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<br /> � - � < � .:,.�,. ._.,��J,Ci.�hyiqt.., �frf" ����;•�.�f StDc -
<br /> r�,f� !�5�( 1 t 1�i',�.i��-, y(1,--�'Y,» �LL�.
<br /> �!`11�'i�i� f, �fl�i�i�:.
<br /> _ �t{l— —s__' _"
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<br /> —______�.,..�..g�aw�..v*.o'�..�'�..' ..
<br /> Borrovw►'s Kcrow�ccouM undK th!hdKAI RNI EilaN EMtMrnon�p�A�����t o1 1974 lt amendRd hom tMe l0 tirM. 12 U.S.C.
<br /> • �pt q�,(�apA'1,unlH�fnothK Mw Ih���pp�M lo th��'undr tN��M�sK�^�unt. 11 so.Lsnder msy,et sny tkn�,coN�ot�nd
<br /> hakl Funds In�n �moun!noi to �+toMd lh�MtMr�mouM' GN1d�������R1�th��mount of tunds dua on the benl� ol curt�r►t detR
<br /> and r�tonlibM MtYn�tN ol rxP�ndNurw ol lutun��C�uw Il�n'i�or QIh1�+wk� ��coord�nca wRh epPl�able law.
<br /> Th� Fund� s�11N b� hNd In �� ���Nutbn whot� d�Op�M� u� InRUr�d by p Nd�ral aqenay, hatrumantaYty. a entky (Includinp
<br /> L�ndsr, N UndM k tuoh �n InslNutlon)or h �ny fWa„1 Hh.rr�u d,��nu�My i'n�3Y1Q t'h��SCroWe acaou to a Bv�inp tha H�o ow
<br /> Lmd�r m�y not ohup� 8orrowK lot huk11n0��d �PPb 0 m�����nd�r to make suoh a annrge, Hnwever, 4endar �
<br /> It«rts,unbe�l�ndM P�y� Bonow�►htK�ft on th�Fund��nd�pP��b1�aw p�r �
<br /> msy requMe Pnrrower to p�Y� anrtYrn o►+tr{r far�n IncHp�nd�nl rMl �it�t�t�x t�poAh ab�rv�0 �qukea interest o be pa�dt'Lendsr 1
<br /> thk lo�n. unlKS �PP�abM Mw provld��otMrwlN. UnMs��n �prMrnwU H r�-w�cfa or upp' � —
<br /> ah�q not b�nQuind tc P�Y BorrowK�nY Int�n��ar Nminq� on th�Fundi. Borcow�r and L�nd�r may ayree N wdhg,hawever,tha!
<br /> InfK�st sMM M pdd on th� Funds. l�ndK �h�N plw to 9orcow�r, wNhput ol�wrp�, �n �nnual accounttng oi the Funds, showhp
<br /> cndri��nd d�bk�to th�Fund� �nd tM purpo��lor whbh Moh d�bN to lh�Fundf was mRda. The Funds are ptedQed aa addRbnal
<br /> s�curNy for�N tum�s�cund by th{s S�aurNy Inst�umM�t•
<br /> �I th�Fund�hNd by Und�r�xCMd th���''�+���P�Kt�!0 b�h�b G!�PP���bM�W��-onder ehall a000unt lo Bonowar for the
<br /> �ocoas�Fund� In �canrdaoa wkh th�rpukMrNnt� 01�pPlbabw k1w• ��tho�mount ol th� Funds hetd by Lender at any tYne is not
<br /> auflbNnt to pay tM ERCrow It�ms whw► dw,L�nd�r rrwY �o notfy Borcow�r in wrkinp,s��osmoreCthan�twabeemonthy payment�,�ec
<br /> the amount n�a�uary to mtk�up th�defbbnoy. 8orrow�r�hllll n'Nk� up th�dof�Mnoy
<br /> Undx'a tob dkontbn.
<br /> Upon payrtwnt h hrM ot�II tums t�ouad by thN S�curNy In�lrurtwn��L�ndrr ih�ll promptly retund to Borrower eny Funda hel y
<br /> LM�r. 11, undK Panpnph 21, 4.�ndN sh�ll�oqufn or ��H th� PropKty, L�ndw� Prbr!o tA� �cquiskbn or sale ot tho Property,ahali
<br /> app}y eny Fundc fiald by Lentkr e1 th�tim�oi�aquhNbn or uw a��erMK�W�k►�t th��ums ��cund by thls 8ecurity Instrument.
<br /> 3. Appllcdlon of P�ymenb. UnNSS�pp�b�bM Mw provldN oth�rwls�,di payr�wnt� rxaivod by Lefitler under�ragrspha
<br /> � and 2 �hi�t1 p�i,pplMd: fYst,to�ny pnpaYmMt eh�rp�� d�+� u��th� Not�; t�oond, to�mount�payabM under psnptaph 2;3hlyd
<br /> to int�nst dw� tourth,to ptinoipal dw;��d 4�a1,to�ny wl�oh��p�f du�untMr th�Nol�.
<br /> 4. Ch1����; Llen�. Bortow�r ih�M poy �N b���� a«���m�nt�� oh�rpe��
<br /> flnf� �nd fmpoaltbns atlributebla to the PrppeAy
<br /> whbA m�y �itRin P►b►itY owr this S�curNy Initrum�nt, �nd Mn�hold p�ym�+ts a O�ound nnts, N eny. Borrowar chaN pay t��s�
<br /> obNp�tbn�in th�rru�nnK provid�d In p�n9nPh 2,or N not Qab in that rrNnnN, Borrow�r�h�il pay thsm on tlin� directy to tha pnrsan
<br /> owsd puYm�nt• 8ortowK chaH prompty lumkh to L�nd�r�N notk�s ol�mount� lo b�p�ld und�r thif paraqraph. It Bortow�r makes
<br /> thsa payr►�r►ts dlnoty,Borroww shtN prompty lumbh to L�nd�r nc��p��t���hp lh�p�yrt�Mt�.
<br /> Bortaw�r sh�N prompty dboh�rq��ny IMn wh�h h�f prbrNy Owr lhK S�curNy In�trummt unMas 6orcowK: (a)a�rees h wrNing to
<br /> ths p�yrtient o1 th� obNp�tbn �acund by lh� INn In � m�nner IICC�tItbM t0„b d�r',�(bi:ootp+/VM1�h��fac tir+wn�olbhapUen�o(b)
<br /> , w�q.s«�tnm.ment of th�H�n In,MO�I ptqCMdhp�whfoh In lh�LMdK't Op „ h�„ H.curky Instrum�n4. II Le�d�r
<br /> Ncuns kom tM hold�r ot th� Iwn an �prMrnN�t �atl�Matory to t�nci�r su`vi+���z:i�+� in= �• t_ t L��y mA ke
<br /> d�t�rmtn�� that mY P�n„� t •P� B�owK�hau satlsl�y th�Mn o►�Ic to pobmon ol th��o�tbcn���t PoRh�bow wNhln tb rfaYS ,
<br /> Bortow�r�not��Id�ntiN p .
<br /> of th� pNhy of notic�.
<br /> S. Hazs�d o� Property Inwr�nce. Borrow�r sA11N kMp t�� �+arQ++�^�� ^�"' ��i�'o °' �"""R" '�'°� on it+.
<br /> Propwty N�tund W�tinst bu by Iin, ha�rds hcludM wkhln th�tnm"�xt�nd�d cowrnpn' �nd �ny othK Mrardb Mxwcfrp Iboda or
<br /> Noodhq, for whbh L�nd�r r�quk�a haur�nc�. Thk fneurenc� �haM b� rtwhUln�d h th� �mounf� �nd for th�p�bds th�t LsncNr
<br /> rpuYr�s. TM Insur�nc�carcMr provldk►p th� hsur�ncs 6haM ba chosm hy Borro�wr�ubpct lo LMdw� �DProwl whbh shall nat br
<br /> unnasonaby wNhhNd. If dortowor fal�.cQ �n�wkh par praphs7,�•d �bow,L�nd�r m�y� �t L�nds►'s optbn, obtaln coverapa to
<br /> prot�et L�ndws rlphts In th�PropKty otaua. Lmd�r eh�il hew
<br /> AM htunna poNcM��nd n�tw��s th�ll b��ccWt�bM to LandK��d �h�K Inawa r�tandsrd moAWtp�
<br /> ItN ripht ta hoid tf» poNCMs�nd t�n�wals. II L�nd�r nquk��, BorrowK �h�ll promptly p�w to L�ndK �M►rc�ipt� of p�ld premluflu
<br /> Md���� np����• �n th�sv�nt o/ bss, Borrowar ahall p1w prompt not�� to th� fnwranc�oiurMr a�d L�nd�►• U"d�r m�y '"Ak�
<br /> proof of bts N not rrxde P�ortµ�ty by Borrower.
<br /> UnN�s leedx end Borrow�r oth�rwk��qrN In W�RIn9�M�sunnc�pracMda shaN br WP�to r�itOntlOn �Nhp�r o���P�pP�Y
<br /> aamayed, k th�nttontbn or npaY Is �oonombally fpsbM��d I.MdK�� ��urily b not Ntt�n�d• 11 th�r�tta�tion or np�lr is not
<br /> otonombeNy INtN�M o� Und�s S�CUrky would W Ms:�n�d, th� kttur�nC� prOCMds ti��M b� �ppM�d t0 Ih� V�ms t�eund by lhl�
<br /> S�curky InttrumK►t� whMh�r or not th�n dua, wRh any �xc�s� paW to Borcow�r. 11 �orcowM �b�+dom 11►�ProplrtY� or das noe
<br /> �ntw�r wkhin 30 d�ys n not�� Nom l.sn�Jx that th� hsunnc� carcMr h�� o11K�d to ��►tN � o4M, tMn LMid�►maY coN�ot t�� .
<br /> InsuranC6 pro��• �o^d� may us� thp prnc��ds to npalr or r�stor� th� PropMy or to p�y �um1 �cund by thb 3�CUrky
<br /> Instrument,whelh�r or not thsn du�.Th�3Q�daY PKbd W���h�9„whM th�notle�It pN�n• ,
<br /> UnMse LmdK�nd BoROw�r othsrwis�apras h wrRlny,anY rppl�atlon of proaMdt lo D����P�� �h�q not at�nd or postporn tM
<br /> dus deta o} tIN rnonthy paymmts ntKr�d to fn p�rapr�phs 1 md 2 or Chmp�th�unounl 01 th� p�yrrNnls. II undK p�npnPh 21
<br /> to the a�oq bkbn�a�M bD ssnt��L�nd�r to the h�tsntnolh h�asums os�cNur�d byr��dS�urNy�nstrum�nt �td��yPp�b�r tyopth�
<br /> acqunn�on. Borrower's loan
<br /> �6. Occupanay, Pr�sarvatlon� Maintenence snd Protectlon of th� Prop�r�r;
<br /> AppNCSilOt1; Leaseholds. Borrower nhe11 ocaupy, estabush, and us�ih�Prop�rty a� Borrow�r'� qrinq�pd►��Id�^o� wNhin sbdy
<br /> dvys �fter th�ox�CUtlon ot lhls S6curity Instrument und shall eontfnue to oCCUpy thp Prop�rly �f 8orrowlr's prhatW� rKkNnc�l0�at
<br /> N�st ana yar aria tho d�le o+ occupanuy, unless Londar otherwlsv �9rMS h wrH�np, whbh aon��nt at��l not W unnasomby
<br /> wRhheld,or unless extenuatinp ckcumsunaes exist whbh ara b�yond Borrow�r's c�nlroi. 9orrowK thtN not W11roy,d�m�p�ot In+p�M
<br /> tM Property,�pow th�Property to deterioret�, or aommlt w�ste on th� Prop�rty. Borrower �h�ll br In dN1uk N�ny lorkllun�ctbn or
<br /> proceedinp,whethar chril or orknlnal, Is bepun Ihat In Landar's pood I�IIh Judpm�nt CouIQ r�suN {n IOr1�Nuq 01 lM PrOp�Y Or otMrwls�
<br /> �._.� w,. �nia Car.urky Insuument Or LMd�r'e d�curily fnitr�31. BorrowM m�y Cur� �uoh a dN�uk and
<br /> materi�oY impiii a�o ;'o�� ..••�•�•• _, ...
<br /> rolnst�to, a�prov(ded in panyraph 18,by ceusinp the�ctbn or proCesdhp to b� dltmlfs�d wRn I1 ru�nQ t^ai��^ L�^o""w"" """
<br /> d�tsrmhatbn, pnoludsa iorfekure o1 l�e 8orcowePs hterest k+ th� Prop�rty or oth�► m�1HI�l Nnp�kn�n1 af Ih� Ilm cnated by thie
<br /> SeCUrky InBirurtNnt or Lender's security interest. BorcOwe► shall elso b� h d���uA H HorrOwN, durhq IhN b1n �ppllCalbn procose,
<br /> - Qave materG�Wy (alse or Inacourab tntortnatbn or atatoments to Landpr (or f�IMd lo p�ovltN LM�d�r wNh rny m�IMk�I intormatbn) in
<br /> connectbn wkh tAe loen avldenced by the Note,Inoludfnq. but nol��ft�d to, nprYfont�tbns ConC��nh�p 8o��ow�+'� ocouptnny of th�
<br /> Property as a pnc�lpal resld(�etRlef toh he ProptRy, thv basMod and th� I��t�BNrehwu no��Im�rW�►��M��hlne I.�ndu prMR tn th�
<br /> kasa. I} Borrower acqukes
<br /> marqer h wrkhp. Fnun aosa oroo
<br /> ' ���o.n oi e
<br /> F�oza.�Ma ceror�
<br />„';;`� �ao
<br />