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<br />A N 89'II'0.5' E /�gg IY A S B9'I4'0.7' W Assvmed Beu��+g __�-"}
<br />'__"_'�_"_"__'_"_" '
<br />Iwl Poinf 0/ Bsainnirw �Section (.ine
<br />£GEN
<br />�-ln co/es 1/2 lron P! e found Unless Olherxlse Noled
<br />o-/n0%ales !/2 /ron P/pe w/Suivey Cap P/aced Unless Ofherw/se Noted
<br />A-lndleales AC/UAL Dlstance
<br />R-tndlcofes RfCOR0E0 0/slance
<br />i, � �
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<br />Q
<br />4.14� 9 A �res
<br />9A
<br />� Locat/on Skefch
<br />Legal Descr/ tp /on
<br />A liacl of lond compdaing o por! o/ lhe Nodheasl QuoAe� (Nfl/4J, Sec!!on Twenly One (2/),
<br />� �ovrnshlp N/ne (9) Norlh, Ronqe E/evan (fl) Wes/ ol /he 6/h. P.M., /n Ha// Coun/y, Nebraska,
<br />'� maie paillculddy deacrlbed as lollows:
<br />� Oeg/nn/ng al fhe nodhaasl corner o/ satd Norlheosl Ouorter (N£l/4); Jhence iann/ng weslarly an
<br />� fhe nodh llne o/ sald Norlhaasf Quoder (N£1/4J, on an Assumed Beodng oI 589'f4'45"W, o
<br />° dlslonce o/ One lhousand Fou� Nundred Nlnely ffve ond Sevenfesn HunCredlhs (1495.17J leel, fo
<br />� Ihe AC7UAL polni o/ beglnn/ng; lhence running SOS'06'03 a d/sfonce o/ five Hundied Twenly
<br />� � lhree ond Seven/y flve Hundredfhs (52J75J /ee% lhence mna/ng SOS'S5'10 o dJstance ol
<br />� lhiea Nundred /hlr/y and Seven/y Nlne Hundred/hs (330.79) feel; Ihence running S28'1 /'43W/, a
<br />a dlsfance o/ One Nundred Th/i/y One ond f!/!y £/ghl Hundied/hs (/31.S8J /sel,• /hence running
<br />aO '�" S83'08$2 o dlslance o/ /hrae Hundred N/nely flgh/ and SLrleen Hundredlhs (398.16J /ael,•
<br />�� Ihence mm�fng S00'30'24 a disfance o/ Three Hundred 1en and Ffve Hundredfhs (310.03) /eal;
<br />� lhence itrnning N84'2731 "W, a d/sfonce o/ Flve NuedreC lorty flve and Nine/y Two Hundredlhs
<br />�� (545.91) /eel,• lhence running N21'f645 a dlslance o/ Nlnely £lghl and Slxty Twa Nuadredlhs
<br />�� (98.62) leel; Ihenca running N60'30'44 a dlsfance ol Twenfy Six ond S/xty One HunJsedths
<br />�� (26.6/) lee% lhence running N28'2359 E; o d/slance o/ Ihree Hundred S/x/y E/gh1 ond Seven
<br />Hundredlhs (J68.07J feel,• Jhence iunning N05'S2'31 ° E, a d!slonce o! Ihrea Nundied Twenfy 7wo
<br />� oad Nlne Nuadradlhs (J?2.09) leel,� lhence runnlag NO3'06'31 "W, o dfslance n/ ilve Hundred
<br />� Twenly fbw and fNe Hundredlhs (524.05J /ee% lo o paln/ on lhe nodh /!ne o/ saJd Nadheosl
<br />g Quorler (N£l/4J; fhence runnlag N89'l4'45 on fhe noilh tlne o/ ao/d Narlheasl Quoder
<br />(N£//4), o dlsfonce ol lwenly S!x ond fl/ly Nlne Hundredlhs (26.59J /eel, lo Ihe AC/UAL polnl
<br />o/ beg/nn/ng ond canlaln/ng 4.173 acres more ar /ess.
<br />Dedlcat/on
<br />KNOW ALL MEN 8Y THESE PR£S£N1S, Jhal CHAD J. C/0£ON onC KR/Sp £. C10£ON, husbond anE
<br />w!/s, and dIATINEW C. C/0£ON ond NfAIH£R 4 Cl0£ON, husband ond w!/e, beleg lhe owners o/
<br />lhe land descdbed heieon, have caused soroe 10 be surveyed, suBGlNdeQ p/al/eJ and �eslynaled
<br />us '�YN)lE IAtL COUN7FY SUBDIVIStON, Hal! Gounly; NeBrasko, as shcan on Ihe pecomponylag
<br />p(u/ Jheieol, vnd do heieby dedleota Ihe road r/gh1 p!' Way as ahow� Ihe�eop lo Ihe prr�s tar
<br />� lhetr rue torev8s dnd' !he eosemanfs, tf ony, as shown Jlraraea Jor ihe /naaHoii, cvnsirtrclfon and
<br />• molnleaoace oJ publla serv/ce a/d1Nes /nYavgy /agatAer w11N lhe i/gAf o/ Ltyress and agre�s
<br />� fhetelo, and heraby prolitblNng fhe pCanitrtg o/ trees, bushes and shruht, or plqCtng ofHei
<br />� obsfroclCans npon, ovar, olong oi anderaealh lhe sucJ¢ee o1 aucA Aosefianlsj and lhoE ihe
<br />h Jofegolag su6dlrl�(on as more padlcWaAY dasad6ad in fhe descrlpNon Nareon at appeais' on fMs
<br />< pfaf is made wllh 1he /rea consen/ onG7n accadance. wflh !AS des/rer o/ !hm vndarslgned
<br />.�
<br />.:! N£�92 A N Bf. � S1 pr .
<br />�
<br />3�rvs�o�r's C��ert/�lcate
<br />! heraby aeriffy tha1� qn Jana �l, 20}2, ! compfe%Q an accumle aurvey al 'WN/TE TAk
<br />CaUNl'FY �UBO1Vl5lOM;. Na/l CouAly, Mobrqalr.� as shown on Ihe eccampanylny ptat jl�ereo/, IhW
<br />fha 7ats, 6locks, sfreels, wenuss, allsys; paiks, eo#nmons qnd olher grounds as confoJ�ed In
<br />eaJd su6Atdston as shoWn on tha aoaompnnyGey y(ai lhereal u�a well aad aceurdtely Slokad o(1
<br />ond ma�lred; ihof trom m�rkeYS were .placed ut a/! la/ comers; INoF Ihe dknenstolls of aach !ot
<br />are as shown pn fhe qlol; lhal eacl� lot bears !ls own num8ei; and llial sald s�rvey wds
<br />moda wtlPr r�a !o Jurown a�rd racorded manumen(s.
<br />aery! Z��n Surveyor No. 5�
<br />SubmUled Ib and appraved by Iha Reylanal p/anning Commisslon of Hc/f Coanly, Groad
<br />I lslund, Wood RFver and e Vl/layes o!'Aldq Catro and Dor!lphun, NeBraska�
<br />� � C� �C �? f � � ..� �/�
<br />dlrmon Date
<br />Ap reQ amt caaeple4 By !he Ifall Cnunly 8oard o/ Snpervlsors, lMS�day o/
<br />aora.
<br />��;��,� .����-
<br />�a r �a oo :ot � er
<br />ticco
<br />�
<br />a++e
<br />� 1N /lfNfSS WNt'R£Of, we have o/qxad our s/gnalrrres herelo a/ Crond lsland, Nebroako, Itils
<br />0ay af e/n � 20/2.
<br />- ���ClPad J. Gdaon o •. aon
<br />_Y�aX K�l�V1X9�'�!� Heoll � Cldea n�_
<br />Acknorvtedgemant
<br />5/ale Ol Nabrosko
<br />Cuun/y Of Nu1
<br />On lh9�ay oF��+�,, 201Y, belore me ni1 Q SeinnlnnFrst
<br />o Nolory PubNr w!!$In n�+d lo� sald Caunly, peraonalfy appeareG' D J. C/ EON and llRfS71 f.
<br />ClOEON, husbane ond w/!a, anE MAIfNEW C. Gt0E0N dnd HF�SIHER L G/O£ON, hwbond and vAfe,
<br />io ma penortallp known lo b9 >tie /denllca/ persona wtiase slgnafuia+ ora alflxeC hereM; 6rid
<br />Jhaf ha eacb dfd acknawledge fhe execuflan fhereo( (o be hfs or her vqfuntory oc� ond deed.
<br />/N WIIMESS WNER£PF, 1 Nova hereunb aubacdbed mp rame aad aIllxeG my otllc%1 seul a/
<br />Croad Island, Nebraska, an Jhe �ate lasf above w!n1en.�
<br />Ny cammisstom erplier�°���Ts2CQ.'
<br />,+- ? �f8�/ P b77¢ � fSeal)
<br />— `N A �ami�u����
<br />- Om�t fACV�'
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<br />� �� N � �
<br />N.f. Cor. N£1/4 Set. 21,
<br />—---- 9 N= R II W, fwnG
<br />I, �� `
<br />