment,the covenants and agreemants of each such rider shall be incorporated into suud sball umend end supplement
<br /> tt�e covenants and a8nements of this Security Instrument as if Ihe rider(s)were a part of this SecurIry Instcv►r�nt.
<br /> [Chxk appllcsble box(es)]
<br /> C]Adjustitble'Rate Ridcr ❑Condominium Rider �-4 Fatn�ly Rider .
<br /> [�Graduated Payment Rider Plaiuta�d lJntt Developmcnt lt�der �Biwakly!'ayment Rider ,
<br /> �B�Iloon ftider • ' • Rate In�pmvement Rider [�Socond Home Rider �•
<br /> V.A. Rldar ~ OtheF<s1,�,specify] ., • .
<br /> BY SICiN1NG BELOW. Bunower accepss and agr«sto the terms nnd venants contained i urity Insuument and
<br /> in any ridetig)exzcuted by Borrower and reco�ded with it.
<br /> Witnesses: , ����
<br /> enneth L. Otto -�nON'«
<br /> ,3[��l��Il.�c-- /��� �tC.Lx� (Seal)
<br /> Donna M. Otto '�O17D"��
<br /> (Seal) (Seal)
<br /> •Bamiwer -fbrmwer .
<br /> STA'fE Ol�'NEBRASKA, County ss: Hall
<br /> Thc foregoing instrument was ucknowledgcd beforeme this Znd day of SeptembeY • 1997 • '
<br /> • by K�nneth L. Otto and Donna M. Otto, hueband and wifeinsc�idCc�unty.[hcdut oforc�suid•
<br /> WEtcx�ss my hand and notarial scal at
<br /> Grand I sland, Nebraska ° ,
<br /> My Commission Expires:
<br /> 1 2�2 7.��2�0� Notary Public
<br /> . ��MEMtNOuT��wS�t1UrdqNIMld1�
<br /> ��vn�Y�ic�a y� Pe00 4 0l d �MT��ZB B/�
<br /> MyEM��ll.ft►01�.?S.Lwv
<br />