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<br /> { 1 b.Borrower's Copy Bortocver Ahnll be given one conformcd copy oi tho Noto and of this SxurIty Inetrument. �
<br /> ,� 17.Taaaier oi the Property or s Heaeiiaial Intereat in Horrowor. lf all or eny pert of tho roperty or nny
<br /> ���; interest in it is eold or tcanefernd(�or if a beneficI�l inturest in Borrower in eold or transferred asid Bottower ie not a -:�
<br /> .,��� natural pereon)without Lender's prIar wdttenconsent,L.eni�s opt�on hdl tnot'be�xier isod byi Lender�itnexercise is
<br /> ,,, sll eums sxurod by thie Seeuttty Inettument, However. �°-
<br /> prohibited by fedoral lnw as ot the dato af thts Security Inetrumont. --
<br /> xf Lender oxorciees this optian,I.endor ahell glve Borrower notice of accoloration.The notice ehell provida a period
<br /> �' at not Icss than 30 dayo from tho dnto tho notice ie delivered or mniled within ahich Bonower muat pny all sums aeoured `
<br /> . by thie SeourIty Inatrumont.If Borrower faile ta pay thesa sums prior W the oxpiration oi thia pariod.Lander may invoke
<br /> . , eny romedIes permitted by thie Soeudty Inatrumontwlthout furthor natiee or dem��o���i'have the rIght to have _
<br /> 18. Borrower's RiEht to Reinetate. If Borrower meots certain condtt�ons,
<br /> .:.�._��'� (. ea a rpclicablo law�may�uspeetfy orrro c►stntea►er►t)bef�ore salatof he P o�th p�reu nt to any p�owe�'of sale contnin�od in
<br />�',;.�;:�.;::;'�� this 3ecurlty Instrument; or (b) entry ot a1�S would be due undeBr thie�Socurtty Tc etr tme�nt and the N te ae�tf hno
<br /> Borrower. (a) pays I.ender all suma whioh th s�ll ex nsa3 incurnd in
<br /> ' accelerotion had ocaurre�d; (b)aurea any default of any ntha covenenta or agreemente�(c)peY Pa __
<br /> antarcing tbis Security Inetrument,including,but not limitod w,reaeanable atWrndpe'foea�nnd(d)takes such ectian as
<br /> '�`';"""' Lender may reasonably requIro w ese�ire thnt the lion of this Security Inatrument,Lenderss righte In tho Property and —
<br /> Bonower'a obligation to pay the sume secured by thie Security Instrument�hall cont�nue uncha¢iged.Upon reinstatem�nt
<br /> � �� by Borrower,this Securltq�Instrumont and the obli�atione secured hereby shall remain tulty ettective h 17no acceleration
<br /> ' had occurnd.However,thie rIght to r�ir�etateshall not ap ply in the case of cccelerstion uadar paragrap
<br /> ' �, 19.Salo of Note; Chaajo of Loan Serv icer.T he l vo t o or n p a r t i a l i n t e r e s t i n t h d Noto(together with this Socurity
<br /> Instrument)msy be so l d one or more x�m e a w i t h o u t p ri o rm���d �undar the Noto and thie Soc utlty Ihn�atgi�ument T hiere
<br />=� (known es tho"Loan Servlcer"�that collocte mnnthly paY
<br /> elso msy be one or more chnnges of the Laen Servicer untelated to a eale of the Note.If there ie a ohangn ot the Loan
<br /> '�� •�,•..� 3ervtcor,Borrower atll be given wrltten notIce ot the chenge� in nccordance with paragraph� 14 above and applicable lea.
<br /> ' ` The notica will state tha namo nnd address of the new Loan Servicer nnd the addrese to which paymants ehould be made.
<br />.�`� •�'��"�-� Tha notico wtll alea conttdn eny other iniormntton raqulred by applicable law. di ��g��or release oi
<br />•::�,�:} .: tY. - Zii. iIsaud�u��t��ai:ar,cs.Aart�°..'zr�Il not euuse orpermit tho P�+neo,�se, eposel�
<br />' �lr,-::;.�:.• • � any Haznrdoua Subetances on or in the Pt'ope�`tY•$orrower sh�ll not do,nor allow anqone els�to do,anyttun�affaciing
<br /> :��:�'`°��;.��� '. tho Praperty thet ie in violation of any Bnv�ronmentell-aw•The precedin two eentences shnll not a ly to 4he preeence�
<br /> I.
<br /> .�-',";
<br />-°__���,�FE?i; uae� or stomge on the Propetty of small quantttiea of Haurdoua Su tances that aro general Y recoSaized t° b°
<br />-;;�;;�,-.��R;' � appro�pnste to normel resldontial uses nnd to maintenanca oi tho Property.
<br /> ��:;•.�?� Borrower ehall promptly give Lender aritten notice of any inveatigetion,claim.demand�lewsuit or other actlon by
<br /> '-�-'�;'�'� � overnmental or regulatory �genay or private party involving tho Property and any Haza'do o �bstaa�o�f
<br /> �__�.�:,.; nnY B
<br /> -=a:��� Envlronmentel Law of which Borrower has cctuat kaowlalge.If Borrowor larno,or is notified by any g
<br /> -="M��Fl� regulaWry authorIty, that nay removal or other romodintion oi any Hazardoue Substeace ..tieatin�the Propert�i ie
<br /> ---�:_':W'°�,� noceesary,Borrower shall promptl�take all neceseary remodiel aationa tn accordance with Environmentel I.aw•
<br /> -�-=z:_,.-� As used in thia paregraph?A, Heznrdoua Subeuncea"are thoae substancea definod as toxtc or hazardoue subetances
<br /> "'"-"-�'— by Eavironmental Lnw and the following substances:gaeoline,keroeene,other flammable or toxIo petroleum produete�
<br /> — �"— to�uc icides and herbieides, volatile eolventa, matertale con4eining asbestae or formnldehyde, and radioacttve
<br /> ma sle,As used in this peragcaph 20�"Bnvironmental Lew"means federnl lawa and lawe of the jurlediation whero the
<br /> _ =� Property ie locaud that relate ta health,safety or environmental protoction.
<br /> --- NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lesider ivrther covenant and egroo as followe:
<br /> � 21. Accele:ation; Romedies. Leadar shall =ive nottce to Busrnwer priar to acceleratioa iollowint
<br /> - Borrower'e breach oi any covenant os�IIreement in this Securltq Instromeat(but aot prlor to ar,celeratton
<br /> - under para=aph 17 unleee applicsble law provides otherwi�e).The aotice ehall epecify:(�)the datault;(b)the
<br /> =
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