<br /> DE�D OF` YRUST
<br /> Laan f�Io: 8700`[a24 {COt1tu'iUeda Page 4
<br /> af Deed of Trust; (3) a tax nn this Yype of Deed of Trust cHargeable agairrsi tfie Lendar ar the holder of the Note;
<br /> and (4} a specific tax ori a[E or any partinn of the Indebtedness or on payrnents af pr3ncipa!and interest made by
<br /> T�ustor.
<br /> 3utssequer�t Ta3ces. IF any tax to whieh this section appl�es is enacted subsequent to the date of this F3eed of
<br /> T�ust,this event shall have the sama effecC as art Event of Clef�.ult, and Lender may exercise any oT al[ of its
<br /> availa6le remedies for an Event af Defauft 8s provided below unl�ss TruStor either (11 pays the tax befare it
<br /> becomes delPnquent,or (2{ contests the tax as provided abave in the Taxes and Liens section and deposits with
<br /> Le€�der oash or a sufficierit corporate surety bnnd nr oYher securVCy sattsfactory to I�ander.
<br /> SECURITY LIGREEMENT; FINANGAIG STATEMENTS. 7he failowing prov€sions relating to thPs �eed of Trust as a
<br /> security agreement a�e a part of th�s Deed of Trust:
<br /> Security AgreemprYt. This instrumerrt sha�i conscit�e a Seaurity Agreement ta the extent any of the Property
<br /> cor�stitutes fintures,and Lender shall have aIP of the riglits of a secured party under the llnifiorm Comrnercia�Cnde
<br /> as amended frorn tirrte 2n Time.
<br /> Security lrtterest.: Upon request by Lender,Trustor shall take whatever actian is requested by Lender io perfect
<br /> and cot�t�nue Lender's security intarest in Yhe Ftents and Personal Property. ]n add'rtian to recarding this Deed ofi
<br /> 7rust in the real praperry records; Lender may, at any time and without fiurther authorization from Trustar, file
<br /> executed counYerparts, copies or reproductions nf fhis i�eed tsf Trusi as a financing statement. Trustor sha[I
<br /> reimburse Lertder{or all expenses[ncurred in perfecting or continuing this seeurity int�r�st. Upon defaulY,Trustor
<br /> 5hail noC rerrrnve,sever or detach the PersonaJ f'roperty from the ProperCy. Upo�dafau]z,Trustor�assemble
<br /> eny Personal Property not affixed to the Properiy ln a manner and aC a place reasonabl�r convenfen Trvsior and
<br /> i ende�and make it auailable to Lentler withEn three 431 days after receipi cif written demand�m L der to the
<br /> extent permittetl by applicab[e law. ����
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of Tr€asior (debtor] ar�d Lender (secured partg��nrhich information
<br /> concerning the securi2y interest granted by this I7eed of 7€us'€ritay be obYained(each urred by the Uniform
<br /> Commercia3 Code)are es stated or,the Yrst page of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSiJRAIVCES; ATTORNEY-IN-FAC7. The following provisions re[ ng�further assvrances and
<br /> attorney-in-fact are a pert of this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Furt6er Assurances. At any time,end from time to time, upon request of ender,Trustor wP[[make,execute and
<br /> de[iver,vr wilt cause ta be made,execitted or deEiver�d,To Lender nr to er's rJesignee,and when requesYed by
<br /> Lender,cause to be fiiled, recarded,reftled,or rerecarded,as the ay e,at such timE;S and in such offices
<br /> and pEaces as�ender may deem appropriate,any and all such mo� eeds of tr�st,sscurity deetis,securicy
<br /> agreements, finencing statements, continuation stateme�ts, struments of furCher assurarrce, certi'�icaYes, and
<br /> oYher rlocurnents as rciay,in fhe sote opinion of Lendet,be rt ary ar desirable in order to effecwate,complete,
<br /> perFect, continue, or preserve {7) Trustor's o6ligation �the NoEs, th�is Deed of Trust, ar2d the Rzlated
<br /> Dacuments,and f�k the liens and securiYy inieres r�by this 6eed of Trust as first and prior liens on the
<br /> Property,whether now owned or hereafter aeq�ired� ar, t7nless prohibited by[aw ow Lertder agrees tn the
<br /> contrary in writing, 7tustor shall rei�mburse Len� [ cnsts and expenses incurred in aannection with the
<br /> marters referred to in this paragraph.
<br /> Attorney-in-�act. If Tros€or faels to do any f ings referred to in the preceding paragraph,Lender may do sa
<br /> for and in the name of Trustor an[I at Tr t �ens�. Fpr 5uch purpnses.,Trttstor hereby irrevacably appoinTs
<br /> Lender as Trustor's attorney-in-fact for the�rpase of mak[ng,executing,deli�ering,fili�g,recording,and doing af.l
<br /> ather things as may be necessary nr desirable,irt Lend�r"S 301�opinion,to accomplish the matters referred to in
<br /> ihe preceding paragrapfi.
<br /> FULL PERFORMANCE. if Trustor�[�e Inde6tedness,including wiChout limitation atl future advanees,when due,
<br /> and otherwise perForms aiI they�i ions imposed upon Trustor under this €3eed of Trust,Lender sha[I execute and
<br /> sfefiver to Trustee a request f�fyll reconveyance and shell execute and deliver Ycs Tru.tor suitak�[e statements of
<br /> terminaiion of any finanei ��m2nt on file evidencing Lender's seburity in'terest i€�the Rents and ihe Persanal
<br /> Prop�rty. Any reconveya required by(au�sha]l be paid by Trustor,if permit2ed by appl�iceble law. �
<br /> EVENTS OF DEFAU[Ji!�i of the fio[Cowing,ai Lender's optian,sha(f constitute an Event of Default under this Deed
<br /> of Trust: i�
<br /> Paqme��i . Trustor fat[s tn mske any payroent when due under the IndeStedness.
<br /> Othar Its_ ?rusmr fails m comply with ar to perform any other term, obligation, covenant or coodition
<br /> containe n Yhi5 De9d nf TrusC nr tn eny o'f the ftafated Documents or to comp(y with or to per�farm arty term,
<br /> oh€igation,covenant or condition coniained in any ather agreement between Lender and Trustnr.
<br /> ComplEance Default. Failure to cnmply w'rCh any other term, n6iigation, covena�t ar condition containert in fhis
<br /> Deed ofi Trust,the Rlote or in any�'f the Relaced Documen2s.
<br /> LDefiault on Q#her Payments. Failure Qf Trustor within the iime required by this Deed of Trust to rTcake any payment
<br /> fnr tax�s or Ensurance,or any other payment necessary to prevent filing of Qr to effect discharge of any lien.
<br /> Default in Favor of Third Parties. Shauld Grarrfor de€ault under any laan,extension o#bredit,secUrity agreement,
<br /> purchase nr seles 2greement,Qr any ather agreement,in favor�f any other ereditor or person thet may materiaily
<br /> affeat any of Grantor's property ar Grantor's ability Yo repay the indebtedness or Grantar`s abi(ity to perform
<br /> Grantor's o6ligations c�nder this DeeeC of Trust or'any of Ehe Related Docume€rts.
<br /> �alse Statements_ Arty wananty, representat[on or staTernent made or tumished to Lender 6y Ttustor or on
<br /> Trustor's behalf under this Deed of Trus[or the Related L7ocuments is fial5e or misleeding in any material respect,
<br /> e3ther now or ai ihe*irrEe made or fumished or b2comes false or misieading at any time thereafter.
<br /> Defective Collateraiization. Tf�is �eecJ of Trust or any of the Related Documents ceases io be in iull force and
<br /> efifect(including failure of any coilateral documeni to oreate a valid and perfected security interest or lien}�t any
<br /> time and fior any reasan.
<br /> DeaYh or lnSOEvency. The dissoluYion of TrustQr's {regardless o# whether elscti6n td continue is made�, any
<br /> member withdraws from ihe limiteif liabi[ity compar+y, or any other termination of Trustor's exisfence as a going
<br /> busine.ss tlr the deatri of any rrrember, the insoivency of Trustor,the appaintment of a receiver for any part of
<br /> Trustor's property, arry assignmenl fo€ the benefiit of ereditors, any type of creditor woikout, or the
<br /> commencement nf any proceeding undsr any 6ankruptcy or insalvency faws by or against Trusiar.
<br /> Creriitor or�'otieiture Proceadings. Commencement of fore&losure or forfeiture proceedings, whether by judicial
<br /> proceeding�,self-he(p,repossession or any other methnd,by any creditor of Trustor or by any govemmer�tal agency
<br /> against any property securing the ]ndebtedness. This iRc[udes a garnishrnenY af any ofi Trusfor's accounts,
<br /> including deposit accaunts,with Lendee. However,this Event of Defa�lt shaii not apply if there is a good faith
<br /> dspute by Trust�r as to the validity or reasonableness of the claim which is the basis of the creditor or fiorfeiYure
<br /> prbceeding and if Trustor gives Lender written notice af the crediYnr nr E�rfeiture proceeding and deposits with
<br /> Lender monies or a surety 6ond for the crediiar or inrfeiture proeeeding,in an amount determined by Lender,in its
<br /> sole discretion,as being an adequate reserve or bond for Yhe dispute.
<br />