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201206086 <br /> satisfaction, provided that snch inspection shall be underCaken pmmp[ly. Lender may pay for fl�e repairs <br /> and restoraCion in a single disbursen�eiit or in a secies of progress payments as tihe worlc is completed. <br /> Unless �u�agtee�nent is niade in writing or Applicable Law rec�uires interest to he paid on such <br /> Miscellai�eous Proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any inCerest or eaniings on such <br /> Miscellancoas Proceeds. If the restoration�or repair is not economieally feasible or Lender's secwity would <br /> be lessened, Che Miseellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the snms secured by this Security Instruinent, <br /> whethec or not then due, with the exeess, if auy, paicl to Borrower. Such Miseellaneous Proceecis shall be <br /> 2ppl3ed in the ordcr provided for in Seetion 2. <br /> In the event of n toCtil taking, destxuction, m• loss in value of thc PToperly, Che Miscellnneous Proceeds shall <br /> be applied tp t1�e sums secured hy Chis Secutity HistrumeuC, whether or not ehen due, with the excess, if 1iiy, <br /> paid to Borrower, <br /> In Clie avent of a partial taking, destruution, or loss in value of tlie Property iii which the fair marlcet value oP <br /> the ProperCy immedintely before tkie pacCial talcing, destructioi�, or ]oss in value is equal to or greater than I.he <br /> amount of Sl�e sums sec urcd by this SeeuriCy Instrunient immediately before tlie partial talcing, dcslrucfion, or <br /> ]oss iGi value, ui�less Sorrower aud Lendec otllerwise aga'ee in wriking, the sums secueed 6y Chis SecuriCy <br /> I�isCrumer�t shall be reduced by the �unount oC Che Miscellaneous Proceeds iizultiplied by the following <br /> fractiou: (a) tlie COG21 amouiit of Chc sums seeared immediately beforc Che partial taking, destruction, or toss <br /> in vtilue divided by (b) Che fair market value of tl�e PropciCy immediately before the partial talcing, <br /> destrucHon, or loss in value. Any Ualance shall be paid to Borrower, <br /> In Yl�e event of a pardal talcin�, destruet'ron, or loss in value oP lhe Properry in which the faii�market value of <br /> clie Property immediately before the partial taking, desCrucCion, or loss in v21ue is less dian Che amoti�uY of tJie <br /> sums secured immediately before the partia] t�il<i�ig, destrue[ion, or loss in value, unless Bon�ower aud <br /> Lender ofherwise agree in wrifing, the Miscellaneous Proeeeds sl�all be applied to fhe sums secured by this <br /> Security I��sCrumenC whether or noC the sums are then due. <br /> 1P Che I'roperty ie a6andoned by Boreower, or if, after noCiee by Lender to Bocrower that Clie Opposing Party <br /> (as defined iu the next sentence) ofPers Co make an award to settle a claim for dantages, Borrower fuils [o <br /> respond to Lendei� within 30 days after Yl�e date the noticc is given, Lender is authorized f� collcc�and apply <br /> the Miecellaneous Proeeeds eitl�ec to restoration�or repair of the PropeiKy or to [he sums sacured by Clxis <br /> Security Instrumeut, whether or not C6en due. "Opposing Party" means fhe Chird party thnt owes Borrower <br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds or Ihe party ag�ainst whom Borrower has a right of action iu xegtu�d tc�Miscellaneous <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borrowee shadl be iu defau[t lf any acCioi�or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun Chaf, in Lender'e <br /> judgment, could result in forfeicure of tlie ProperCy or other maYerial impflirment of Lender's interest in the <br /> Property or rights under this Security L�slrament. Borrower can cure such a dcfaulf and, if aeeelerntion has <br /> occw�red, reii�state as provided in Section 19, by oausing the acti�n or pro¢eeding to be dismissed witl� a <br /> t�uling that, in L,eiider's judgment, pceciucies forteihure of fhc Propertp or otlier material i��ipairmcnt oP <br /> Lendcr's inCerest in the Property or rights undcr Chis Secwiry Ii�serument. Tl�e procccds of any �ward or <br /> clairn for dainages tliat are attributablc lo [he impaimient of Lender's i��teres�in the Properey u•e liereby <br /> assigned vicl shall be paid Co Lender. <br /> All Miscellaneous Pxoceeds that zre noC applied tc� restoration oe repair of fhe PeoperCy ehall be applied i�i tLo <br /> order provided for in 8ection 2. <br /> e400-ieaa <br /> NEBRA9ICA-Sinyle Femlly-Fannlo MmlFroddle Mao 11MFOFM IN9TRUMENI' Form 3D26 1l01 <br /> VMP 0 VMPBINEI f1106) <br /> WOlters I(luwev flnancial Earvlaee PnOa 10 of 1) <br />