<br /> Loan Noc 81U09U24 (Gmn'�inu2d) Page 2
<br /> Pllaintain the Property. Lender may enter upan the Properry to maintain the Property and keep the same in repair;
<br /> to pay the cdsts'thereof and ot aIl se'rvices of a]]employees,including their et�uipment,and of all cnntinuing costs
<br /> and s�erises of maintaining the Properiy in prnper repair and eondition,and alsa to pay aIl taxes,assessments end.
<br /> water utilities,antl the premivms on fire and other insurance effeeted by Leniler on Yhe Property.
<br /> Compliance with Lavas. Lender may do any and all th�'vngs to execute and comply wiYh the taws af the State of
<br /> IVebraska and also ail other laws, rules,arders,ordinances a�d requirements of all oEher gnvernmental agencies
<br /> affecting the ProperCy.
<br /> Lease the Property. Lender may rent or[ease the whote or any p�rY of fhe ProperCy for such term or terms and on
<br /> such cnndiYions as Lenrler may deem approprCate.
<br /> Employ Ager�ts. Leoder may engage s�ch agent or agents as Lender may deem apprapriate, etther in Lender's
<br /> name or in Grantor's name,to rent and manage the�'roperty,incPuding the calle¢tlon and applicatiori of Rents.
<br /> Other Ac4s. Lander may do atl suah oth�er 2hings and acts with respect to the Property as Lender may deem
<br /> appropriate and ma�+act exdusively and sole3y in ihe place and stead of Grantar and m have all of the powers of
<br /> - Grantor for ihe pvrposes siated above.
<br /> No Requirement ta Act. �.ender shal]not 6e required to da any of the fiorego€ng acts or th3ngs,and the fact that
<br /> Lender shall have perforci�ed ane or more of the inregoing acts or things sha€[not require Lender to do any other
<br /> specific act or th�ng.
<br /> APPLICATION �F RENTS. All costs and expenses incurred hy Lender€n connection u�ith the Property sHeil be for
<br /> Grantor's account and Lender may pay such costs and expenses from the RenYs, Lender>in i2s so(e etion,sheil
<br /> defermine the apP��cation nf eny snii sll Rents received by it;hoWever,arry such Rents recaived b n which are
<br /> not appiiad to such costs and expenses shall t�e applied to the Indebtetiness. Alf e�endkures ma�/L nder under
<br /> this Rssignment and not reimbursed frorri ihe Ren'ts shell become a part of tf�e [ndebtecl�e� secured by this
<br /> Assig�ment,and shall be payable on demand,with interest at the Nate r�T�from date nf expe t�untiE paid.
<br /> FULL PERFOHMAlVCE_ If Grantor pays all af the Inde6tedness when due and otherwisp��ms alI the obligetions
<br /> :mposed upan Grantar under this Assignment,the Note,and the Related Documents,I�r�i�ai�execute and defiver to
<br /> GranYor a svitable satisfact3on of this Assigrnrtent and suitable statemenfs of termina n any iinancing staternenY on
<br /> fiile evidencing Lender's security interest in fhe Rents and the Prtlp�rty. Any termin �e required by law shall be
<br /> paid by Grantor,if permitted by applicable iaw.
<br /> LENDER'S EXPE111DITURES, ifi any action or proceeding is cammenced a m�t�rial[y affect Lender's inYerest in
<br /> the Property or if Geantor fiails to comply witfi any pcavision of this Assigt e a ny Related Documents,includ'rng but
<br /> not limi'tad to Graniar's failure to discharge ar pay when due any amounts Mo�is required t0 dis�harge or pay urtder
<br /> fhis AssignmeM or any t?elated Dacuments, Lender on Grantor's�a[f may€but shall not 6e o6ligated to}take any
<br /> actEon that Lender daerns appropriate, including buY not [imiie t discharging or paying a11 taxes, [iens, securiry
<br /> interests,encumbr�nces and other clafms,at any time Ievled o� on the Rents or the Property a�d paying all casts
<br /> for insuring, rciaintaining and preserving the Property. � expenditures incurred or paid by Lender for suc}i
<br /> purposes will then b�ar tnierest at the raie charged un er e ote from the date incurred or pafd 6y Lender to the date
<br /> of.repayment by Grantor. AII such expenses will bec� art of che lndebtedness and,at Lender's option,w€[t (A)
<br /> be paya6le on demend; 1B1 be added to ihe balan a��e Note and be apportioned among and be payable with any
<br /> ins'tallment peymer�ts to become due during eij�h�7} the term ofi any applicable insurance polic}�; or .(21 the
<br /> remaining term af the Note; or (C} be trea� 6aRoon paymeni which wi[I be due and pay861�at the Note s
<br /> m�tr�rlty. The Assignmerrt also will secura pay t of these amounts. 5uch right shall be in addition to al!other rigf�ts
<br /> and remedies ta whieh�ender may be entit�ed upon Defaialt.
<br /> DEFAULT. Each nf the fpf(owing,at Le�r' opti�n,shal[consYitute an Event af Defia�it under this Assignment:
<br /> Payment Defautt. Grantor failsto�ake any payment when due under Ehe Iniiebtedness.
<br /> 6ther Defaultse Grantor �j`� comply with or to per"Fnrm any other term, obligation, covenanti car condition
<br /> corrtained in this Rssl�7Tl�nr in any of ihe Related Docwnents or tu comply with or tb perform any term,
<br /> obligatian,covenant ition containetl in any t��Cher agreem�ent between Lender and Grantor.
<br /> Defaul�on pthar �'rrts. Fail�re of Grantor wichin the time rsquired by this Assignment to make any payment
<br /> for taxes or ins an ,or any oiher payment necessary to prevent filing of or to effect tlischarge af any lien.
<br /> Default 6n v of Third Parties. Any guaran'Ynr or Grantor defau]Ys urtder any toan,extension of credii,security
<br /> agreeny����chsse or ssles agreement,or any other agreement,in favor of any-other creditor ar person that rnay
<br /> materF317� ect any df any guarantnr's or GranSor"s property or abHity to perform their respective o6ligations under
<br /> this Assignment or any of Yhe ReEated�oc�ments.
<br /> False Statements. Any warranty, represer�tation nr statement macle or fvrnished to Lender by Grantor or on
<br /> Grantor's behaff under thts Assignment or the fte[atetf Qacuments is false or misleading in ar�y materia[respecf,
<br /> either now or at the firrte made or furnished or becornes false or misieading at any time thereafter.
<br /> Defective Coliateralizatiun. Th[s Assigrtment ar any of the Related�ocuments ceases to be in full forbe and effeet
<br /> (inoluding failure of any collateral documenY Yo cre8t�8 val�d and perFected sec�rity interest or lien}aE any time and
<br /> for any reason.
<br /> QeaYh or Inso[vency. Tf�e dissolution of Grantor's tr8gardiess of whether e(ection to contirrue is madaE, any
<br /> membar withdraws From ihe iimitad iiability compeny,or arry other terminatian af Grantor`s ewstence as a going
<br /> business or the death of any memb2r, the insalvency of GranTor,the appointmertt nf a receiv�r far any pa�t of
<br /> Grantor's property, any assig�ment for the benefit of creditars, any type af cred�toi wo�kout, or the
<br /> corr�mencemeni of any proceeding under a�y bankruptcy bt insol�vency laws by nr 2gairrst Grantor.
<br /> Creditor or Forfaiture Proceedings. Commencement af foredosure or forfeiture procaedings, whether t�y judicial
<br /> proceeding,self-heip,rEpossession or any other method,by any creditor of Graniar ar by any governmentai�genCy
<br /> against the Rents or any praperty securing Yhe [nde6tedness. 7his inc3udes a gam€shment a4 any of Cyranror`s
<br /> acetiun'ts, Pncluding de.posii accoe�nts,with Lender, However,this Event of Default shall not app(y if there i5 �
<br /> good faith dispute by Grantor as to the validiiy or reasonableness of ihe claim which is the 6asis af the creditor or
<br /> focfeiture proceed`€ng and if Grantor gives Lender wrrtten notice nf the ereditor r�r forfeiture proceeding and deposits
<br /> with Lender manies or a surety bond for the crediior or forfeiture proeeeding,in an amount deTsrmihed by Lender,
<br /> in its sale discretian,as being an adequate rBserve nr bond for Yhe d9spute.
<br /> Property Qamage nr i�s+ss. 7he E'roperty is[ost,stn[en,su6sta�iially darr�aged,sold,or borrowed against.
<br /> Events Affecting Guararrtar. Any of the peeceding evenLs occurs with respect ta any Guarantor of any of the
<br /> Inde6tedness ar any Guarar�tnr dies nr became5 lncompet�nt, or revokes or dispvtes the vafidity of, or liabtlfty
<br /> under,any Guaranty of the(ndebtedness.
<br /> Adverse Change. A materlal adverse change occurs in GranCor's financial conditian, ar Lender believes tfie
<br /> prnspect of payment�r perPormance of the intle6tedness is impaired.
<br /> Insecurity. Lender in good faith belieues iise(f insecure.
<br /> F{IGWTS AND REME�IES OP!DEFAULT. Upon the occ�rre�ce of any Event of Default and at any iime ihereafCer,Lender
<br />