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20120603� <br />ASSIGNMEPIT OF RENTS <br />Loan No: 61E84 ICOndnued) Page 2 <br />M� tl�e Propaty. Lender may entar upon tl�e Property to maintain tl�e PraP�Y and keep Nre amne 4� repeir, <br />to pey the eosta thereof and of ail servicea of all employeae, incl�ufireg tF�ir equipment, artd of eN contlnWng coate <br />and e�enses of mainteWn9 Ure PmaenY �+ ProPer rePeh and condition, aM atso m�y eU tax�, aesessments ard <br />water uUlities. a� the �emiwna on flre and other hiswerw� effected �Y Lender on the Property. <br />Comptlanee wHh Lewa. Leixler may do mry end all things to exacuLe erttl Comp1Y w{th the lawa of the Stete of <br />Idehraske arxl elso ell otirer lawa. rut�, arders, adinances and requirements of a!1 other gnvemmerrtal ageneies <br />eHecting the Property. <br />Le�e the Preparty. Lender may rent or laese the wirote � any part of the ProperN for such team or terme and on <br />auch eonditiona ea Lender may demn epproprtete. <br />Employ Age�. Lender may engags such agent m ege�ts es Lender raay daem eppfapriete. either in Lertder's <br />name w in (irentor's name. to reM er� manage d�e Property. 6xtudi� Ure tt»ItecUon aM appHCatlon of RaMS. <br />Other Aeta. Lender may do e�l aueh other things a� ects with reapett to the Pro{serty � Lendsr may deem <br />ap�opriate ard may ect exclusive�y and solely 1n the plece end ateeid of Ciraruor mM to have all of the powers of <br />Grantw for the purposes stated above. <br />No Raq�rmnmu to Act. Ler�m aliatl �wt ba req�cred to do enY ot tPre foraga�g acLS or thbgs, a� tl� fect that <br />Le�ar sha0 heve performed mie a mma of tlm toregohg ects ot thinga ahell mt requhe Lender ta do arry oUier <br />epeafic act w thi�. <br />APPLIGATION OF I�M$. All oos[e and e�ses inc�ated by Le�Mer in oom�eatlon with d�e WaDertY eha0 be tw <br />Gren(nr's aecmmt am1 Lendm may p8y auch eosffi and expenaes trom N�e Rerrts. Landar, in ks sola discreticn. shall <br />deterrrdne the applicaGon of any arcl ail Hents received by k; howeker, any aich Rente received bV lender which are <br />rot applied ta �h coets ard e�s shaU be applied to tlre tndebted�ess. All expe�Mitures made by LeMer �tder <br />this Asaignmertt aM not reimE�used Trom the Ren� ehell become e�rt of the I�nese eeoured by this <br />AsaignmerK. eM shaU be payeble on demaiM. wflh intereat et the No� rete 1rom dats of expenditure uMil paid. <br />F711L �RNfANCE. If Grentor Pevs ell of the IndeLtede�e when due anal otl�eruuiae perfo►me ail the obligetiore <br />imposed upon Ciranmr under tlds AasigmneM, the Note, seM the Releted Documenffi. Lm�dat shafl execute and deGver ta <br />Orentor a eukabie eatlefaction af tlds Aesigntnent and auiteble etemmenta of mrminatbn of eny Rrtancing etatement an <br />ftle avidene6ag Lender's security brtereet in tlie Rents end the RopertY. My t�ninallon fee r�d bY law ehatl 6a <br />� by (irentor, ff permitted by applieehle law. <br />LBtIDHI'S EXP�DITUI�ES. N any action or pmcaeding is cnmmenced that would materially effact Lend�'s interat in <br />dre Property or ff GrarKw feila to eomP�Y � enY P�+�� of this Asstgnment a arry Rstated Docume�KS. inc�udirg but <br />not Ihnited m Cirantm'e faflure m�echerge or pay wNen due eny emaunts Or�tw ie requtred m�schs►ge or pay �aMar <br />M� Aesigrtment a arry Relatad �cume�s. Lender on 6renta's behalf may (b�rt shap not be obligated tol take mry <br />acttfln that Lender deams appraprtate. including but not limhad m�aeharging ot peying �1 taxes. 9ene. securitY <br />inte►�m. eneumbrartces a�u! other clahna. at anY lime levisd ar placed on tl�e Rents m tlie Pmperty aM paying all c�ts <br />tor 6�suring, maintaitdng a�d � tlia Property. All auch expertdiwres ineurrad ot PeM bY LerMer for aueh <br />purpoaes will than beat Interast et tl�e rate ohazged under tl�e Nam fiom the date ineuned � peid hy LaMter m N�e dete <br />of repayment by GreMOr. All such expensea wW become a pert of tl�e IrMebteMese arW. et LeMer's optbn, wiil tAl <br />be peYeble on demand: (B1 be added m the balance ot the Nom mM be ePPortto�d emo�9 and be paya6le with erry <br />ineteilment peymenta m become due d�aing aither 111 the mrm oi enY apptioebte irm�aence poticy; or {2) Vm <br />remaining term of the Nom; a ICl t� heated � e baltoon paymant wMch a� be du¢e ero! payabte at the Note's <br />meturity. Tha Aesignme�t elso will eaeure peyment ot dre�a amounta. Sueh right shall6e M ed�don to all otltar rkghte <br />m�d rememas ro wt�h lar� may be enciUed upon oetau�c. <br />GEFAULT. EaeA of tt� folloa�ing. at Lender's opdon, shell corotlnne an Even[ of Oefauk under tlas Assignmerrc: <br />Payroem Def�. Grantcr tails to rtreke am+ psyment whan d� wder the IMebted+�aes. <br />Othor Detmdts. Granior tails to comply with or m perform arry otlier term. abligadon, covenant or conditlan <br />aontelned in tlda Aasigmment ot in any of tl�e Reteted Doowne� m to eamPW wkh w to PerMrm mry term. <br />oWigation. covenaM m cadhia� contained in e�y oMrer egreement 6etareen Lendar and l3rramor. <br />�tavit 4n Other PaymaMS. Failure of (3ranmr widdn the tbrre requi+ed bY tltis Assi9nment w maks enY PeYme�t <br />for taxes w trreurarice, or �y oU�ar peynmM n�esery w prerant fiiing of o� m effact dlaehazge of erry Ilen. <br />Fa� Sm�nm. My wenmuy, represantation a etatement made a furrtishfld to Lendm M Granto� a on <br />Cirentnr's behelt under this Aseignment w Ure Relaied Docwnents le falee o► misle�iing in anyr meterlel reapecL <br />ehher rrow or at the time made m fivniahed w beocmes talae w misleading at arry tMm thareafter. <br />OeteaHMe GoB�eret�ion. This As819nment a any of tl+e Related Dod�mentR cesaea M be in tuil Tarce ar�d eff�t <br />q+�clud�9 fe�ae o4 erry collateral document ro veate e valkf and perfected aeciuitY interest w I�n) at mry tlme am! <br />tor amr reaeon. <br />Deatl� ar �ray. The dissolutbn of GcanwF's Ue9erdlesa of whether electfnn to camti� is madel, enY <br />�r withdrawa from tt� Iimited liabflfty compairy. m any otl�r termhrelbrt of Granmr'a exlater�e as a guing <br />busl�se or Me death ot arry mmnber, the tnsolvenoy of 6ranmr, tlre appeintment ot e re�iver for any part of <br />Granmr's p+operty, m�y assignmerrt tor the t�r+eflt ot creditore, eny type of cretlimr workouL or the <br />commancertrent of erry proceedirtg uraier mry �nkruPt�Y ot ir�lvancy lawa 6y � agav�at (iraMOr. <br />Cr�Or m FmfaiLre Pnoce�. Comcrtencement of forersbsure w foHeiture pmeeedirq�s. whether by j�xi'idal <br />proceeding. self-}mlp. reposaesebn a 8�Y othe► method. M e^Y �►edrtor af 6rentw or by er+y govemmente� e9enoY <br />ageinst Me Rents or eny property eecuri� Nre Indebtednees. Thle Inc�udes e gemlahmenc of eny of Grantor'e <br />eccounts, indudin9 deposit accounte, whA lender. Howerer. M�is Everrt of Deteult ahaU not appty M tlmre is a <br />gond taith dispute by Grantor � m tha valFdity or rea8onatrlea�sa of tlre cfaim which is tF�a basis of tl�e dedltor w <br />toAeiMe D�esdin9 mM if Qranmr B�ves Len�r w►itten notiee of the cred(tor m forfettwe Prcceedirtg ertd depnaits <br />mrith Lender manies m a surety bortd for tlre creditor a forfelture P�oc�edb�9• &� an amount determined bY Le�e*. <br />in I� sole dis�ation. as 6eing an adequate �eae+ve m bond f� the dispute. <br />�P�Y � a Loee. The ProPe►N 18 loet. atoler4 su6stent�lly damaged, sold. at borrowed agab�st. <br />Evenm Aftaafing Ciummria. My af Me preceding eveme occtus with res�ct to eny Ouararaor of em+ af the <br />Indebtednses a amr (3uarantm �ea or beco�es tnsom�, or rewk� ar disputes the vafidlty of, cr tiabi6tp <br />iuWuuier, e�ny Gueranty af the Indabtedness. <br />Ad�erse dmnge. A metertaf edvarse chm�ge oceurs in Grenta's fl�re�fal condiUon. m Leiuler beile�res Me <br />prospect of peyment or performsm� of tha Inde6ted�as is impaired. <br />I�eaurity. LeMar in gaod feith heUevea itseif ir�ecure. <br />Cwe ProWab�ro. �f �y dateulL othet than a default in peymant is aushle aiM ff Granter ha9 rrot been 9hren e <br />�tlee of e Mea�h of tl� same prov�n of ti�s Assi9nme^t witM� tl� P�9 twelve (12) monU�s, k may 6e <br />cured M Grarrtor. after Le�er senda writtsn rrot[� to Grentor dermartdtn9 due of such default I71 cur� tl+e <br />defa�dt within tifteen 1151 delrs: or (2) 'rf ti�e ace reQUirea rt�re ih8n flite� it 6) dsYs, fmmediately irotietes ateps <br />wtdch Lendm deems in Le�ier's �le tf�vatlan to be sutfieieM to eure ME default ertd Mieresfter contlnues end <br />