<br /> saCis�Caction, provided thaC sueli inspection shall be underCakcn promptly. I,ender may pay for the repaiis
<br /> and restoration in a eingle dis�ucsement or in a ecrics of progress payments as the work is completed.
<br /> Unless an agreement is made in writ3ng or Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on sueh
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds, Le�ider shall not be required Co pay BoccoweT any intcrest ar eartiings on such
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds. If the res�oration or repair is not economicafly Peasible or Lender's security would
<br /> be lessened, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to thc sums secured by this Security Iustrumenf,
<br /> whethcr or noC [hen due, wiYli the excess, if any, paid to Rorrower, Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be
<br /> applied in Clie order provided for in Sectioi�2,
<br /> ln the event of a Cotal Caking, desfructio�i, or loss in value of the Properry, the Miscellancous Proceeds shall
<br /> be applied to tlie suins securad by this Sccuriry instrumenf, whether or not then due, with the excess, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrowcr.
<br /> In the evei�t of a I��irtial t2lcing, deslruction, nr loss in value of the Property in which the fair m�ieket value ot
<br /> tlie Prol�erty iinn�odiaCety before die p�i'tial taking, destruction, or]oss in value is equa] to or greatsr Chan the
<br /> amoun6 af the s�tms secured by this Security InStrumcnC immediately before the partial talcing, desCruction, or
<br /> loss in value, wnless Borrower and Lei�der ol'herwise agree in writing, the sum5 secured by this SecuriCy
<br /> Ii�sCnimenY sl�all be reduced by the amouot of Che Miscellaneous Procecds ixiultiplied by Che following
<br /> &'acYion: (a) the total 2moun6 oP the sums secured immediately bcforo the p�tctill Caking, destruction, or loss
<br /> in vNlue divided by (b) Che fair markeC value of th�Properry iinmediaCely before the partial taking,
<br /> destruction, oi� loss in value. Any�balanco shall be paid to Borrower.
<br /> ln t'hc event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Pxoperty u1 which tYie Fair market value ot'
<br /> I�he 1'��operty immedi�tely bePoxe tlie ptirtial taking, desCructio��, or loss iii vt�ue is lcss than Che amount of the
<br /> sums septtred inunediately Uefore the puCial iaking, desnuccion, or loss in value, unless Bt�r�rower and
<br /> Lender othecwise a�ree in wr'tCing, the Misoellaueous Pxoceeds shall be applied [o Che sums secured by Chis
<br /> Security Inetrunient wheCher or not the sutns u'e tlien due.
<br /> if Che Propecry is aUandc�ned by Borrower, or iP, after notice by Lendex Co 13or�rower tl�aC the Opposii�g ParCy
<br /> (as defined in the next sentcnce) oPfers Co make an aw.ird to settic a claim for damages, IIorrower fails Co
<br /> respoii�J to Lendex wi6hin 30 days after Che date the�ioticc is givan, Lender is auUiorized to collect and appLy
<br /> the Miscellaneous Proceeds eiClier to restoration or repair of ttre PropexCy or to Clie sums sccured by Cliis
<br /> Secui�ty Instr�ui�iei�it, whcfher or not thei� due. "Opposing Ptirty" mcans the third parCy tliat owes Borrower
<br /> Misccllaneous Proceeds or tlie parCy against whom Borrower has a righC of aetion in regard to Miscellaneous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Borrower shall be in defaulC if any action or pr�ceeding, w[1el7ier¢ivil oi criminnl, is begun thaC, in Leader's
<br /> j�ldgmant, could result in forfeituie of tlie Property or oWier maCerial impniroie�it oY Lender's interest in[he
<br /> Property or righYs under this Seourify 1nsCrun�tei�t. Borrower can cure such a defaulC and, iP acceleration l�as
<br /> occurred, reii�state xs providcd in Section 19, by causing the action or procaeding to 6e dismissed with a
<br /> ruling tliat, in Lcndea�'s judgment, precludes forfelture of Chc Properry or other maYerial imp.iirment of
<br /> Lender's interest in the Property or rights under this Secnrity InsYrument. The proceeds of aiay award or
<br /> elaim for damages that are attribut�ible to the impairmenC of Lei�der's i�iterast in thc Property are hereby
<br /> assignetl and shall be paid to Lender,
<br /> All Miscellnneous Proceeds fhaC are nol applied Co iestor�ttion or repair oP the J'roperty shall tre applied in fhc
<br /> arder pruvidcd for in SecCion 2,
<br /> 2400160?
<br /> NEBHASKA-SIn91e Fnmily-Fannio�MaelFroddie Mac UNI�OHM INSTRUMENT Porm 3029 1i01
<br /> VMP�;� VMPti1NE)11106)
<br /> �Wolters Kluwer Flnanolnl Sarvivaa Pzye 10 0£19
<br />