<br /> Lnan t�n:$9Q01024 �Cotl#ii�ued) Page 2
<br /> autl�orized user of the Property shall use,generate,rnanufiaeture,store,treat,dispose of or refease any Hazardous
<br /> Substance on,under,abouY nr from ths Property;and @} any such aetivity shall be conriucted in compliance with
<br /> all applicable fiederal, state, and loc8[ laws, regulaYions and ordinances, Er�clut(ing withnuY IiroitaYic�n al[
<br /> Env7ronYn0ntal Lews. TrusYor aut�otizes Lender and itg agents to enter upon the Property to make such
<br /> inspeciions a�d tests, at T€ustor`s expense, as Lenile€ may deem appiopriete to determEne compliance af the
<br /> Prnperey witt�this section of the Deed of Trust. Any inspeetions or tests made by Lender shall be for Lender's
<br /> purposes o�ly and s€Sall not Ge construed to creafe any resportsi6iliYy pr IigbT]'rty on Yhe part af Lender 2Q Trusior Qr
<br /> to any other person. The represerctatiorts and�nrarranties eontained herein are 6asecl an Trustor's due ditigence in
<br /> investigating the Property#or Hazardaus S�(istanees. Trustnr hereby {'C) weleases and waives any#utu�a claims
<br /> against Lender for indem�ity or contributian in the event Trustor becomes liable for cleanup or other costs undet
<br /> any such E�ws;and f2� agrees to indernnify,defend,and hold harmless Lerider against any and a]I cfaims,losses,
<br /> lia6ilities,damages,penalYies,and expenses whieh Lender may directly or indirectly suSt2in or sufie�'resu[t7ng firarn
<br /> a breach of this secYlon of the beed ot Trust or as a consequertce of any use,generation,manufacture,storaga,
<br /> disposal,release ar threaiened release occurring prior to Trustor's ownership or infieresi in the Property>whether or
<br /> not the same was nr should heve been known to Trustnr. The p€ovisions of this section of the Deed af Trust,
<br /> inc[uding the ot�ligation to indemnify and defertd,shall survive the payment of the[ndebtedne5s and the setisfactiort
<br /> and r�conveyance of t�e lien of this C]eed af 7rust and sha[I not be affectetl 6y Lenrler's acquisifion of any interest
<br /> in the Property,whether by foreClosure or otherwise.
<br /> Nu�sence. 1Naste, TrusYnr shali noi cause, cci€�duct or permit any nu[sance nor commit, permit, or suffier a�ny
<br /> .siripping of ar waste on or to the Property or any portiort af the Properiy: Without limiting the generaliYy Of the
<br /> fpreg0ing,Twustor will not remave,or grani to any other parcy the right to remove,any t:mbsr,miner (induding
<br /> oiI and gas1,coat,clay,scoria,soil,g�avel o�rock prod�cts wiiho�t't Lender's prior writCen eonse t
<br /> Remcnal oi I.rnprnvemerres. 7n�stor shail not demolish or remove any]mprovemants fram the a�iip rty wifhoui
<br /> Lender's priar wrSiten eonsent. As a conditinn tn the removal pf any Irrrprovements,Lender�require Trustor 20
<br /> make arrarsgemenis satisfactory td Lender to repiace such ]mprovements �ivith Improve�g c�£ at IeasY equal
<br /> Value. �
<br /> Lender's Righz t�Ewrter. Lender and Lender's agents and represen2atives may e r�n the Rea[Property at a[I
<br /> reasonable times to at[end to Lender's interests and to inspect ihe Real P ee' fpr purposes af TrusYor's
<br /> compliance w�th the terms end conriitions of this beed of T€vst.
<br /> Compliance with Governmental Requirere�ents. Trustor shall promptly mply with afl laws, ardinances, and
<br /> regulaEions, now or hereafter in efFect,of al]governmental authari"e��. ab(e to the use or ocoupancy af the
<br /> Property,€nciuding�nrithout limitation,the Americans With Di�abilitie rttstor may contest in good fiaith any
<br /> 5uch Iaw,prdingnC�,or regulation and withhald compliance dur[ng an roceeding,including eppropriate appeals,
<br /> sa long as Trustor has nofified Lender in writing priar to daing and so long as,in Lender's sole€�pinion,�ender's
<br /> interests in tRB PropeK+/are not jsopardf�ed. Lender may r�Trustor to post adeq�ate security or a surety
<br /> tiond,reasonably satisfactory to Lend�r,tb protect L�nder'��st.
<br /> Duty to Protect. 7rustor agrees neither to abandon a unattended.the Property. Trustar sha}I do aIl other
<br /> acts,in additiorc to those acts se3 farth a4ove in tki s ,whieh firom the cheracter arn9 use of the Property are
<br /> reasonably necessary ta protect and preserve the P�erty. .
<br /> DUE C31+i SALE-CORtSENT BY LEN6ER. Lender �Lendet`s opYion,dectare imtr�ediately due and payable all sums
<br /> secured by this Deed ot T'rus'[upon the sate a s w€thau2 Lender's prior written canser�i,of aIl or any part of the
<br /> Rea3 Property,or any interest in the Real PraRe A"sale o[fransfer"meens the conveyance of Real Prpperty er any
<br /> right, title or iroterest in the Rea[ PrnpeRy whether legal, benefieial or equitab(e; whether voluntary ar invaluntary;
<br /> whether by outright sale,deed, inStall nt sale coniract, land carztract, contract for deed, leasehold Cnterest with a
<br /> term greater than three(3}years,le o�in con2ract,ot by sale,assignmenE,or Yran&fer of any beneficial interest in
<br /> ar to any land ttust hoiding tit[e to�eal PrOperty,tlr by dny Other meChod of cortveysnc8 of an interest in the Real
<br /> Properry. If any Trustor is a c�o�r���n,partnership or Ilmited liabi]ity company,transfer a[so insludes any chan.ge in
<br /> ownership of more than twen j�ipl�ereern(25%)oi the voting stacic,partnerShlp tnterests nr limited liability cornpany
<br /> interests,as the case may�such Trusior. Hoti.�ever,this option shall nQt 6e exercised by Lender if sudh exercise
<br /> is prohibited by federal I iv e y Nebraslca I�w.
<br /> 7AXE6 ANCI LIENS. he Ilowing provisians relating to the taxes and 1iens on the Property are pert of this Deed of
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Paymen �r shall pay when due(and in aN events prior to delinquency]all taxes,special taxes,assessme.nts,
<br /> charge�uding water and sewer},fines and impositions Ievied agairtst�r on aecount of the Property,and shaCl
<br /> pay wher��ue all claims for work clone on or tnr services rendered or material furnished to the Properiy. Treastor
<br /> 5hali m8int,�in the Prnperty free of atl I�ens having priarlty over or equal to the intefest oE Lender under this�eed of
<br /> Trust, exeept inr the lien of taxes a�d assessrnents not due and except as otherwise provided in this Deed oi
<br /> Trust.
<br /> I�fght La CantesY. Trustar may withhold payment of any tex,assessment,or claim in corcnection with a good feith
<br /> dispute ouer the obligation to pay,so long as Lender`s interest in#he Proper2y i5 not jeopardized. If a[ien ariseS or
<br /> is filed as a result of rtonpaymant,Trustor shall within fifteen(15) days after the lien atises ar,if a Iien is filed,
<br /> within fifteen €15)days after Trustor has notice of the filing,secure the discharge of the lien,nr if reqtrested 6y
<br /> Lgncfer,deposit w9th Lertder eash or a sufficiert corporate s�reYy bond or other sec�¢rity saYisfactory to Lender in an
<br /> amauni safficient to discharge the lien glus any cosEs and attomeys'fees,or other charges that could aec�ue as a
<br /> resu[t of a foreclosure or saie under the lieh. In any cortest,7€ustor shall defend itself and�ender and shall satisfy
<br /> any adverse judgrnent befnre enforcement against xhe Froperty. Trustor shall�ame Lender as en addiiional obligee
<br /> Wnder any surety bond fvrnished in the contest proceedings.
<br /> Evidence of Paymerrt. Trusto�r shall upon c[em�nd furnish to L�nrJer satisfactory evidenee of payment of ihe Taxes
<br /> or assessments and sha(I authorize the appropriate governrnentai official to defiver ta Lender at any tim�a wriYYen
<br /> sYatement of the raxes and assessments against the Property.
<br /> Noxice af Construction. 7€usror shaEl notify Lender at least ftfteen tt 5�days before any work is commenced,any
<br /> services are furnished,or any rnaterials are supplied to ihe PropeRy,if eny mechenic"s li�n,mat�ria[rnen's lien,or
<br /> other lien coufd be asser[ed on account ofi the worlc,services,ar maferials. Trustor wi[I upon request ofi Lender
<br /> fumish to Lendet advsnce as5urances satisfacYory Yo Lender that Trustor can and will pay the cost of such
<br /> impravements.
<br /> PROPERTY DAMAGE 1tfSURANCE. The€c311owing prov€sions relating to insur(ng the Property are a part of Ehis Deed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> INatnCenancs of Insurance. 'T�n.€stor shall pro¢ure and mairtTain pol[cies af fire insuranee with scandard extended
<br /> coverage endorsements on a replzcement 6asis for the ful:l irasurable value covering aH Impravem�nts on the Real
<br /> Property 3n an amount sufficlent ta avo€d application o€any co'rnsurance clause, and with a standard mortgagee
<br /> elause in favar af Lender. TrusYor shall alsa procure and maintain comprehensive genewal Ciability insurance in such
<br /> coverage amounis as Lender may requesY with Trustee and Lender 6eing named as additional insuresls in such
<br /> liabi]ity irtsurance policies. Additi�na[ly,Trustor shall maintain such other 7nsurance,including but�ot limfted to
<br /> hazard,business interruption,and boiler insurance,as Lender may reasonably require. Policies shgiE be wriTten in
<br />