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20120603� <br />pEED OF TRUST <br />�om, �uo: 6�ssa (Continuedl i'a9e 8 <br />peragraph of ttes �ed of Trust. <br />Atlm�ys' Feea: E+�pm�s- It Lender instRUtes anq suit w actEon to antorce amr of dre t�ms of Uva Deed of <br />Tnist Lender e►nit be er�tiHed m retoaer euch e�nn as tt�e court meY gdl�d9e ►�ea�b18 es atoorreys� fees at trial <br />snd upon enY gPl��- 1NFretltm a�t emr caat acdon is imrolwed. mid to tl� e�nent not prol�rited bY law, ep <br />rea�nable ex� Len� h�s �et �n Lmde.•s optnlen are �en ac myr m�m ta. che pmomction oe �ts <br />6tterest or tf� enfor�mem of ha d9MS shafl baemne e part of tl� Imis6tedr�se PaYahFa on demand and ahall 6ear <br />i�rcerast at dre Note rate ftam tl�e dam ot Me expee�diUae until re�id• E� covered bY � Pere9raph u�clude, <br />without Cunitation, hooaever eubjact to anY �3mi�e w�der ePPltcaEta la+a. Lerder's att�rreys' N�s arM Lender's legal <br />exPe�. wlretl�er or rrot U�ere is a lawauit. includir�p ettomeYS� fees and ex� for hankruPteY �oceedMgs <br />tk�el�ing efforte to modifY or vacete m�y auromaUe staY or InJunetion). appeats, and anp e�U�ps�d P�-iud9n+ent <br />coliectlan �vices. U� cost ot searcAing reeords, nbtair�rig tlUe reporm (i�cl�ing torectosure rePertsl• aurveWre• <br />reporta, srtd appraisel f�s, title u�uarxe. and fe� for Ure tr�tee. to tl�e ez�t pemtft[�1 bY BPWeeble law. <br />Truetor aLao wW PeY snY txwt cos�. in �n to all oth� awns provided bY law. <br />� of Trumtee. Trustea shall heve aU of the ►ights and duties oE Lander es set torth in Uds section. <br />ppWERB qlittp pBLItiATlpp� OF TRUST�. The fottowing provisia�s releting to tlre powers arM obligattons of Trustea <br />are part of tMa Desd of Tnret <br />Po+rmrs of Tneme. In �on to a4I poarere of Tnrs[ee aris(ng es a matter of �w, Trustee ahatl have tha power to <br />tetca tlte fo�owMg acdore with r�pect fo d� PtoPertY uPnn Me wrttten �equast of LeMer am! Truator. (e) loin in <br />preparinn mui � a maP m P� ot the Rea! PrePertY. inc��in8 tlre dedication of s[reets w othe► righte to the <br />�: (b1 1� n+ B� �+Y eagement a deatin9 enY restriction on tlm Rea1 Pruperty+; arM lc) I�n in anY <br />subnrdmaYwn m oth� egresms�tt ettecNng dd.s Deed of Tnrst or tlre i��errest of Lmular urtder tlda Oeed of Tn�t. <br />Tnmtee. Tn�tee sfiell maet ell qu�ficeNons requlred (or Tr�tee w�det epp6cehle law. In addMnn tn the rlghts <br />end ramadi� set forth above, with respect to ap a eny PeR of tlie ProPertV. tl�e Tn�stee sheQ heve Me Nght m <br />foreclose bv �wtke and eale, m�d Lende� ehen heva tl+a ri8ht m foreclose by iudiciel forecbaure, in either casa in <br />a�ortlance witl� and m tlre tu9 erteM WoviGed M eppqcabte la+a. <br />S�ar Trustea. Le�vlm, et Lemkr'8 oPao�, meY 4rom tlme to time appoMt a euccessor Truatae to any Trusme <br />appninted unCer thie P�d of Tn�t by an Instrument ezecuted artd eCknowled$ed bY Lender and racor� in the <br />offiee of tl� reoorder of Hell Cowty, Stete o} Nebra4ka. The irtamiment sheq cont�n, in eddition to aU other <br />mattere re4uked by stare law. the nartrea oi tire mi�h�al Lender. 7n�tee, m+d Trusmr, tha bodc and paga io� <br />cempu[er syatem reference) where this Ueed of Tn�t � recorded. �d U+a name ertd address of the suceesao� <br />a�eee. entl the d+sttumanc shatl �e exewtad mid eoknowled9ed DY ap the benaliciariea ur�er tlds Deed ot Tnsst or <br />thek euccessore in Inte+eat. The suoc�sor trustea, without conveYence of the ProDeKY. �atl suCCeed to ell the <br />title. Poarer. end dutt� aoMerred upcn tlm Tnistee in tl�is Oeed of Truet attd by eppticable law. Thia procedure for <br />eubatltuUon of Tn�tee shall govem m tlm eudu�an ot all oUier provieio� for subsdtution. <br />NOTICE6. My rrotice ►e9Wred m 6e ghren �auier ihis Deed of Truet, Inolud� widrout WxareUon anY notke ot defeuk <br />ar�! enY �mtice of sale shall be gi�n in +arit�8, mM ahall be eifeetive mhen acluatlY d�iv��i. whsn aerialiy recehred <br />bY teleTaoslm0e lunless eVmtwise �equimd by lew). when depoeited wNh a nattonetlY tecognlaed ovemight awufer. nr. N <br />mailed. when depaai� Fn the United SYetes me0, es firat claea. cer�ifled or rep(snered maH ppsta9e R�ePeld, direeted t0 <br />tl�e addresaea slmwn near tlre beghudng of ihis Deed of Trust. All copies of nodces of fare�loswe hom Nm Iwkter of <br />am� Iien which has prioriq o� tt� Deed of Trust shatl be sm�t m Lender's addreas, � slwwn neer the beginrting of <br />tAis Daed of Tnmt. MY D�Y �Y � ita eridresa for notice� ur� tMs Oeed of Tn�t by glving formal written <br />notice to tlie otlier partiea, speeifying thet tlte p�ap�e of tlm notiea i� to char�a tl� party's addreas. For imtke <br />�, Snrstor agrees w keap Lerder informed et e11 tFmea ot TruBtm's curtem addresa. Unlees othen+rise ptovided <br />or required by lew, if tlsere is �re than one Truator, arry notke given by Lendar to sny Truator ia deemed m be �tlee <br />ghren to all Tn�stors. <br />� pppY6IOH3. Ttre ia�oaaing m�eUeneoue proWsim�.a are e�rt of tl+� �eed of Tnist <br />Ancet�. TMS Ueed ot T►ust. Logatha+ wkh enV fleleted Daouments, aonsthutea Vie emire urtderate�ing and <br />agr�meM ot tlre pardes es to Me mattere aet forth in this �ed of Trust. Rlo slterallon of et m�nt m tNs <br />Deed of T►ust sha0 ba eftecti�a w�ess given in writlng mx! atgrred by the partY or Pardes eo�ht to De charged or <br />hound by tlm etteratlon or emendment. <br />Aeuu�el Reporfs. If the Praperty is uaed for purposea other then Trustar's rasidence. Trustor ehall fundsh ro <br />Lerttler, tq�on re4uest. a mrtitied etetertrent of �ret aperetin9 ineome ree�vetl hom tha Property during Truetw'g <br />prev� fia�l ye� in such torm arM detail as Lendm she9 requ&e. 'Nat apereW�g im�mme' shall meen aU casA <br />recebffi hom 11�e PrapBely leas 9N CBeh exPendinCeB mdde in IwrV�eCtbn Witl1 tl�e oPg►ation of the Property. <br />CapNoa H�. CapUon i�eatli�s in th� DeeA of Truat ata for conveniet�e pur�aes o�dy and are not to he <br />used to interpret a defl�re the provlabns af thls Deed af Tcust <br />QA�. Tleere �1 be no merger of the inmrest w estete ereated by Uds D�d of Trust aritl� enY other intereat w <br />eatete in the Property et any mrm I�eld by m fm the benefit of Lender in enY ea�CilY. withou[ tlre written corment <br />of Lsntler. <br />Qevsrnhy Law. TF� Deed of Trust vr� ��ed bY federal !aw app&mhte to Lm�ar mM. m tlee ez�ent eat <br />�amnpMd bY tadaral taw. tlro lawa of A� State of Piabraska wFthwrt �d to ib � af law provhiaa�s. THs <br />Oeed � Trost i�as bean � 6y L�d� ti tl�e Stete ef N�aske. <br />Cfioke W Vetx�. H thme is a lewsuk. Truseo� a�+ees upon Lender's requ�t m suhmit to d�e jur(sdictlon of the <br />cou»a of Li�aln Covnty, Stam of I�flske. <br />Na Wa�er by Le�Mar. Ler�er ahail mt he deemed u heve wahred a�ry righte umler this Daed of Tnmt uNess such <br />waiver is givm� in w►h6g mui �red bY Lender. fdo delay or omission on ihe �K of Lender in exereisin8 e�Y ^�t <br />sheil operate as e waiver of such rigla or any other right A wafwer by lander of e�oviston of Mie Oeed of Trust <br />eha0 �R pre}utlit� or cmtstiarte a weiver of LeMm's dght othenviea m damend strict camptisnee with thet <br />pravlsion or any other provislon of th� Daed of Tnis[. No priw weiver by Lendsr, rwr arry course of dealing <br />beiween LerMm md Trusmr, shaU constitute a waiver of any of Lerder's righte or ot am+ af Tn�mr'a obl(gatlons <br />as to eny tuture ttensactions. Wt�never tlre careent of Lendar ia requir� undm H�s De�f of TruaL tF� pranthg <br />of auch consert by Land� in arry inst8nce shail mt ca�etSntte cOnt�n9 consent to subse9uant �atmroes whete <br />such conaent la requ6ed and fn atl cases s�uh cmisent may be granted or wid�lreld in tl� sole d'�suetion oi Lender. <br />Sev�. It e oourt ot eompeteM j�uisdFcdon fhuls eny provtsien ot this Daed ot T►uat to he illegel, tnvalM, w <br />urtenforcea6te as m miy areumstence. Uiat flr�ng shep rrot meke tt�e offeMirtg ruov�fon m�al, hnvelid, or <br />unenforeeable ae m anY other cim.umster�. If fe�fte. tAe offe�n9 �ovision shaN Ee eonsidared modit�d so <br />that it be0omes lagai, val� arxl enfacee�. If Me offe�ding �xovision cannot de so modified, tt shaU ba <br />co�idared dalated from th� Deed of Truat. UNass ortmnvi8e required bV Inm, the Nte9elriY. imalldky, or <br />unenioroeahilky of erh+ provision of tNs Daed of Truet shall rot effeet t1� lagality, validity or enforceebility of any <br />other provfaion of tles Deed of Truet. <br />S�as � Aes�ns. Sultlect to arry Umited0� ateted in tlde Deeii of Trt�st on trer�ster of Tnismr's irtterest, <br />tlds Deed ot Trust shad ba binding upon ertd inura W the berrefit of tlre partl�, thei� auccessors and assig�. It <br />