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� .� -- - - •---- -. <br /> �re�6�r_:.:�t:m�m��•� _--— <br /> , • • ",,.. <br /> _ W._ — - _ <br /> ,W � . ,;,,.,. .. - ° ------ - <br /> �. .--- <br />__ _ __ _ - <br /> _ _ _ _ <br /> • <br /> 9?"� �t�� <br /> AI)�USTAi3LE ItATE RIDEIt 2002799A <br /> _ ll Yar Trauwry Index-litta Cops) -- <br /> �99�IS ADIUSTABLB RATE RIDER is nwde this �2T}� day of STPTEMBER <br /> , and is incorparatrd into nnd shall be deentt�cl to nmen�l nnd supplement the Mortge�e,Deod of __ <br /> Tnist or Socudty Dood(the"Socurity Instrument")ot the same date given by thc undersignod(the"Horca�er")to <br /> �u the�o �v 's Ad � ablc[tatc Nqte(t c"No c")to <br /> e �q�ita6le�uiflte�i�d�01■ Ifi0C1ltL0A 0 Cra��Iili�d, Mnbra�k�, A lederal Sa►tag� laak <br /> (the"l.ender")of the samc datc and covering the praperty dcscdbod in thc Secudry lnsttument artd located at: <br /> 1704 COVFNTRY LN GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801-7028 <br /> �Praperty Addrcss] <br /> THE NOTE CONTAIl�IS PROVISIONS ALLOWINO FOR CHANOES IN TH� INTEREST <br /> RATE AND THE MONTHLY PAYNlENY. THE NOTE LIMITS THE AMOUNT THE <br /> BORROWER'S INTERE5T RATE CAN CHANtiE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE <br /> MAXIMUM RA7E THE BORROWER MUST pAY. <br /> ADAlTIONAL CUVENA11TfS.In addition to tho covenants aMl agreeu�euty nwde Iu Q►e Security Instrument, <br /> Borrower and L.ender further covenant end agrce as fallows: <br /> A.INTEYtEST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT Ci�IANGFS <br /> The Note pmvides for an initial interest rute of �•��5 9b.The Note provIdes for cheng�s in <br /> the interest rate and the monthiy paymcnts,as follows: <br /> �.INTERF.bT RATE AND MONTf�.Y PAYII�NT CHANGES <br /> (A)Chstge I�tes OCTOBTsR 2�02 <br /> Tr,e irneresi raie I wiii pay w�y cn�„���,�z1;��r�►�ay�f , ,���� <br /> day every l2th mont6 thereafter.Each date on which my interest rate could change is called a"Chsnge Date." <br /> � (B)'Phelntl�x <br /> Beginning with the firRt Change Date, my intenst ratc wtll be based on an I�xicx�.The"Iadex"Is tho woekly <br /> avera�e yteld on L�nited�tates Treasury r,ecuriNes ac�jasted to a constant matudty of 1 year,as made avalab9e by • <br /> tbe Federal Reserve Boatd.The most rccent Index figure Availablo as of the date 4S days befora cach Change Dste <br /> ls called the'Current Index." <br /> If the Lidex is na� lunger availxble,the Note Holdor wil!choose a new index which is based upoa companble <br /> infornution.11�Note Holder will give me notice of this choiae. <br /> (C)Cakwhtlon ot Changea <br /> Before each Chen$e Datt,tho Ivote Halder will calculate my new intercst rata by adding <br /> T� percentstge point(s)( Z•� %)to thc Cur�eat <br /> Index.The Note Holder will then round the result af thls eddition to the ncarest onc-c,ighth of one peroem�ge <br /> point (0.12396). Subject to the limits statal in Secdon 4(D)below.this roundeA amount w1116e my new idtereat <br /> rate untii the next Chan�e Date. <br /> Tt�e Note Holder w[ll then determine tho amount of the monthly payrnent that wo�ld bo su�ficient w n,pay the <br /> unpaid principtl thu I um expoctod to owe at the Change Data{n full on ttie Maturary Daie at my new intcrest rnte <br /> in substac�tially equd payments.The result of this calculallon will be the new wnaunt of my monttily payment. <br /> (D)Ltmit�on IntaYSt Rate Changea - <br /> The interest rate I am required to pny at the first Change Date will not be g�rxter tt�an 9.37 5 '1� <br /> . or less than 5.3 75 96.Thereafter,my interest ratc wfll never be increasai or decnssed on <br /> �ny siagla Cfunge Date by mon than two percentage points(2.0�) fmm the rate of interat I have been paying <br /> for thc preading twelva months.My lnterest rate will never be grcatar than 7 2.375 '•�• <br /> Hy intece�t rate Will never be lower than 5.375x. <br /> � (E)�t'kcHve Dote ot Ch�ngcs <br /> My new intenst rate will become effxtive on each Chnnge Date. I will p�y the nmount of my new monthly <br /> payment beginning on thc Crst rr.anthly payment dntc aftcr the Change Dato untit die amount of►ny monthly <br /> payment changcs egain. <br /> � (�Notke ot Changes <br /> 'fhe I�ote Holder will deliver or r.�ail to me a ni�ticc of any cl�anges in my intcrest mtc and the amount of my <br /> montniy payrtieni oaio�inc aic�iivc tiaic oi uny cnangc.ina noiicz wiii im:iuuc iniocn�aiiSn ioqair2si oy i6w iv <br /> b�;givcn me und ulsn thc titic axi tcicphonc numbcr of u person who will answcr uny questiun I may have <br /> regnrding thc nuticc. <br /> MU1718TATE ADJUOTABLC RATE RIDER-ARM 6•2•Single Femfly•Fannh MaNFr�ddl�M�o Unifam Imtturt»nt <br /> Fam 3111 91a6 <br /> �-SZZA 1030K1 YMV MORTUAGE FtlNMS•180015Z1�118� � PeintM on MtyeNd PpN <br /> . ��� _ <br />