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�o��o���� <br />3308681006 LIMITED DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that Ann Mari e Schni eber <br />(herein after called "Grantor") whose current address is 7102 S 158th St , Omaha , NE 68136 <br />does hereby make, constitute, acknowledge and appaint Randal l S Schni eber <br />whose current address is 7102 S 158th St, Omaha , NE 68136 <br />as his/her true and lawful Attomey-in-Fact, with the full power to bargain, sell, convey, purchase, finance, <br />and/or mortgage the following described real estate (hereinafter called "The Property'�: <br />Land situated in the County of Hal l , State of Nebraska <br />See Attached for Legal Description <br />Also known as: 4022 Northvi ew Dr, Grand Isl and, NE 68803-3832 <br />Tax Id No.: 400429349 <br />A�fomey-in-Fact is specifically authorized to perForm any and all acts and to execute any and all <br />documents in the name of the Grantor necessary to sell, convey, purchase, finance, and/or mortgage <br />The Properly as Grantor might do in his/her individual capacity if personally present, for such price or <br />amounts and upon such terms or conditions as Attorney-in-Fact may deem reasonable and proper. <br />Grantor hereby ratifies and confirms all that Attomey-in-Fact does or causes to be done pursuant to this <br />Power of Attomey including, but not limited to, the authority to make, sign, co-sign, acknowledge, <br />amend, alter, deliver or receive any: Purchase Agreement, Real Estate Contract, Deed, Note, Mortgage, <br />Riders, Real Estate/Property Tax and Tax Exemption Forms, A�davits, Land Contracts, Assignment of <br />Land Contracts, Closing Staiements, credit applications, insurance forms related to The Property, <br />Disbursement Statement or "HUD-1" Statement; and any agreement for documents or funds to be placed <br />in escrow with instructions to the escrow agent for the delivery of documents or funds, and the authority <br />to endorse and deposit funds to any account of the Grantor. <br />All rights, powers and authority contained herein shall not continue beyond SIX MONTHS from the date <br />hereof and shall be durable and not affected by dPath, disability, or incapacity of the Grantor except as <br />may be provided by applicable law. <br />Dat : Witn ses: <br />l.�i� <br />� � <br />GRAIVTOR A Marie Schnieber <br />STATE OF } <br />} ss: <br />COUNTY OF S�rQy } <br />�� ��y� <br />On � l "1 � ?�DIZ , before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said state, <br />personall� appeared Ann Mari e Schni eber , <br />personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, to be the person(s) whose <br />name is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshe/they executed <br />same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s} on the instrument the <br />person(s}, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. <br />Sigtiature <br />i � -e �� <br />P nted Name <br />� <br />L <br />Signature <br />ls1/�.OJ1 �� �r►S <br />Printed Name <br />� <br />Notary Public�Gounty of <br />I�o/nmyss�n expires: <br />State of <br />d After Recording Return to <br />2384048507 <br />2002/08 LDPOA.PCL <br />Ann Mari e Schni eber ��LpOTA�f -S�teotaet� <br />e <br />7102 S 158th St CHAD BERGMIW <br />Omaha, NE 68136 �►��a•� r,a <br />