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<br /> Tht Funds sh111 be hcld iu an institution whose deposits ure insureai�Y�Rk�L.cl,d�s shal[apply tltc Fu�nds ro pny thc
<br /> (including Lender. if L.ender is such an institution)ar in uny Fecterul Nome Loa
<br /> Escruw Items. Lender muy nut ehurge Borrower fon c��ldin�and upplying the Punds, annually analyr.ing the eserow account, or
<br /> vcrifying thc Guru�v ltcmy, unletis I..cnder puys Harro�ver intcrest on the Funds and applicable luw penmGS Lender to makc such
<br /> a chargc. Huwcver, la:ndcr may rcquire Bor�ower tu pay�one-time churgc for an independent rcal estatc tax reporting scrvice
<br /> used by I.endcr in rnnncction with this loan, unlrss applicublr. luw prov edes otherwise. Unless an agreement is madc ar
<br /> applicable luw rcyutres intcrest tu hc puid,Lender shull not be required to pay aorcowcr any intcrest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> pnrrowcr und I.ender may agme in writing, however, th��t intvrest shnll bc paid an the Funds. Lender shull givc to Borrower.
<br /> without cliarge, un unnual accaunting�f the Funds, shawing craiits and debits to the Funds und the purpase for wl�ich each
<br /> debit to the Funds u•as made.The Funds urc pledged as udditionul sccurity for alt sums secured by thiF Security lnstrument.
<br /> !f the Funds held by LcuJer exceui thc amounts permitted to be held by appliciible law. L.endcr shull uccount to Borrawer �_
<br /> far the exee5s Funds in iiccordance with themq uirements af applicable law. if the timaunt of the Funds hclJ by Lendcr,at any
<br /> time is not xufficient to puy tho Escrow Items when due.I.ender mny so noti fy Borrower in writine,and,in such cnsr Burrower
<br /> shall pay to Lender the untount necessary to make up tha deficiency. Borrower shull muke up th�de�ciency in no more than
<br /> twelve manthly payments,at Lcnder's sule Jiscretioa.
<br /> Up�n payment in full of all sums sccured h�� ¢his Sccurity Instrument, Lender shall promptly reiiirni tu &�rrower any
<br /> of the Prod�it�hall�[f.lu �l T ru ds h Id2by Leoder ut�thc t mc of ucquisici n�or sul�as a credP aguinst�}�e Ul11titSCCUiC(1 by
<br /> {� Y PPY ' Y
<br /> ihis Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> 3. A��pllcytion af Pxyments.Unless applicahlo luw providus otherwise,all paynxnts rcceived by Lendcr unJer paragrup s
<br /> l and 2 shull be upplipd:fint,to uny prepayment chargns due under che Note: second, ta wnounts payuble under paragraph 2: —
<br /> third,to intcrest due:fimrth,to principul duc;nnd I��t,a��ny late charges duc undcr the Notc.
<br /> 4. Charytc�: I.lens.Borrowcr shull puy all taxes,assessments, chargch,fincs und impc�sition�uttributublc to thc Property
<br /> whirh u�ay attuin pri��rity avcr this Scrunry Instrumcnt, ai�d lcaschold paynxnts ur ground rents, if uny. Borrower shull puy
<br /> thcsc obllgutfom in thc mnnncr pn�vidcd in paru�rnph 2,or iF not paid in th.�t munner,s��rrowcr tihull pay thcm on tinx directly
<br /> a�thc�xr�an uwcd p�iynx�et.Borr��wcr sLuU pr�auptly furnish to l.cnder ull nutircy��f iimounts w bc paid undcr this parugraph.
<br /> ll'ii��rr��wcr mukc�thctic paynxnt+directly, tlorr�iwcr�hull prumptly furnl+h tn lAndcr rerciptti cvidcnring thc pxyments.
<br /> 13�,rr��wer shull proiuptly di�charge uny Ilen whi�h hu�pr3urity�wer thiz Security Instn►ment unletis Harrc►�ver. (al ugrecs in
<br /> writing tu the payment uf tho nhlig,dlmi,c4urcd by thc licn in u ntn�mcr arcepUt61e tu I,cnder: lb)«�ntests in goixl faith the licn
<br /> by, ur defenJs ugafnst enturcement �+f th� licn in. legul pn�ceedings whicli in U�e l.ender's npinion aperate ro prevent the
<br /> cnfnrccnunt��f thc licn;ar (r)ticcurcti frum thc holdcr oP thc licn un iigrccrncnt sutitifuctory tn I.cndcr sulx►rJinuting thc licn to
<br /> this Sccurity In�trunicnt.If I.cnJcr dctcnnincs thut ciny pan uf thc Praperty ix sunjcct to a licn which muy attuin prwrity avcr
<br /> thls 5ccurlty Intitruoxnt,Lc�xicr may give &�rrower i�noticc identifyin�the lien.Borrower shuU suttsfy thc lien or takc onc or
<br /> morc c►f thc acduns+ct forth ulxivc within 10 duys of thc giving of noticc.
<br /> S. Huzard ur Prnperty Insurance. Borrowcr shull keep thc improvements now existing or hereufter erected an the
<br /> Property insured :iguinst loss by fire. hazards includul within the te�m 'extendai covernge" nnd uny other hniards,including
<br /> flcx�ds nr floaling. fnr which Lender requires insurance. This insur+nce shall be muintained in the amounts and for the pe�iads
<br /> that L.ender requires. Thc insurance cnrrier providing the insurancc sh311 bc choonn�YcB�hed abovebLcndcr maye at I.pender's
<br /> which shall not be unrcasonabiy withhci3. ii Bu«uwc� fail; ta mair..asr. �e._r�o- ----
<br /> option,obtaln covcragc tn protect[.cndcr's rights in thc Property in accord:xncc with purngrnph 7.
<br /> All insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptuble to Lender and shall include a stundard mortgege cluu�e. I.endcr
<br /> shult have the risht to hold the Qolicies and mnewals.If Lendcr requires,Barrower shall promptly givc to l.ender ull mceipts of
<br /> paid premiums and ranewul notices.in the event uf loss,Borrower shall�lve prompt notice to the insurance currier and Lender.
<br /> Lender may maka prnaf of loss if not made promptly by Bonowcr.
<br /> UnlaSS i.ender und Bono�vcr othenvisc agrec�n wntmg. insurancc procceds shull be applicd to restorntion or repair af tho
<br /> Property damaged.if thc resturatian or repair ic cconomicully fca5ible und Lendcr's security is�xic lessened.If thc restorntion or
<br /> repuir is not economte:illy feasible or ixnder's seeurity would bc lessened.the insurance pr�iceeds shall be applied to the sums
<br /> secured by this Securiry Instrument, �vhcther or not then duc, with sny excess paid to Burrower. lf Borrower :�bandons the
<br /> Property, ur does not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance cunier h� offered to settle a claim, then
<br /> L.ender muy collc;et the insurance prcxeeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day period wtll begin when the notice is gtven.
<br /> Unlcus Lender and Borrower othcrwise agrec in writing. any applicatiun of procceds to principal shall �ot extend or
<br /> postpcme the duc date uf thc monthly payn�ents refcrred to in paragraphs I and 2 ar changc the amount of the payments. If
<br /> uncler pni�agraph 2l the Property is ucquired by Lender, Borrower's right to any ins3rance polieies and proeeeds result�ng from
<br /> dam;ige tu the Property prior to the ucquisition shall patis to C.ender to the extent of the sums secured by thfs Secucity instrunxnt
<br /> imntedintely prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6.Occupancy,�servption� Malntenonce and Protecttan of the Property; Borrower's Liwn Applicatton;Lea�ehc►ldg.
<br /> Boreower shall occupy,estublish,and use the Property us Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of
<br /> tbis Security instrument und shull continue to accupy the Property as Borrower's princlpal residence for at least one year ufter
<br /> the date of occupancy,unless Lender othenvise ubrees tn writing, whicl� consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless
<br /> extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair thc
<br /> Pmperiy, allow tlic Property to deteriorate,or commit ws�stc on thc Property. Borrower sUaU be in default if any forPetturc
<br /> action or proceedins, whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good fuith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> Property or otherwisc matcrially i►npair thc lien cre�ted by diis Security I nstrument or l.cndcr's security interest. Borrowcr may
<br /> cure such a deftwlt and reinstate,us providcd in paragraph 18,by cuusing the uction or procecding to be dismissed with a culing
<br /> that, in Lendcr's good faith determinati�n, prccludes forfeiture of thc Borcower's interest in the Property or other iu3terial
<br /> impairment of the lien rreutul by this Sccurity Instrument or Lendcr's saurity interest. Borcower shall ulso be in dcf:�ult if
<br /> Borrower.during the loan application process,guve muterially fulse or inaaurrte information or statements to LenJer(or failed
<br /> tu provide Lender with uny materiul inf��rmati�m) in connec:tion with the loan evideneed by the Note.inrluding. but i�ot limited
<br /> to,representution.concrrnm�Borrower'�cKCUpancy of thc Pre�perty as u principul re�idence.IP this Security Instrument is�m a
<br /> leasehold. Borruwer shull comply with all the provisions of thc lease. !f Borrowcr ucyuires fee title tu the Property, thc
<br />-- Icaschold�nd the fce titic sh�ll nnt mergc unlcss Lender ugrces to thc merger in writing.
<br /> - 7.Protcct[un of Lender's RighGs tn the Property•if Borrower fails w perfonn the covcnunts and lgrcemcnts contained in
<br /> -- this Sccurity Instniment. or thero i�a legal pra:ecdm�;that mny significantly affect Lcnder's rights in the Propeuy (such as u
<br /> pruceeding in bunkru{xcy,probate, for condemnution or forfeiwrc or to enforcc luws or regulations), thcn Lender m��y do und
<br /> _ pay for whatrvcr is ncccssury to pmtccl thc valuc of thc Proprrry unJ Lcndcr's rights in thc Propcny. Lendcr'�actiuns mxy
<br /> mclude paying aoy swn� �ecured by a lien �vhich ha� prioriry uver this Security Instrument, appcaring in coun, paying
<br /> ran�nnuhln attnrnevti fees:u�d entering an tlic Prupercy to muke repain. Althuu�h L.ender may take actiun under this paragraph
<br />— 7,Lcndcr docs nut havc w do so.
<br /> � Any umi�untti disbuned by [.ender undcr this par��;ruph 7 shall bccumc additional deb► cif gurrowcr sccurcd by tlils
<br /> date of dnbur cn etnt atltt►e Notc rateaa J hall bc payublc,thvitlf interestP upon n�ticecfrolmuLcndc 1tuhBorn wcr�rcyu��ting
<br />_- paymcnt.
<br /> -- S.blort{;age Insurunre.If L.ender reyuired murignge insurance us a cunJition of making the loan secured hy�hi�Securtty
<br />-= Instrument. Borrowcr shall pay thc premiunn nquireJ to muintain the numg.igc intiurance in efiect. If, ti�r nny re�ison, thc
<br /> ° mortgage insurance covcragc reyuired b}•I.ender lapses ur cease�a�be in effert.Burruw�ti�shall p�ay the premiums reyuircd t�>
<br /> `° obtuin covcragc�ubsl�ntially cyurvalcnt to thc morlgagc insurancc previously in cffcct,at a roxt substantially c:yuivalcnt ta thc
<br /> - '= cost tii Borrower uf�he mo�igug� insuranrc pn'viousl�• in rffert, from an altcrncUC ►nortgagc ins�irer upprored by I.cndcr. If
<br /> Pago 2 01 d Fotm 3028 9130
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