<br />�oen No: 6�584 iContinued) �es� z
<br />�salo�d to a�w! ackrrowledged by Leredsr h writing, lal rre7thm Trusmr rror mry tanant, conttactor. �ent or oHter
<br />eutFmrized �er of tlte Property sha{I use, generate. memdecume, atore, veat, �epoae ot m release any Haasrdoua
<br />Subatertee on. under. ebcut or hom tlte ProPerh�: m�d (b) enY sueh a�vitY shap be ca�d�ted in compim�ce with
<br />aU appGeable federel, state, er�d loeal lawa. ►e9ulatiore mid ordinences, indudin9 widmut �nitetlnn all
<br />EnvUoreneMal Laavs. Tnistm authorima Lender mM Ite agents m mner upnn the Property m maka sueA
<br />6�spectto� er�d ceeis, et Tn�Mr's e�cpense, ae Lender may deem ap�ep�iate to determh�e eompliance of �e
<br />Property with Ude sectlon of Me pefld of Tn�t. Any inapeCtionB or teste made W Lender sha8 be fm Lendar's
<br />purposea mdSr ar� ahat! rrot be construed to ceete any responaibpity or liebitity on the pert of Le�de� m Truator or
<br />m sny ether pmson. Tha rePres�tetiorm flnd warranties Contaitied herein ere hased en Trustor's due d8igence in
<br />inveatigating the Property for Hazarda�s 3ubs�. Truamr FmrebV t1) retee�s end waivas eM futute elaims
<br />egei�t Lm�dm tor ir�mnHy m cmroffiutlon In tl�e everrt Truator becortres tlabte ior cleertup a cther cosfs waler
<br />enY sueh laws: end l21 eg�ees to i�emntfy, deteM. md hdd hartrtl�s Lander against anY �d a6 clairtre, losses.
<br />Ila60itles, damages. Penalttes, a�d experreae whieh Lender maY dtrecUy or ind'vectly we�in or euHer reaulting fiom
<br />a breach of tlds seeUon of tl�e Daed ot Trust w as a��uence of arry uae, generation, mertutactwe, storege,
<br />diapesal, release or threatened release xw�rtin9 0►10+ w Trustor's owrteieitlp a interest in tlre Property� wheUmr or
<br />rrot d�e same w� or ehouW have been kro�am to Trustor. The provisio� ot ttde sectlon ot the DeeB ot Trtret,
<br />inchgiing Ure o66gatien M indemnNY a�M detend. ahall eurvive the paYmeM Ot U�e Indebtedness mid the satiafeatfon
<br />and recornreysnca of d�e Ilen of d�is peed of Trus[ end shaU rrot be affected by LerMe�'s saquisiUon of eny ioterest
<br />in tlm Pro�rty, whether by torectosure or otherwise.
<br />N�us, Wmte. Trustor et�all nat ca�, cortduct or permit erry rndaence rwr ccmmiL Permit, or sutter any
<br />atripping of or waste on a n� Ure Property or mry poAion of Me Property. Without limiw�g the gmreraGty of the
<br />fm@Bah+B. Tnstor +ai9 not r�nove, m grart to erW otlrer DertY tl�e rigM to rmrwva, enY tFrt�ber. mh�erets Gnaludin9
<br />oll and gesl, coal. clay, scorfe. sotl, graVel m rock prcd�ata without I.erular's �ror writtm� consent.
<br />Rmnaval qf �. Truseor �It rtot dematlsh a rertwva mry trnprovameMe from ihe Real Proparty witlmut
<br />Lender's pHor written aonsant As e condition to tt�e removal ot enY �Wa�ertrenta. Lender maY require Tnrstor m
<br />ma�ce arcangemants satisfacta+Y m Le� te repla� such Improvemerrcs erofth Improvemm�ts of at least equal
<br />veiue.
<br />Landar'e Ry�M � E,�er. Lendar aM I�rder's agems arKl represenmt[ves rrrey enter upon the Real Pmperty et eU
<br />reaeonahle tlmes m ettend m Lender's iMerests and to inapeet Me Real Propeny far pur�mses of Truatot's
<br />complia�ue whh tlre terrtea end coMhio� of Uds Deed of Tnmt.
<br />C�rae wkh (iovar� Re�6�n�. Trustor ahall P�+PtiY �P�Y with a0 lawa, ortllnanoes, and
<br />reguletic�, now or hereaher In eftect. of atl govemmentel audioddes eppliceWe to Me use or occupancy of Me
<br />ProPeRY, i�l�lin8 without findtatbn, tlre Air�miaeire 1Krth Q�ah�tlas Act Truator �y eonteat in gflod tehh arW
<br />such lew, ordinance. � raguletien and witldmtd eamplience durin9 anY W��9. � ePW�e� ePPee�.
<br />so ltutg e�s Truator teea rrotlfied Lend� in writl�xJ Rrb► M do�nB eo e�W � bng ae. 6� LerttlsYa sole opird�� Lender'e
<br />brceresfs m tf� Propetty ate rwt jeuperd'�zed. Lender may requUe Tn�stor to Pnet ade4uete securttY or a surety
<br />bDnd. fee8one6(y BedefBCtOry+ M Lender. to RroteCt Le�et'8 irrtereat.
<br />Duty to Promot. Trustor agraes �relU�r to abandan or lea� urrettended cfre Property. Truetor shaii do sp othei
<br />aats. in �dition m thoee acte aet fortl� a�ve in tMa s�tan, whtch iram the chetecter mW u� of Ure ProperN are
<br />raaecneblY �Y m Wo� �d preserve tt�e Propetty.
<br />DUE ON18ALE - CQNSENT BY LENA91. L� may. at Larder's apUon, declare immedietely d� a�ul payable ad sums
<br />seuued by tlds Deed of Trust upo� tlre sele m ttansfer, without Lerder's pHOr written cmreertt, of eA or anY Pert ot the
<br />Real Properly, or anp irrterast in tlre Real Property. A'�ta or va�(er' mear� tlre conveyence of Real Waperty a a�y
<br />�ht, dtle ot Inte+est M the Real P►oparly: whether legal, bmrefldal or aqwtab�e: wlreU�er vWuMary or tnvoluntary:
<br />whertier bV ouW9ht ea�e. deed, iretetlmem sa� contract. lend contract. conaect for deed, leasehotd interest witfi a
<br />term greater than tivee t31 yeara, leaee-opMcn eontraeL or by sete. �vr�nt, or traneter of any bs�fidal interest tn
<br />or to arty lami trust hold'ing title to the Real Property, m by eny other medrod of co�weyance of an interest in the Real
<br />Property. If any Truator ie a emporatlon, partlretsMp m limkad Oabl�hy eompany. tta�refet e18o U�eltedes atry C�9nge in
<br />owrerehlP ��e than twenN-flve Pe►eent t25961 Ot tl�e votMg atock, partnershiP B+tereats a Umited IiabilNy compeny
<br />iMereata, es Me case may 6e, of euch T�ustor. Hpwever, this optian ehe�l rtot be exerelsed by Leruler if euch ezerdse
<br />ie prohibiLed by tederel lew or Dy NeWeake law.
<br />TAXES AND LIE11�8. The followtn9 Proviafwis releUnB m the taues mxi Gens on dia PrWiartY ara �+t of th� Daetl of
<br />Tnmt:
<br />Paynmru. Tnrstur shall pey when due (and m aU ever� pricr to det�nq�oY) a11 mxea, spe�iel texea. asseaemer�m,
<br />cher9� qncd�ng water end sevrefl, fi�e a+�d Impositla�s levted against a on aceount of the F►opertY, and sheU
<br />PeY wt� d�re all debns fm work done an w for servicas re�ed m memrlal furrd9118d m tlie' P►uPertV. T�ustor
<br />shaU mei�n tlre Prope�ty fiee of ap 6ar� hauh�g prbrity over or equal to tl�e interest of Lender under tlris Deed ot
<br />T►ust, except far the Gen of mxes artd ass�mente not d� e� e�ccept as otAerwise provided in tlde Deed ot
<br />Trust.
<br />Right to Cmaeat. Tnre� mey wit�thotd peym�t of arry tex, easeamnEnt, m Wafm in corotection with a ga� faitli
<br />diapute over the obligation m peY. � lorq� as Lender's intereat in tl�a Property is �at Jeoperdized. If e C�r+ ar�es rn
<br />is ftled es a re�dt of rtortpeyment, T�ustm ahell wittdn flhean 11Sl deys after Ure Ibn arises or. if a�an Is Hted.
<br />witlm� fifteen 418) days aftm Tnrstor has �rotice of the fNhg, aecure Me discharge ot tP� U�n, or H raqueamd by
<br />Lender, dePoslt with Lend� caeh a e sufHCiem carpwete surelY bond or other aecwtty sadsfectary m Lm�d� �n an
<br />amwmt sufficiert to dischmpe the I�n pkm any costs a� attemeys' feas, m wher cherges tl+at coutd aannie � e
<br />resuit of e toreclosure a�le uruler tfre tlen. M errv conteSt Tr�or sha9 daferM itself and Lendar and shall aetie(y
<br />arry sdvaree j�gmenc betore erKmcmnenc a��nst the Propeny. Tn,stor shafl nams Lender ea mf addiUonal obllgae
<br />wMer eny surety bond hurdahed I� tl�e contaet p�oeeedines.
<br />E+�es of Pernmetrt. Tnmtor sh� upon Asma�W fumlah to Leraer aeUsfacmry evidence of peyment ot Me rexea
<br />or ass�snrente and s1�Il authorim Me a�ropriata govemmentat offkial to detMer m Le�xler et am Ume a wrftten
<br />stetement of the m�me m�d �nente apelrret U�a Property.
<br />NaU¢e at C�. 7rustw �etl irotlfy Lender et leest fiitaen (9 S) daye bafare arry wonc is commer�ced, any
<br />s�vicea ere tum�had, or eny matertals are aupplied to the Propertp, ff arry mechaMC'a I�n, materialrtoen's Uen, or
<br />other Ilen could be as�tted on eccount of tlte wwk, servlcee, ar �tariatv. Trustw will upon request ot Lender
<br />furnish to Lm�der advanee � satlafaetory m Lender rimt Tnismr een and vnill PeY tlm eost o( such
<br />hnprove�rtents.
<br />PROPEFITf DAMAtiE WSURAIMCE. TI� to�win9 Mo�ebrre relatln9 m aisuri� the P►opercy ere a pmt of tlds Daed of
<br />Tn�t.
<br />RAdnD�+as of brourmme. Tnmtor ahap procure arul meintain pnlicies ot ttre ireurence wtth atarMard entendad
<br />covetege e�oreamer�ffi on a replacemert besis tor the tWl insurabte vatue caveHng 811 �mprovementa on the Real
<br />Property Fn an amount eufNclant t0 evoW aDDllcation ot anY caFnswem:e elause. aM with a siendard rrrortgagee
<br />cleuse in feva of LerMer. Trustw shau a�o �aeure and malMain co+rguehensive gerreral tietriGty hre�uera:e In euch
<br />coverage ama�aita � Lertder meY �t wkh Tr�me and LeMar beMg named es addkional insurads in aueh
<br />lia� b�o�s�rce poUcies. Add�onatly. Trus�r shall msinteln such other 4�urer�ce, including but not Gmited to
<br />