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<br /> 9?- 10'75'y'7
<br /> Bamower sh�U al�o be in defwlt if Bortower.during iho ban�pplk�Hon process�Bave matalally fal�a or Lucc�raie
<br /> intormuion cx sucemea�t+o Lender(or falled W provkk Lendu with eny mau�ial infonnadon)in connoction wi�th�
<br /> kf�n evidena�d by Ihe Not�o,including.but no!timited to, representadons ca�cemi�g Bamwa'a occupan�y _
<br /> pmperty as �principal rosidence. If thi� Sec�riry Tnsuument is on a kasehc�ld, Borrowu shall comply wltti the
<br /> provisions ot tha fe�e.It Barowu acquires fa Utic to the Prope�ty.the leasebold and foe dUe shall nM be magod
<br /> unkss Lcnda��aa Lo tha maga in writing.
<br /> �.Coaden�atbo.The procoods of my aw�rd or cWm for d�m�ges,duact or conso4uendal�in connecdoa with
<br /> eny condemn�tion a other Wcing of my p�[t of the Prope�ty.ar for caaveyance ln plaa of ca�dememnation.ere haebY
<br /> assigned and shau 6e pdd w Lender w tba ontenc i s�uon �n a the roduc��indebtednesa�und d,e No�i�e
<br /> Nol�e and thl�Socurity Inswmer«L�ender sh�ll�PP Y P�+'�
<br /> and this Socutiry Inununent�first w sny ddinquent�nounts�plied in the orda pcovidod in paragra�li 3.�nd then to
<br /> P�Y���P��MY�PP��of the prooeeds w the principal sl�all not extead a postpwx the due d�te of tbe
<br /> monthlY MY��which are reierred to in paragtapti 2.a change the a�nount of such payn�ents. Any acc+css psuo�sRa
<br /> oves�n�wunt requ�red w pay all ouut�nding indeModness undar the Note and ihis Socurity Icu�trument shall be paid W
<br /> �he endty kg�lly endtied ttxreio. , Borrowu sQu►U pay all
<br /> 7. cwr�es a sorro+rer aaa rrotectio. ot te.aer s wehts i� tYe Propeny.
<br /> govunmentel or municip�tll ch�r8ea.Cuxs and impositbns that�re not 9ncluded in para�2.Aormaru shalt pay thae
<br /> obljgatiaes on time dicecdy W 1he endty which t�owod tba paymen�If failtue to pAY would advRrsely�ffect I.caukr's
<br /> in�arat in the PropatY,upon Lender's rzquest aarowcr ahall I�PUY fumish to Lender roceipts e��idencfng thwc
<br /> P�Y��• ta a the payments requirod 6y p�agr�ph Z,ar irils W p�'orm any othu
<br /> U Bonowa fiils a m�lce�hCSa p�yma� ��y �uy
<br /> uovaynts and agceu►xnts ooatained in thiti Socurity Instrumeat,a tha�e is a kgxl Pr000edin8 .-
<br /> effect Lra�dcr's right� in the Pcopaty(such a�R proceaUnB in benim�P�Y•for condenuiation a to eafa�ce laws ar
<br /> regul�t�orta)�t t�e»I x�d e r m t y d o a n d p a y what�ever i�s n e c e s s a ry io p a o i e ci'��a��o af�.�»~i'i�x L�d�'°r� . .
<br /> in tl�e Prop�xty.incG�d�nB WYma�t of ta�ces.luv�rd insnru�ce and oB�a itans me�tbned in p�ag�aph 2.
<br /> My �nounts disbursod by La�de:unda this p�regc'sph sfwU becane an�ddltioaal dabt of Bo�r�wer and be
<br /> xcurod by this Socudty Instnuna�t'lt�ex�nounu sf�all be�r int�aest fram the dat�e of disbursement,�c tfic Nota ra1e,
<br /> �nd�t the option of L.ender.aball be imn�odi�tely due and pay�bk.
<br /> Boerowa at�U promP�Y��8��►Y tiai wbich has prkxity ovu this Sexurity Yngwma�t w�kss Barower.(a)
<br /> �req In wdring to the payma�t of the obligatioe socurod by tbe lien in a rcwma ecceQtAbk w I�endu;(b)eaeteas in
<br /> good faith the lia�by.a defends ag�inst enfacoement of tde licn in�k8�1 Procoodin$s which in the Lenda'a q►inion
<br /> oper�e t�o pcewent the enfaroeme+�t of tha Uen;a(c)secures from tbe talder of the lien aa ag�oemau satisfactory to
<br /> Laida subad'wdng the lia�co dti�a Socudry Insaumen�tf L,auler detumines�hacany pacc of�ha Propacy is subjocc a
<br /> a liai which may Mtain Pr�aitY ova this Security Instrument,Lenda may giva Barower a notice kientifying tho lia�.
<br /> gocmwer atull s�isfy d�e 1ip�cx take one a mae of the�ctjons set fath abova within ZO dsys of the glving of notic,�.
<br /> 8.Fep.L.enda mty oollect fees and cttarges autt�orhed by tl�e Seccetary.
<br /> 9.Gror�cN tor Acoeknfbn o�Debt.
<br /> (a)Defi�it.I.eader may�exc�pt a4 Wuted by crgulations issuod by �1ie Socret�r7'� in the case of peymait
<br /> defiults�ro4uira immediata P�Yma�t in full of all sums�ocurod by thia Socuriry Ta�rument if:
<br /> (i)Bamowet defaults by felling 6o pay in full any monthlY PAY�nt re9�ir�!by this Secuciry Instrument
<br /> prior a or on the due dAte of 1he nexi moatlilY i�Y��uc
<br /> (ii)Bamwer defanita by fdling,fa a perlod of U�i�ty days,w perfam any otha obHgadon�con�inod in
<br /> th�s Secutiry Inauumen4
<br /> � (b)S�le Wtthout Crafit Approwl.Lender sha11,if pmniaed bY�PA����'(�l�"g��0rt�1(d)of
<br />- tho Gyrr�,g�acrm�in Deppsiwry Instlwtions Act of 1982,12 U.S C.1701 j-3(d))and with the pria�Pproval of
<br /> the 5ec�+etary.ro4niro immedlate PaYment ln full of all sums ax�ar.��ay tfils Securtty Insttument if:
<br /> �4R(ME)�oew).o+ P�p�4 01• �mnus:
<br /> J
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