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<br /> ,,�� 'I'OCi&Tf�R 1NF'I'H�ll�he�nprovemeaita naw or heccaRer crecccd on the ProPc�tY�an all easement,z.ePpunenu�es�uid
<br /> , �� [ixuuw�ow or hercaftu a part of the propertY.AU r�placcments and addittons 4ha11 also be covued by this Sxuriry Inswma►4 c
<br /> All of the foregoing ls refurod w in this 5ocurity Insuurnent as��c"Property:'
<br /> �,;� BRRROWBR COVHNANTS thnt Bormwer Is lawfully sdscd of the estates I�ereby conveyed and has tho right to gruit�nd
<br /> — convey the Property enQ thac the Property �s unencumbered,wcapt for encumMances of rxord. Borrowu wamnts and will
<br />�,,�� defend genaaUy the dde to the Pmpaty e8ainst all claims and demands�subjoct to any a�cumbcances of record
<br /> THIS SHCURTPY 1NSTRLJIu�N'T combines unifomt covenants for national use and non•unffcxm covenanu wlth limited
<br />- �, 1 veriadons by jw�isdlcdon to constiwte a unifam socurlty instrument covaing real proper[Y.
<br />':�� UIVIPORM CQVSNAIV'is.Bomawu and Lendtx covenant and agKx as follows: x7�n due tha
<br />«� 1.Payment Of PcincipNl Apd Iqte�t;Pcep�l?'�l�tt 4Dd Late Cit�es. BOtiOwu shall prompdY PAY
<br /> :y� principal of and interest on tha dcbt cvidcncad by tho Nae and any pr�paymeat and lau charges due undu the Nota
<br /> :;� 2.Fu�for Taxes and Insur�nce. Subjxt to applk�ble law a tr�a wriwen wa�vu by Lcndu,Barowa shall pay co
<br /> � l.enda on the day monthlY PaY�� are due w�der the Note�undl tbe Kot�is paid in fn1�.a sum("Funds")for_ (�)yeuly ta�ccs
<br /> � and assGSSrnents which may aqain Pdodty oves this Sxurity Iastrument as a lien on the Propeny:Eb)Yearly kasehold payments
<br />_T� ar gmund rents on the pra�e�tY•if eny:(c)Ywly be7�rd a propacy insurance pcar.�ams:(d)Yearly tlood insurai�ce prardums.if -
<br /> _= any:ta)Y��Y��BaB�insurence Prenduma�if any:end(�anY sums payabk by Borrowa to Le�ider.in nccordsr�ce with tke
<br />- provisions of paroga!►h S. in lieu of the PaY�t of mortgeBa insuramce premiums. 'IMse items aro ca1bA "fiscmw Iteans."
<br />�_;� �,,�r may�et any timo,coUect and hold Funds in an emount not w ezceed the mtueimum�►oun�a lender fa a fcder�Uy relAted
<br /> --- �ag�ioan may require for Barowu's esc�ow account undu tt�e fcxlc,�a1 Real Bstata Senknx.nt Proaedures Act of 1974 as
<br /> - — emaided from tirt�e tn time, 12 U.S.C.Sxdon Z601 et seq. ('RESPA"),ankss a��Ditkr law that applies w tl�c Furds sets a ks�er
<br /> amoun� If so.L.axier may.at any time. collecc and hold Funds in an amount nat to excced the lesscr am�unG i.endu may
<br /> estunate the amoant of Fhnds due on the ba�is of cumea►t dala end reasonable esdmaus of expendiwres of futune Es�r.ow Items or
<br /> ,� otherwise la eccordanco with aPPlicabb law.
<br /> _ :he Funds sh,ill be held in an instiwtion ahose deposits are i�uwrod by a foderal aBe�cY.instruma►tAlity.or endty(including
<br />- Lender�if l.en�la is soch an insdwtian)or in any Fodeiet Home L,00a Bank.I.enda shall epply tt�e Funds to pny Ihe 89crow
<br /> Ti��ms.T�may nos charKa Bartowu for holdinB and aPP�Y�B�Funds.annually analyzin8 the esaow s�cco'�nt.a vuifY�B
<br />-.�.� th�F.scmw I�en�s.unkss L:ndcr WYs Bo:rowes interest on the runds and epplice`vk�v��,�.--mi�I.�3a s�"�'�"savke usod by
<br /> _..-- However.Lendu may m4uire Bacowu to pay a one-ti�nc charge for an indepa�da►t nxl ast�te ta�c re�onnlB
<br /> --- I.ender 'n�cannocdon wlth th3s loae. unles.v eppUcabk taw provid�alherwise.Unku en agrec+nent is made or appGrsbk Yaw
<br /> roquires interest w be p�d,Lenda shall not be toquired to pay Bo�ruwa any intaest a eamings on the Funda Bamwar und
<br /> Lender may agcee in writu►g,howevu,that intu�est shall be p�id oa the�nds.I.ender shilla which each ciebit'�ltret�nds wag
<br /> annual ac�nting of the Funda.showing credits and debits w ttie Fuads md the pu'rpo9e
<br /> made.'Ibe Funds aro pledgod as additional securiry fa oll sums socu�by tRis Socuriry T�stcumait
<br /> - If tlte Funds NeW by La�der exoeod the�nounts pamitiod to be beki by applicabk law.La►dcr ahall account w Bomowa fa
<br />-:—.�— the exass Fands in aocordAnce wlth 1he re4ui�ents of applicable 1�w.If the amount of tha Fwnds held by Lenda ac any dme is
<br /> not saff�c[ent to paY the Bscmw Iwns when dua.Lender msy so notify Bocrowcx in wrtt�►g.and.in such c,sue mae than twelve
<br /> to I,u�der the amount necessary w ma1�e up the deficieacy. Borrowu s6all malce up the deficia�cY
<br /> monthlY PaYmants,at I�eader's sok dJscredon. nfund tn Boaowa any Funds
<br /> UP�u PaYma�t in full of aU sums sectued by thjs Securiry Ins�u.�natt,Lender shall promP�Y
<br /> held by Lender.If.onder P�r�Ph 21.LaHkr shall ac4�ire or seft¢he Prope�tY.Lender�Prior to Qa ecAuisition a sale of the
<br /> propa�ty,stwU ePP�Y�+Y�unds held by L�tda at the time of�quistdon a sal�as a credit egainst the sucn:cecured by this
<br /> Security Insuuma�G � nx,�u ceoeived b L�iuida para8rq�i
<br /> 3.Applkatbn ot Parmenta. Unkss applk�bk Iaw pro ides oil�erwLse�all FaY y �����
<br /> 1 and 2 sl�all be applied:first.co enY P�DaY���8es due undu ihe Note:second,to amounts payable
<br /> _..--- �hird,w in►aest dna:faurth.w P�inciPai due;and las�,w eny lau chargss duo under�he No�e.
<br /> 4.Char�eai Liens. Borrowa shaU paY sll tues.as.sessirients�charges.Cu�es and imposiaons am�ibuesblo lo ihe Propaty
<br /> — which may attain priori►Y ova this Security Instrumr,nt,and kasehold payments at ground rents,if sny.Bare�va st�all pay tlxse
<br /> obligations in tba manna pcovicled in paragca�h 2.a if not paid in that manner.Bomowu shall pay them on time directly to the
<br /> --- peraon owed paymen�Boccowa st�all promPdY fumi.gh w L.ender all notioes of euswunts w be p�id under this p�ca�ph•If
<br /> Bosrower m�lces Uiese pxyments di�ectly.Barower shall promptly fumish to Lendet teaipts evider�cing the paymaits.
<br /> — Bamaer shall psxrmptly d�scharBe any lien which has priority ovu this Socurlty In�rumrnt unless Bomower: (a)agroes In
<br /> ---— writing to tho payment of the obligation socured by the li�en in a man�er acc�ptabk to Lenda;(b)cantest�in good f�ith the lia�
<br />_ --- by, or defends agai�►st enforcement of the lien in� 1ega1 proceedings whkh in tt►e Leoda's opinia► opeeat�to pcevent the
<br /> _— — eriforcement of thc lien:or(c) socun.s trom thc holder of the lien an a�eemc�►t satisfactory w Lenda subor�lln�ting the lia►w
<br /> _=;;;;� this Sa�dry InsuumenG If Lender detennines that any parc of Ihe Prope�tY is subjoct to a lien which may auain prlvrlry over this
<br />--__— S��ty�nst�umcnt,Lcndet may give Bortower a noace identifying the liei►.Borrowcr shaU sadsfy the licn or lalcc one or more
<br /> =
<br />