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<br /> , ASSICiNMENT OF RENTS R IDER 9��° 1(�9
<br /> THI9 A3310NMENT OF f�NTB R10Efi K maA� �nd rx�CU1W ihft�,,,,,, tl1r ol,._ Sl�1�[I,�b�� ,_,,, ���r . 1nd Y
<br /> Ineorponit�d fnlo Iuid th�M b� dwnNd to am�nd and wppyrtNnt th� Mortyoq�or DNd ol 7rus1, h�nYS�fl�r rMKnd te �s Ih� "S�curNy
<br /> MsMum�nt', ol th� � d�N qlrrn by th� undwnlpnod, hinln�hu rNvnd to �s In� 'Bono�w�r•, to aoun Borrow�'� McMbl�dnN�,
<br /> n�nh�nw rahrnd to w��,'�.'�t.", to UNITED NEBR��,@!�[.+(K
<br /> , n.r.h.n«►.i.r►.a eo�� �n. •u�d«•, o�►n. u�. aa.nd oo�w e+�
<br /> rrn�y tMsGr�tl In �t�Socurky Matnrment�nd loc�Nd�I:
<br /> �1ZS � �yy00D�u�n_ �s��ue ��1l�lRl�IF�E�.��4��Q�7 ._
<br /> (ROr��t�A�arw�l
<br /> WHEF�AB,BortovNt�nd LsndM haw sOrNd th�t�ny rMitt�nd prolits �ttrlDutabll to Ihs propMty thould consikut�lddMbnal s�CU�
<br /> to th�UndK la th�p�yrtMnt of th� NoN; �
<br /> NOIY,TFIEi�FOF�,It M qn�d tlu�t tM S�eurMy In=ttum�nt iMN b��n�nd�d h�nby and dMrtwd to Inolud�lh��abwlnp ptovkiona:
<br /> 1. �stonm�nt of Rrnts�nd I.�ndx R�ntal CoNoction Wohts. Bor►ow�r h�nby abloluMy �nd uncondkbnay •::bn: ar�u, ktuM
<br /> �nd pro1R�ot th�Frop�ty lo B�nNialnry. L�nd�r sh�N h�w tl�iipht,pow�r�nd wthalty durhp tM contk�wna al th�S�curky InskunNnt
<br /> to coM�ct th�►mts,faws and praHts of th�prop�ty�nd of any p�nonal prop�rty lout�d thK�on wkh or wNhout t�kinp poasetslon ol tM
<br /> propKty�(�cbd h�r�by. L�,hovwver.hw�by Consont� tA Barrawar'i Catt�ctbn and rotonNon ot suaA ra�ts,Iswts tnd prolka ne thef
<br /> �ccru� and b�com� p�Y�bM,�o bnp t�s BaROwrr k �ot,at such tim�, h d�huk Mih rap�c! ta payrtwnt o} �ny Ind�bMdn�sa s�cund
<br /> MtWy, a h tM pKfomNnc�oi �ny ayraement hanunder.
<br /> 2, Aocolnun�nt of Frc�Mr. If�ny�wn! ol d�huN in roap�ct to th�S�curky InsWmwnt sh�N h�w oCaurtW�nd b�CHntY�uir►p,i.mdlr,
<br /> as a maMx.of ripht end wkhout notle�to Bqrtow�r or anyone c4►iminy unWr Ciorrower,�nd wkhout rpud to tha valur of tMw 7ruEt�a8uts a
<br /> th�ht�rlMt of Ih�BorcOwK thK�h,sh�N haw Ih�ripht to�pply to any couR havinp jurodiolbn to appoht R nc�M�r of UN proprrty.
<br /> 3. Wohf to Po�s�tsbtl. In C�s�ol dNwlt h lh�pllymMtt of th�sab princq�l Nal� a ht�rKt,or�ny part th�nof,�s k�MN rtrtun,
<br /> a In tM caso ol faMun to kNP or p�rfortn�nY ot ttw eonwnmt� ar�prnm�ntl aontlhad h tt+� S�eurky Inatrum�nt,ttNn th� Undlr, Mt ,
<br /> succ�taat or usipm, shal b� �nd Is hrnby �uthorix�d and �npow�nd to t�k�Yrx�wdfet� posaa�fon of ttN ald pnmis�s thKNa
<br /> dsscrbd�nd lo ooM�ot th�nnri th�nkom,�nd to�pply Ilw procNds th�nof to tho aymmt of th�Not�.
<br /> , �, �,Qf FUnta,l�suq �nd Profks. Aq nnts eolMct�d by L�nd�► or th�nc�U»r sMN b��ppNW trst to p�yrt�nt o�th�coso
<br /> • of rtw��pwrNnt o( th� proprly �nd ColNatbn of ronta, includiny, but no! lirnil�i to,rec�Nor's lees, pr�nlurris on racetvwt bonda and
<br /> ' natal�bN�ttan�y's N�s, �nd thx► to tha sums s�curod by th�S�curMy hstrummt. Lad�r and M�nah�r aheH be Ikblt to account aMf
<br /> for thos�wnb�atwMy ncrhtid. ,
<br /> 6. ����t t d Prcvi�bn�. E�ah ot tM provbWns contain�d in this Aselpnm�nt ot FMnts Ridw �nd M�S�curily Matrument�htl,
<br /> unlKt oNwrwiN �p�o�lcaly nqufnd, W aonaUu�d h accordmce witA NWraalu Mw, antl h Ihe ewnt �ny provklon h�nb o1 thK�h
<br /> cOnt�h�d th�A b� d�M�1nM1d by • couR of r,ompeten! �urlstlkPAn t0 h� unonlorCMbir, lh� �n+s ih�M b� oonstrwd ad Mouph weh
<br /> un�nto�cMbl�prpvitbn w�n1 not put h�rwf w th�naf. •
<br /> 6. EN�ot of i�id�r. Exe�pt u sp�oMfc�My modMi�d by or Inconakt�nt wkh this Afefpnm�nt of Rpnt� Fild�t o� by�ny other�pptcwbY
<br /> rtd�r,aN of tM Mrm� �nd provisbn�Cont�h�d in tM S�CUrity In�trummt aluM conlhw h fu1 foro�tnd�M�at.
<br /> IN W(TPIESS Y►HEREOF,Borcow�r haf a�cut�d►his Assqnm�nt of Fi�nts Fitd�r on Ih�d�t�flr�t nat�d�bovP.
<br /> T.
<br /> Borrowa ��� '
<br /> A �w �
<br /> .
<br /> ecrrow.r
<br /> � COUNTY OF HALL �as�
<br /> ; On tnk.�_day o� Saotember , 1997 ,ba�an m�,�n•�nd.ra�n.d, a Noury PubNo duy commbsbn�d �nd
<br /> j quat�e lor sakl County,pereona�y carrh CLYDE J MEIS ANp.RdSEMAiiY A MEIS . HUSBAND AND WIFE.
<br /> - .to
<br /> ' b�ths idmticN puson(s) wAOSe nnme(s) ►s/en sub�crfbed to the foropohp hstrum�en4 and hdshWthoy ack�towbd�th��CUtbn lhKrof
<br /> � to b�hbANrhMir voluntary�ct de�d.
<br /> S Wknns my h�nd�nd � t C3RAND ISl.AND ASKA h county, ih�
<br /> , dab atontald. �yE9
<br /> 'y�?�y01�. // �
<br /> �. � .,.
<br /> � °a,��� fi���o� ti � Mo �., c L
<br /> My Commitabn a.�cpk�s: U U T 12 Q��c������'i
<br /> O�
<br /> FtNt6.LM0 (6/9a)
<br /> 688
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