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<br /> TRUSTEE'5 DEEU 9?� 1�,75:,�J
<br /> ROBSRT 8. WALICSA a11d \
<br /> F8RR31LL Y. WALKfiR. CA&8 N0. SK97-�0946
<br /> CHAPTBR 7 �
<br /> �o
<br /> A88��1F't.9.
<br /> NHBItSA9, a voluntazy Petition in Bankn��tay was filed by RoberE S. Nalker
<br /> a:id Ferrall Y. Walker� hereimafter referred Lo ae ��Debtnr", wheth�er cne or more,
<br /> in the ilnited eeates Hankruptoy Couzt for Clha Dlstrict of Nebr$�ka on the 16th
<br /> day of !tvlay, 1997, and said Debtor was duly adju&3ed bnnkrupt oss �t�e 17th day of
<br /> Junn, 1997 r and
<br /> i�RRAS, on tLie 3rd day of June, 1997, by Order of eaid Court tha
<br /> unders�gaed was appointnd Tx�ustee of the eota�e an3 eftecte of said Debtoz� and
<br /> 3a du3; �zeZ3�±e� aa� is new �!�`ting aw auch Truetee: nnd
<br /> ' iiH8�t8A.4, the Truetee hae given aotice to oreditore on tha 6th de�y of
<br /> " Auguat, 1997, of hie intention to a�ll pr.operky at publla ealej and
<br /> wI�SR8A8, the underai�ned did, pureuan� to eAid notice. aell Che below
<br /> deoor.�:t�ed raal eatate to Rt►ndall L. SorgenErei, hexeiaa�ter reCerred to a�
<br /> "Buyer", whether one or moxe, Eor the amount of SighCy-six Thoueand Five Hundred
<br /> and 130/100 'Dollars (S86,S00.o0), the following described property, to-vrit:
<br /> Lot Four (4) , Block One (i), Normandy Sstatea, an Addition ta the
<br /> City of (3rand Ieland, Hall Courtty, Nebraeka.
<br /> NOii, TH�RBFORE, I, the underaigned Truatee in Bankruptcy o! said Debtor,
<br /> by virtue of the powere vestad in me by the Hankruptcy Act snd by virtue of �tid
<br /> Noxicn and purauant to eaid application and for other valuable con�ideration, do
<br /> hareby �r�nt, bargain, Aell nnd aonvay to the eaid 8uyer, ite xanresentatives,
<br /> = heir.e and aesigae forever, all my zight, tiCle and interaet aa �uch Trustae,
<br /> - aubject to ell encwnbrauic�e of record, the above daaaribed propezt,y.
<br /> TO HAVS AND HOLD ea�id property to the eaid Suyer, itg' xoprnaentative�,
<br /> _ heire and ae�igna lorever, ae fully and complately ae I� the undereignnd as suah
<br /> �' Tru�tna, by virtue of eai.d Notiae confirming tihe r�ale thereof and ot the
<br /> .� H�nk�ruptcy Act might or ehould eell end convey the sama.
<br /> � The Truetee makee no representatione or warrantiee herein end this
<br /> Truetee�e Deed is without recouree againat said TrusCee eithez individuslly or
<br /> ae euoh Truetee.
<br /> IN WITN6S8 WHBREOF, i, the said Tx�rast�e in Hankruptcy. have lxereunto eet
<br /> i my hand thie 10th day o£ 8eptember, 1997.
<br /> )es:
<br /> On this 10th day of 3eptember, 19a7, befare me, the undersigned, a Notary
<br /> ?ub].ic, within and for eai�d County, pereonally came John A. Wolf, who is known
<br /> to me �o be the Truetee of tha aforementioned Debtor, and to me known to be the
<br /> identical pereon desaribed in and who exacuted the foregning Trustee's Deed, and
<br /> he acknow.ledged his execution ehereuf to be hia voluntary act end deed ae such
<br /> Truetee for the purposee therein ser, forth.
<br /> WITNB88 my hand and notarial seal th date laet above written.
<br /> � _
<br /> �MEAI�NOTAAI',1NII�fNIMM11 _
<br /> uvo�ce.�tMww ��,yLytQ
<br /> w����.�
<br /> , Notary 1 c
<br />