<br /> D��D O�TF�UST
<br /> toan No:81o01i324 iGantinu8ci) Page 7
<br /> Time is of tha Essence. 7ime is of the essence in the performance of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Waiue Jury_ 6111 parties to this Deed of Trus[herehy wai�e the right to any jtiry tria3 in any action,proeeeding,or
<br /> counterclaim brought by any party against any other parYy.
<br /> VI/aiver of Homesiead�emption. 7rustnr hereby releases and waives all righis and benefits of the homestaad
<br /> exemP��an laws af the State of Nebraska as to ali Indelatednass secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> DEFPNfT[ONS. The fol[ow;ng capiYelized words and terms shaEE have Che fttllowing meanings when used in this Deed of
<br /> Trust. U€�less specificalfy siated ta the contrary,ail references to dollar amounis shall mean amounts in lawful money
<br /> of fEie United StateS ofi Rmerie2. Words and Yerms u5ed in ihe singula€5hall include the plural, and the plural shall
<br /> [nclude the sing�lar,as the context may requFre. Words and terms not otherwise defiined[n this Dead of Trust shall
<br /> have the meanings atrribUxed to such terms in the Uniform Cnmmercia[Code:
<br /> Benefieiary. 7he vuord"Beneficiary'"means Equita6le Bank,and its sucoessors and assgns.
<br /> Barrower. The word "Eorrawer" mear€s LONGLEAF LLC and includes all co-signers a�d eo-makers signing ihe
<br /> Note and alI their successqrs and assigns.
<br /> I�eed af"Crust. 7he words "Deed �f'Trust" rnean Ehls beed �f 7rust amang Trustor, Lenrier, and-€"rustee, and
<br /> includes withouE fimifation aIl assignment and security interest provisio�s relating to the Personal PraperCy and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> De#auh. The word"�efiau]t"means the L7efauit set forth in this L3eed ai Trust in the sectian titled"F3efauit".
<br /> Environtnen#af Laws. The words "Environmental Laws" mean any and all state, federal and I statutes,
<br /> regulatio�s and ordinances relating to the prolection of hecman hsalth or ihe environmeni, clu g without
<br /> IimitaYion the Gnmprehensive Envirnnmental Response,CarnpensaYinC�,and Lis�bi[ity AcY nf 1 amended,42
<br /> U.3.C.Sect3�n 9601,et seq. ("CERCLA"1,the Superfur�d Ame�dments and Reautf�orizatio af 138H,Pub. L.
<br /> No.99-499{"SARP."1,the Hazawdous Materials Tr�nsportation Act,49 U.S.C.Section 1$d� seq.,the Resnurce
<br /> Consarvarion and Reeovery Act,42 U.B.C.Section S9Q1,et seq.,or other applicable,gt�tir federal laws,rules,
<br /> or regulatinns ednpted pursuane thereto. �
<br /> Event of 17efa��t. "Che words"Event of Default"mean any of the evants of defau se farth 1n this Deed of TrusY in
<br /> the zvents of defiault sectian of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Guarantor. The word "Guarantor" means eny guarantor, surety, or a�modation party ofi any or ali of ti�e
<br /> Indebfedness.
<br /> Cauaranty. The word "Guaranty" means tF�e guaYanty from Guarant �o Lender, including Without Iimita#ion a
<br /> g�aranty of al[or part of the Note.
<br /> Hazarclous 5u6stancas. The words "Hazardous Substanae an materials that, beca�se af their quant�Ty,
<br /> concerrtrztion nr physicat,chemical ar Infectious char te ,rnay cause or pose a pr�sent or patential hazard
<br /> to human healYh or the enuironment when improper€y aied,stored,disposed of,genetaterl,rrianufactuied,
<br /> transporeed or otherwise handled. The words"H�zar u Substances"are used in their very broadest sense and
<br /> include witho�2 limitatian any and sll hazardous� substanees, rr�aterials ar waste as defined by o�listed
<br /> under'tfie Environmeniat Laws. TFce tetrr�"tiaz us ubstances"alsd includes,without limiiation,petrolsum and
<br /> petroleum 6y-products or any fraction ther�a d�sbestos.
<br /> Improvements. The word "�Improuecnen eans all exisfing and future improvements, bui[dings, structures,
<br /> mobile hames affixed an the Real Property,facilities,additions,replacements and oYher cQnstruotion on the fteal
<br /> Prnperty.
<br /> lndebtedness. The word "lnde �s" means all pr3ncipal, i�terest, and ather amoUnts, costs artd expenses
<br /> p2yablE.,unde,e+„�a": . e tl um8nt5, togethr:r with all ren8wal5 of, extensions of, mbdificatior�s of,
<br /> consokda�efge"s�f�"`�`s'iit7��� -foS�Qh�Note Qr Related Documents and any arnounts expended or advanced by
<br /> Lender to;;,.discha�'�e°a��: i6kAtg�tions or expenses ineutred by Trustee or Lender to enforce Trustor's
<br /> obligationssur3d`e'r��•�•, �£--�[€�st�Tergether with intetest on such amo�nts as provided in this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Spe.ci�icaYlp`�4'�`[tTio �"° aY6`rP,"^hnd�bted€�e55 inCfud�s the future advences s�t fortH Pn th� Futvr� AdvanceS
<br /> provisiQn, toqe r th al( interest thereon and all amounis ihat may be indireaily seeured by the
<br /> CrOSS-0011aterali�lh provision of this Deed nfi Trust.
<br /> Lender. e�d"Lender"means Equ3�able Bank,its successors and assigns.
<br /> Nat9. �r�Yd"NntE;"me2n3 YhE prnmis50ry nOt¢d8'CBd.luly 3i,20"[2,in '�he Origln3�(3r[nelpal aPROUR$
<br /> of $1,5�OQ0.00 from Trustor to Lender, together with all renewals of, extensions of; modifications of,
<br /> refindnCingS Of,CtlnSnlldBtitln5 tlf,8r�d sUbStiYVtlOn5'fnr the prtlmiSSOry nate Or 8g�reement.NoT[CE T6 TRUST6R:
<br /> Personal ProperYy. Tfie wa€ds "Personal PFoPerty" mean alI equipmeht, fixtures, and other articles of personal
<br /> p€operty now or hereafter owned by 7rustor, and now or hereafter attachsd or afifixed to the Real Property;
<br /> Yogether with all accessions, parts, and additions to,all rep3acements ofi, and all substitutions for, any of sc�ch
<br /> p€�perty; and together with al( proceeds (incl�ding without lim.itation all insurance proceeds and ref�nds of
<br /> premiumsl fram ariy sale or other dispasition ofi ihe Properiy. �
<br /> Property. The word"Property"means eo�lectCvely the k?eal['rQperty and the Persorta[Property.
<br /> RaaE Property. The words"Reaf Praperty"mean the real properry,interesis and rights,as further described in this
<br /> Deed of Tr�st.
<br /> Related Documents. The words °Related [7octtmerrts" mean sll promissory notes, credit agreements, ]oan
<br /> agreemenfs, env�ronmental agreemenfs, guaranties, security agreements, mortgages, deeds of 2rust, secutity
<br /> deeds, collateral mc�rtgages, and alI other instruments, agreements and documents, whether ndv�r or hereafter
<br /> exisxing;exec�ted ir�cQnnection with the[ndebtedness.
<br /> Rents. The word "Rents" means a(l present and future rents, revenues, income, issues, royalYies, profits, and
<br /> oYher ben�fits€ierfved from the Property.
<br /> 7rusYee. Tha word'Trustee" means Equita6le Bank(Grand island Regionl,whose address is 113-115 N Locust
<br /> St;Pd Sox 16n,Grand lsland,NE 68802-016p and any substitvee or successor trustees.
<br /> Trustor. 7he word"7rustor"rneans LQNGLEAF LLC.
<br />