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201206261 <br /> EORROWL�R COV�NANTS that Borrower is lawfu(ly seised of the esYate hereUy eoirveyed and htie tkic righl' to <br /> grant aud coirvey tl�e Praperry xnd that the�Proporly is unencumbered, except far encumbr�mces of r¢cord. <br /> Borrower warrtmts and will dcPend generally the title to ehe Property ngainst all claims and demands, subjact to <br /> any encumbranccs of record. <br /> THIS SECUIZITY 1NSTRUMENT combines tmiform covennnYs for iintioilttl use aud non-uniform covenants witl� <br /> limil'cd va�-iations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform eeeuriky instrumenC oovering real property. <br /> Uniform Covenants. Borrower and Lender eovenant and agree as follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> sl�all pay when clue Ci�e principal of, and intecest on, [he debt evidenc;cd by the Nohe and any prepaymeut <br /> charg�es and late el�arges due uuder Che Note, Bocrower shall also pay funds for Escrow Iteme parsti�ant to <br /> Section 3, Paymei�ts due under Che NoCe and this 5ecuriYy InsCrument sl�Fill l�e made in U.S, currency, <br /> IIowever, if any check or other instrument received by Lender as payment under fhe Note or this Security <br /> Instrun�cnt is relurned to Lender unpaid, Lei�der may recCuiro that any or all subsequent payments diie ui�der <br /> �he Note and this Secuciry Insh•ument be made ii� o�e or more of the following formg, as selected by Lander: <br /> (a) eash; (U) monay ordei; (c)certiYied check, bank,ettecl<, treasurer's clieck or cashier's chc¢k, provided aizy <br /> such cheuk is diawn upon an insti[ution whose deposiCs are insured by a Yedcral agency�, instrumentnlity, or <br /> enLily; or (d}Nlectronic Funds Trausfec. <br /> Payments are dcemod received by Lender wlien received at the loca�ion designated in the Note or at such <br /> othor locaCion as n�ay be designaCed by Lender in accordxnce wiCh Che noCice pt'ovisions in SecCion 15. <br /> Lender may return any payment or pnrtial paymeut if the paymen[or partial payments are insuft�cienC to <br /> bring tlie Loan eurrent. Lender may acc el�t a�iy p�yment or partial payment insufficient to bring the Loan <br /> cw•renC, without waiver of any rights hercunder ar prejudice Yo its rights to refuse such payn�enC or partial <br /> payments in [he future, but Lcnder is noC obligated Yo apply sucl�p2ymeilts xt the time such paymenCs are <br /> accepted. If each Periodic Payment is applied as of iYs scheduled due date, then Lender need noC pay ii�terest <br /> on unappl3ed lunds. Lender may liold such imapplied funds until Borrower maI<es pay�nents to Uring the <br /> Loan current. If Borrower does not do so witliin a reasonable period oP Cime, Lender ahall eidiee apply such <br /> funds or return theni to Borrower. 1P noC applied earlier, such fimds will be applied to the ouCsfanding <br /> �rincipx] btilance under Che Note immediately �rior to foreclosure. No offscC or claim which Borrower might <br /> have now or in tlie future against Lender sliall rclieve Rorrower from making payments dae uoder l'he Note <br /> and tliis Security Instruii�ent or perforn�ing Che covenanCs a��d agreements secured by this SccuriCy <br /> H7strument. <br /> 2. Applieation of Payments or Proceeds. Nxcept as otherwise described in this Sectioti 2, all payinants <br /> accepted and applied by L,ender shall be appLied in Che following orcler of'prioriry: (a) inCerest due under die <br /> Note; �(b) principal due ttnder the Note; (o) amounts due under SecClon 3. Such payments shall be np�alied to <br /> eacl�Periodic PaymenC in tlxe order in wl�ich it became due. Any remaining amounts s1�211 be applied first Co <br /> L�Ye charges, second to any other a�7ounts dac under this Secw'ity Instivment, nnd U1eii to recluce Cha <br /> priiloipal balance oY thc Nofe. <br /> If Lender receives a payu�enC Crom Borrower for a delinquent Periodic P�rymenc which includes a sufficient <br /> amount to pay any late cha��ge due, Che payment m1y ve al�plied to Che dclinquent paymenC and tlie late <br /> charge. Pf more than one Periodie Payment is outyta�zding, Lci�der may apply any payment received from <br /> 13orcower to the repayment of the Periodic Payments rf, and to the exCent ChaC, eacl� payment can be paid in <br /> full. To the exCent tliat any excess exists after the payment is applied Yo Yhe fnll payment of one or morc <br /> Periodic Payments, such exoess may be applied to any late eharges due, Voluirtary prepaymenfs shall be <br /> appliec( first to xny prcpayment eharges ancl Clien as deseriUed in the Note. <br /> 2A001593 <br /> NE6RASI(A-S'mgle Famlty-Fannie MaelFre�die Mec UMFORM INSI'HUMENT Porm�026 V01 <br /> VMP(n� ViViFSINtI U 106� <br /> Wolters Kluwar Flnonolnl Sorv�can Pepn Nnf 19 <br />