<br /> Loan No;87�(21024 (�oltfinueCl� Page 4
<br /> ownership af the Property becomes vestetl in a person other 2hao Grantor,Lender,w€thoat notice to Grantor,may
<br /> deal with C�rrantor's successors with referenee to thi5 Assignment and'Che[nd�btedness by way of forbearance or
<br /> extensibn without rEI��Sing Grantnr from the o6ligations o'f this Assignrne�#or liability under the Endebtedness. �
<br /> Time"ss of the Essenae. Time"rs ofi the essenee in the perfarmance of this Assignment.
<br /> Waive Jury. AI[perties Lo this Assignment here6y waiue the right ta any jury trial tn any ac�ipn,proceeding,or
<br /> eountercleim brought 6y any party against any other party.
<br /> N(aiver�of Homestead Execnptian. Granfor he�sby€ele�5�:5 and+r�raives a€I rights and benefits of the hamesxead
<br /> exempiion]aws o�the State of Nebraska as to all indebtedness secured by ttiis Assignmer�t.
<br /> 6EFINiT[QNS. The fallowing capifslized words and te�ms shall have Ehe following meanings when used in this
<br /> Assignrr�ent. ilnless specifically stated to the cnntrary,al(references to dollar amounts shall mean ambunts in lawfu]
<br /> mnney of the United States of America. Wnrds and terms used in the singular 5h�[I include the plura4,artd the plural
<br /> shall include the singular,as'the context may require. Words and terms not othersnrise dafiined�in this Assignment shal]
<br /> . have the meanings attributed to such Terms in the Uniform Commefc€eE Cnde:
<br /> Assignmerrt. The word"Assignrnent"means this ASSfGNMENT C3�RENTS,as this ASSIGNMENT OF REN'f5 may
<br /> Fie amended or modified firom iime to tirne,tngether with all ex�iibits and scliedules attached to this�,S5IGNMENT
<br /> �F RENTS from time to time.
<br /> Borrower. The word"Borrower"means LONGLERF LLC.
<br /> Defau[f. The word"Default"means The Default set forth in this t�ssignment in The section titled"� It".
<br /> Evant of Defau[i_ 7he words'"��ent of Default"mean any o#the events of cYefault set forth in is A ignment in
<br /> the defiauft section of this Assignment �
<br /> Grantor, The word"�rantor"means LONGLEAF I�LG.
<br /> Guer'an#nr. The wortl "Guarantor" means any guarantor,surety, or eccommodat��af any or all of the
<br /> lnde6tedness.
<br /> Guaranfy. The wned "Guarenty" means the guarenty from Guaranxar m Len�/tncluding witha�t limitation a
<br /> guarenty of all ar parT of the Note.
<br /> Ind�bYedna!ss. The worct "IndebYecEness" means all princBpal, tnterest�i bthe€amounts, costs and expenses
<br /> payabPe under the Note ar Related Oocuments, ioge2her w[th aE w of, extertsions of, modifications of,
<br /> conso[idavons of and s�bstituttons for the Note or Releced Docume�d ny amounts expended or advanced by
<br /> Lender to discharge Grantor's obligetions nr expenses incurr d by Le der to en}oree Grantor's obligatians uniier
<br /> this AssignmenY, together with interest on such amounts e ovided in this Jlssignmenf. SpecifiC�lEy, without
<br /> EimlTation,Indebtednes5 inc[udes the fuYure gdvances set fo i the Future Advences provision,together with all
<br /> interest thereori and ail amounts that may be indir tly��ed by the Cross-Collateraliaation provl5ion of this
<br /> Assignment.
<br /> Lendew. The word""Le�der"maans Equitable San�its cessors and assigns.
<br /> i
<br /> S�lote. The ward"Nate"means the promissa ote dated July 39,2072,111 thB orlginal pr[ncipal amOut3t
<br /> of �1,595,000.00 Frnro Grantor to L �together with aIP renewals of, extensions of, modificatians of,
<br /> refinancings of,eonsolidations af,and sui�tions for the promissary nate or agreement.
<br /> ��
<br /> Property. The vnord "Property" me�n5 211 nf Gr�ritar's righi, titEe and i�te�es� in and to alE the Property as
<br /> described in the"Assignment"sec�6n of this Ass3gnment.
<br /> Re[axed DocurneRts. The w��elated Documents" rnean. B(I promissory notes, credit agreements, loan
<br /> agreements, environmental ents, guaranties, security agreements, moftgage5, deeds of trust, security
<br /> deeds, collatera[ morYg�g� ali ather iirstruments, agreements and docurnents, whether now or hereafter
<br /> existing,executetl in� n with the]ndebtedness.
<br /> Rerrts. The word" means al!o'i C.�ear�tor'S present and future rights,title artd intsresY in,To and under any
<br /> and all presertt/� e�re leases, including, witho�t limitation, gil r�nts, revenue, income, issues, ro�ralties,
<br /> 6onus�:s,aecot�its�t'eeeivable,cash or secur(ty deposits,advance rentals,profits and praceeds from the Property,
<br /> arad other� �!!�s and�ber�efiits derivsd or to be derived from such leases of every ki:nd and nature,whether due
<br /> now Or luding without limitaiian 6rantor"s right to enforde such leases and ia reeeive and collect payment
<br /> and p e s thereunder.
<br /> Oli[BEF[ALF C3F GFiANTOR ON JULY 3'1,2012.
<br /> GRANTOR: �
<br /> i
<br /> �t o
<br /> f �
<br /> LONGL F L`'!.' ,i �
<br /> BY: �� � � �
<br /> k � � � ��sw� �
<br /> 7 �B'�': 1 �'l�
<br /> N[AR�C J ALLEN
<br />