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201206256 <br /> BORIZOWER COVENANTS that Boxrower is Inwfiilly seised of fhe estate hereby convcycd and han tho right to <br /> g�ant and convey tlie Property and that the Property is unenctunbered, except far encnmbr�nczs oP record. <br /> Boirower warr�nts and will dcfend generally the title to the Property against all claims and deinands, subjecY to <br /> �siy encumbrances of record. <br /> THTS SLCiJRITY INSTRUM�NT combin�wii Corm eovcmanls fc�r national Luse and iion-LtniPorm covenaAits with <br /> limited variations l�y jm�isciicUon to oonstifufe a uni�Porm securilq ii2strun�ent covcrin�;rcal property. <br /> Unifc�rm Covenants. Borrowcr and Lcndcr u�vcnant and agrco as follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charnes. Aorrower <br /> shall p�y when due the principal aP, nnd ii�Ceresl on, Che debt eviclenced by thc Notc and any prcpaymcnt <br /> charges and late cl�atges due nnder the Note. I3ort�ower shall also pay funds For Eaerow ICems pursuurt to <br /> Section 3. PaymenCs dtite under Che Note�nd 6his Seei�riCy Instcun�enC ehall be made in U.S, cun ency. <br /> However, if any check or other instrument received by Lender as payment uucler the Note or this Security <br /> Instrtunant is retm'ned to Lendei mipaid, Lender may require tli�tt any or a11 suUsequent pe}nnents due tmder <br /> � the Noia and tl�is Secmity Instrumont be made in ottc or tnore of fl�c followiitg formsy as selected by I.eoder: <br /> (a)caeh; (b)moncy ordcr; (c) cerliCicd checic, bank chcok, 6reasiu�er's oheck or caehier's che cl<, provided an� <br /> euch check is drac�m upon an inslitution whose depasits are insuxed by a federal ageuoy, insttuuzentalidy, or <br /> entity; ar (d)Electronie I+unds Transfer. <br /> Payment�s �re deen2ed reoeived by Lencier when received at the location designatecl in the Note or et such <br /> other location as may Ue desigiu�ted by Lender in accorda�ice wiUi tlie noCice provisions in Section 15. <br /> Lender�nay rehtrn etny payme�rt or parria1 payment if tl�e pttyment��or partictl pa�y�ncnh are insufficicnti to <br /> bring the Lou�oi�rrenf. Lender ii�ay accept any paymenC or partial pnyinent iusufficient to bring the Loau <br /> curxent,witliout waiver of any rights hereunder or t�rejudioe to its rightg to refuse such paymant or partial <br /> paymenCs in the future, but Lender is not obligated t�o apply such payments at the time such payme��t� arc <br /> accapted. ,If cacl� Vcrit�dic Yayinonti is appliod as aF iCs eeheduled due dalo, Shen Lender need voti pay inlsrest <br /> pn anapplied Piuids. I,ender may hold such nnnpplied fimds imtil Barrower make,9 pnyments to bring the <br /> Lonn ourreut. If Borrowex does not do sa within a reasonable period af time, Lender shall either apply such <br /> fiuids or return tiiem to Borrower. If not apl�lied earlier, such fimds will be applied to 17ie outstat�ding <br /> principal balance tiinder tlte Nbte iinmedietely prior to forcclosurc. Nn offect or clxir�i wl�ich Borr�wer n�ight <br /> hflue now oL in the fuCw e againsE Lender sha11 reliave Borrower f��om malcing paymenCs dne uncler the Note <br /> und this Security 6istir�ument or performing ti�c covcmanie �nd lgreen�cnte secured by thih Sccurity <br /> InafnnuenC. <br /> 2. Application oP Payments or Proeeeds. Except es o�lierwise deacrived in this Section 2, �ll payments <br /> �ceepted and applied by Lander ehall be applied in the following arder of piioriCy: (a)Interest due midex fhe <br /> Note; (b)peincipal dtiie under t7�e Note; (c) amour�ts citie undcr Scc�inr� 3. Such pxyments shall be appl'rod to <br /> cac1�7'eriodic Payr�ient in the ordcv' in wl�ich iC bectune due. Any remauilng anlounCe shall be applied�Cirst fo <br /> I1I�oharges, second to any other nmoimts due nnder tt�is Security Instrument, vid then to xeduoe the <br /> principnl balance of the Note. <br /> If Lencier reoeives a payment from Borrower for a delinquent Periodie Payment which includes a sufficient <br /> vnounti to pay any laSe claarge due, the payment may Ue applied to tUa delinquenf payment aAid tl�e late <br /> chaige. [f morc tl�an onc Pcriodic Yayment is ou6�sCanding, Lencler in2y apply any paynienl eeceived fi�om <br /> Borrowex to the repayment of the Periodic Pnyments if, end to the extenC th�t, each paymont can l�e paid in <br /> f'ull. To the extenti lhat any exceas exists afCer the pa3mient is applied to tha full payment of ona or mora <br /> I'eriodic Y�gme�tts, such cxccss mtty bc applied to any 12fe chnrges due. VoluuCary preplymcnt�shal]be� <br /> applicd firsC Co any prepayment oliarges�pnd then ns descxibed in the Note. <br /> znoatsaz <br /> NEBRASKA-SingleFamily-FannieblaelFreddlo UNIFORh7 INSTRUMf-M Porm 367.0 1701 <br /> VM P p VIvtPO(NE)(11061 <br /> Wniterx I(luwar Flnanclal5ervlcex Page 4 of 17 <br />