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20120G03� <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />Loan Mo: 81584 (COItdltued) Pege 4 <br />Trustur arldd� Trustm is auN�miz�l a req�dretl to deduet from PeVmenls on ttta trd�ted�ress secured bY this LYPe <br />of Deed of Tn�st; (3! a mx on tAis type of Deed of Trust chergeable �emst rtre Lender w tlre halder of tlre Note: <br />mal !� a spectfic tau on an w anv aortiCn of tlie hiAeMedness m on payme� of pr� aM i�rterest made M <br />Truatar. <br />Subsaquent Tmea. If anY ta�c to wMeh Uds secUon apypes la enacted eubse4uent to the date of Nds Deed of <br />Tniac, ttda event shell have tl� sartie efteot as an Event of Defeult. end Lender may exarcise eny or a11 of ka <br />aveilabte rememee tw en Event ot Defautt es provtded below wUese Tniamr etther 171 peys dia tez betore it <br />Eeeomes definquent, or 12) eontesc3 Hta tax ea providad ebove fn tl�e Ta�s and L.tens seeUOn eiM deposim with <br />L�Mer oash or a eutHcient eorpmam aurety bond m oth� aecwity aefisfacLnry to Le�er. <br />SECURRI� AQR�MENT: FWANCWQ STA7ERAEN7'8. The following p►uvisbns relatin9 m thia Daed of Tn�st aa a <br />seeurity agreement ere a paK of this Deed of Tnist: <br />Saowlhr Agre�m�. Thta MeVurnent ehap constitute a 8ecurttY Agreer�t to the extent mry of Me RopertY <br />aonstltutes fumuuea. end Le�r shatl have aU of the �ights ot a secured perty urder d�e Urritorm Commarcial Code <br />ee emended hom t4ne to t�e. <br />�11 himreaL uP�� i�t bY Ler�. Trustor shetl take wheteerer actlon is re�uested by Lender to perteat <br />and contlnue Lemier's eaaurltV 6�tereat in the Renta md Pereonal Property. In addition to recorNn9 thfs Deed of <br />Truet hf Me ►�t proPertY ►ecads. Lerul� maY, et e�Y time and without furtl�er ewhaizatlon from Trustor. t�e <br />execured aowtrparce. coptas or reproducti�s of Uda Deed ot Tnis[ as a TinancMg atamment Trustor ahali <br />reimburee Lender for all a� hxurred in Darfectn9 or conUnuin9 this aec�uhy Mterest. Upon defsutt. Trustor <br />ahalt mt �emove, sever or tletach Me Personat Property irom the PmpertY. UP� aelault, Trustor shatl ae�mWe <br />eny Personal Property not effbred to ti�e Property fn a manrmr end at a place reasonably convenlent m Tutvtta erd <br />Lender a�M me&e R avaflat� to Lendar widdn tivee (� deYS a(ter rer.eipt of writ[en demand from Lender to Ure <br />eztent Permftted bY eDP�eCis law. <br />Addreasee. The mei�� addr� ot Tnmtor ldebmrl and Lerc� (secured partY) irom which intormeUon <br />eoneerNng Me aeanity iraereat gmnted by this Deed of Truat meY be obteirred (each as ►aQufred by Me UniMnn <br />C�cial Coda) me as � w� the fast paga of th� Deed of Trust. <br />FUHTHER AS&URANCE.4: AITORNEY-tN�ACT. The MIIawGg Wuvisions reletirg m turther assurar�cea ertd <br />attomey-in-fact are e psrt ot tfi� Deed of Tnist: <br />WrtMr Asa�uAtwea. At eny thr�. e�d iran time to tirrte. Wnn re�9uesc ot Le�r. Tnistm witl make. 0xenute and <br />deliver, or wiil eeuse to be made, executed or deUdered, to Lemler o+ to Lmder`s desigr�e, m�d wFren requested �Y <br />Lender, cause M be filed, naeord�. refiled, a rerecorded. ae rtre ceaa mey ba, at s�h tlmes arW � auch ot(�e <br />end P�ecae � Lenda► mey deam aPpro�riate, ar�r and ell s�h mortgages, deeds of trust, smaeity daeda, secwitY <br />agreartrenta. tinandng aiatertrenm, coMtnuedon atatemente, irretrurrrerrts of fiutl� aseurance. certificatea, and <br />pther dacumenta � mey, in the sole opirtion of Lern�r, be neeassery or deshebla in order m effantuete, complate, <br />peAact. eontirn�e, a w'esarve 11} Truamr's oAtlgetiona undm the Note, this Deed of T►ust. arb the Retated <br />Uocumenffi. erul !21 tlre 1�[s enr! securltY Inte�eate Created M tlds D�tl ot Truat � first and prtor Uens on d� <br />Property, wlmther now o�r�d or hereefter eequired M Tnestor. Unlese PmF�ited M law or Lemie► e9rees M the <br />contrery in writing. Truetor ahe9 �nburse Le�ler far eq � artd expetmes incurred in eonnecdon wtth tl�e <br />mattere tefert�f M in tP�s paragraph. <br />Attomsydn-Faet H Trusmr fa� tn du any of the thi�e referced to In ttre preceding paragraph, Lender mey do so <br />for and in tPre neme of Tn�tor end at TnffiMr'e expen�. For euch p�. Tn�sta hereby hre�hiy �points <br />Lender as TnaMr's ettorrrey-in-t8ct ia► tY�e P�P�ea of ineW�9. exeu+lFrt9. deU�k�B. �9. ���9. �d do�9 ell <br />oUrer tltings as may be �ary m deslreWa, in LendePs sote oalnfnn, ta eccart�R�iah d�e matters refetted Lo in <br />tlte Rre� PereBrePh• <br />FULL �RiYlANCE It Trustor pays atl tlie UMebted�, i�WdinB wkhaut IimiteOHIn ap funxe advenees, when d�. <br />and othenwise performs atl M�c obQgatlore lmposed upon Truetoi under Uris Deed of Tn�t, LeMler shell e�wte mM <br />de0ver to Truatee a req�met for fi� re� aM slmil exeoute end � to Trustor auitabte atetertrente of <br />terminatton of any finench�g staeement on 10e evidertc6eg Lemlm's security 6rter�t in tlm ReMe and tl�a Parsonal <br />Prop�erty My �onveyance f� reqLtred by law shall be petd by Tnistor, ff pmmitted by epplkeDte taw. <br />EVENTS OF D�AULT. Each of U�e toilpwing, et Le�er's Optton, ahaFi ��Ntum an Evant of Defeuit under thls Deed <br />of Tnmc <br />Payment D�u(t Tnmtor fails M make enY psYment when d� wMer tlte Indebtednees. <br />Otl�w Detm�ta. Truetof feits to eomply with or to pertorm e�w oUrer term, oWigerion, aovenent w canditlon <br />coMalned in Uda Deed of Trust or in mry of tlm Related Oocuments or m comply ariM m to pe►form mry term, <br />obUgation, covanant or cor�n ca�mhred in enY other egre�t between Lertdm end Truamr. <br />� Dsimdt. Fm2�oe m eampfy with arry otl�er t�m. eh8gation, covenam m cond'�Uon eonteh�ed in tl+ls <br />Deed of Tn�at, the Note or in eny of tlre Releted Oociurmr�. <br />OetaWt oa OUser Pa�. Faliwe of Tn�mr wfd�6� Me tlme required by this Deed of Tnret to make eny peyment <br />tor taxes ot insurarcee. m anY otFrer PeVment r�cesseN to R►ewent 5tln8 of � to eHect d�her98 ot eny �. <br />Fdsa �. dntl we►rentY. rePresen�don m stetement msde m hm�shed m Lender bY Trustor or on <br />Trustor'S behelf �cMer M� Deed ot Tnet m tlre Retsted Dneummhs � felse m mtsleadln9 tn mry maserial resPeet. <br />ekher now or at the tbne mada or tumlahed a bacomes (atse m misiead�n9 et arry t6rre thereafter. <br />Defeadwe C�. This Dead of Tn�t w anY of tl�e Relet�J Doeuments ee�ee to be in iull foree aM <br />eHect (MCIUdIng taiWre of aery �Ileterei daeurtrent to eream a valid and perteeoed aeeuriry interest o+ tfenl et m�Y <br />thne erb for erW ►eason. <br />DsetA or Irooh�ny. TAe diseWution ot Trustw'e Iregardtass ot wimther efec�ion to aonmare Is medel. enY <br />mamber withdraws irmr� the �nited IlabUity company. w any otl�r t�mFnation of Trusmr's existence as e 9oirqq <br />busineas w U�e death ot emr member, d�e Medve�y of Tnismr, Nfa flppoh�anant of e reeelver for any pert of <br />Tn�etor'e proparty, anV �� we bsnefit of creditors, mry type of crediior workout. rn the <br />commenoemern ot arry ptoceed'mg urdar arry bankruptcy a h�solvency laws 6y m against Trustor. <br />Credka a FwfdDUra P►�. Commm�cement ot toreelosure a ta1eiture proceedd�gs, whether by ju�cial <br />ptoceeding. selt-i�lp, re�sian Or eny oUmr rrre�otl. by ariy oreditm of Ttustor � bq arry governmental agency <br />agalnvt arry property seeming the I�ebtedn�es. This ineludes a gmid.ahment ot a�ry of Trusto�'s aeenwts, <br />ir�cl�irg deposi[ eacauras, whh lgnder. However, ti� EveM ot Deteult �all rat app�y ff Nere ie a good fahh <br />dtepute by Tra�ror ae to Nre vaBaGty ar reasonablaneae of tl�e dahn which ie the basis of ti� crediMr rn tortaiture <br />proceeding end H Tnistw gives lender written rroUce of tl�e credttor or forfeiwre proeeeding end deposit� with <br />Lender mon[es er e surety bond 1nr tlie cre�fitor or torfeitwe p+ocee�ing, in an amamt detenrd�d by Lender. in its <br />eote dieoreibn. 88 bei� an adpuete r�ve Or bond fOt tlfe disnute. <br />Brs�h of 08mr Agr�m. A�y hieach by Trustor under the t�ms M env oU�r agreement Eetween Trustor eM <br />Lender that Is �rot re�died wlthin anY 8�ece period P►ovided thete3n. inGudir�g witltaut limitatian anY a9►eement <br />conceming m�y ir�ebt�r� or otlYer ob8gaticn of Tnremr to Lender. whetl�r exisDr� naw a Iater. <br />