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<br /> such rcimbursement on the dat�of such demaud� the unpaid portton thereof� whlle stlll
<br /> immediately due and payable, sriall bear interest at the default rate af interest pmvidod
<br /> in We Note undl paid, and the Note ahaU be damed to be in default due to such
<br /> nanpaymcnt. This Assignment shaU not operate to place responsibility for the control.
<br /> care,maintenance� or repair of the Property upon Assignee, nor shall it operntc to make
<br /> Assignee responsible or liable for any was�e comraittod on the Propany by any lessee or
<br /> any other garties, or for any dangerous or d�fective condidon of the Property, or for any
<br /> negligcnce in ihe management, upkeep, repair or control of the Property.
<br /> g, T�rminntlnnll.es�a�e DII'CC�VCS. lTpou payment in iiil� af thc principal,
<br /> int�rest and all otber indebtedness �videnced by tha i�Iate and the Deod of Trust, thi�
<br /> Assignment shall cease, terminate and be of ao furth�x e�Fect; pmvldod, however, that
<br /> the afhdavit, certificatc, letier or statemcnt of Assignee or any officer, agent or utoraey
<br /> of Assignee showing auy part of t�►e Priiu:i�p%�1� int�rest or othcr indebtodness as being
<br /> wnpaid shall consdtute conclusive evidence of the valA+��ty. effectiveness and�ontinuing
<br /> force of this Assigument and ar►y person may, and �s herehy authorizod to, r�ly thereon.
<br /> Assignor hereby authori�zas aiinl directs less�e named in the Lease or any oWer or iLwre
<br /> lessec or occupant of th�Property or any part thereof, npon receipt of wriucn notice from
<br /> Asslgnee; ��t�o pay to As�ignce a�! rents, income, issucs aud profits accrui�g under tuc �
<br /> :1.casa or fre�m the Prope�rty, and to continue t,v do so �u�uil othenvise nati'�ed in writing
<br /> by..Assignee. �
<br /> 4, ��. Subject only to the provisions of Paragraph 3 of this
<br /> Assignment, no acdon undertaken by Agsigaee with nspect to any of the Qblrgetions of
<br /> Assignor evidencod by the Note and the neod of Trust,to any securiry or guarantoe given
<br /> for the payment or perfonnance thereof, or to a�ay other document or instrument
<br /> evidencing or relating to sxid obligadons shall in any manner affcct, impair or prejudice
<br /> any of Assignee's rights and privileges under this Assignmeai or discl�rge, release or
<br /> modify�ny af Assignor's dut�es or obligations heniende�. This Assignment is int,ended
<br /> by Assignor and Assignee to create, and shall be construod as creating, an absolLte
<br /> assignment untp Assignee, subject only to the license, terims and provisions hereof, and
<br /> not as an assignment�s security for thc perfor�mance af the obli�ations evidenced by the
<br /> Note and the Dad of Trust or aay other indcbtodness of Assignor.
<br /> g, �►arr�nt�es of Assimt�r. Assignor warrants to Assignee, eacln of which
<br /> Warranties shall r�main in full force and effect undl all obligadons nf Assignor to
<br /> Assigna uixler the Note and Deod of Trust have been fulfillod, that:
<br /> (a) Assigno�r is the record own�r and holder of legal title to the
<br /> Property and to the improvements now and to be located on
<br /> the Property.
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