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<br /> , . pJG—Z7-1997 13s49 �1TZGEFALO SC� 40239H26f'�6 F.10/le
<br /> ' � 9?-� 1a75�1
<br /> . 2. So lc�a�a�Te�anc i�not in defauic(beyond�nY Pa'�8iven Tenu►t w cure `
<br /> �ucm det�ulc)in th�payment of rent or u�ciftto�l rcat or in the perfor�aunce of�ay of the
<br /> ather ternas. coveaants. a conditions of the Lease oa Tenaat'� put to be pertorm�d.
<br /> Ten�at'i po�sessioa undcr thc Lea�se� or uad�r aoy extensions or renew�e thereoP
<br />- contain�d in the Y.e�se� ehell not bc diaturbGd by Leader (or by Purcbasar as defiaod _
<br />' bclow) durvng th� term of t�e Le�tse or tuty suah exDenstons a renewat� t�nof. and
<br />- Tsnant�ali have all t�e rights granted to Tenant under tbe Ixase.
<br />� 3. If the iAtcr�sts o!Borrower under the Leaaa ehell be acquireQ by Leader or
<br /> bY �Y P��►�r P�uant w any trwatoe's aale ot c�thes s�lo (t�e "PurChaser') h�ld by
<br /> re�svA oi i�aroclosure of the Deod o!�'rust or otber proceedtn��6rought to en6orce my -_
<br /> r1�hu of the bcneficiary of the Deed a�i Trust.or deed in lieu of fa�ctoture a wy ahec
<br /> mahod,�ad We I.tadu or ttie Purch�ser�ucceab t�o d�ee iaterat�oI Bonowp'wider dte
<br /> L�se� the I.e�e �t11 �oa�ue tn ltill force aad e!l�ct aard �6�11 aot 6� termtaated a
<br /> di:hurbed axcepc ia �ccor�d�ace wlth dse termr o!the I�e�ue. Temnt�6�1I tt�tter be
<br /> bauad tio L.eqder ot the Purclu�er, u qyptoprl�te�uadre vl of tLe terms, covea�nu,�ad
<br /> coadltiotu of the Le�e fa the b�l�rice at the ue�m di�roo!remai�ln�� u�d�ny exten�lo�
<br /> o�renew�l.thereorcont�lsea ia me t�ue� which may be et�eccea in,�ccond�nce wrth uri►
<br /> optioa conuiaed �n d� Le�se w�th tbe faa�e l�orce anc! er!'ect a it Leader or the
<br /> purcq��et, u �pQrO�tLLe,�►et+e du I�ndlO�d uDdC[tha Lease. Teri�t hereby�tcocae w
<br /> Lendtr or Ptu�ch�u�r, �s �ropti�ue. a It� I.sadlotd naaer thc Lease. 'I��attornment
<br /> , contempl�tod in this p�r�gr�ls i�to be effecdve aad xlt�aperadve w�dtaut tt►�execudon
<br /> ' at aay other latnruments by citUer p�rty hereta immaliately upon�ucc.�ssf4a oF Lender
<br /> � or the Punch�eer. ts approprl�u, to thc tnteirest of Borrower under the�eitsc. Ten�nt
<br /> ;. �I1 be under n�o obligatioa w pty ceat to I.ender or to the Purchaier until�thicty (30)
<br /> ; d�y�aRer tbe Temat receivee written notice i�em Y,eadQr or &o�tbc Pu�chager�t ic�
<br /> : hu �ueceodad to th�interqts of the Borrawer uncier tttt I.��sa, ar uncil tleicty(30)d�.y8
<br /> � a�ter Lendtt�t notlPied Ten�tr►t dt�t I.cadar ha�othe1wi�e axa�+euod ita ri�hhts w�der�aay
<br /> ,� �s�igmneat of renu provisions ia smy of t1u lo�o documanu. T'h�reepecdve rlghu�urd
<br /> obli,�adon� of Ten�nt�od Lendcr or the Purc�aer� upon such �ttornment, to tha exteiu
<br /> • oi t�e then rem�ioing teim of the Lease asd wy eacCasions a reexwale,ehel!be che um�
<br /> u naw eet forth in tbe L,au�e� ahich is made �t put het�eof by tLia cetaz+�nce.
<br /> 4. r.ender'� nr Purcha�e�•s oblfgtdon w recognize Tewwt's righu uader the
<br /> , Y.ease, �ad Tenanc'e obligadon w attorn to L�nder ar l�urchaser, ue aubjcct to tbc
<br /> � fdlowia� tsr�ms�nd cond�tions:
<br /> ; a, Lender or purc�aer shali not be linble for any act or
<br /> omfsslon of Borrower occwcric� priar co Lepder's cn
<br /> Purchaser's succecsian to titia to the Properry, out �e
<br /> foc+cgo� shall mot li�m�tt Lendc�'� or P�trch�uer'a obligaaan:
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