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<br /> _� For the of atimat' clnims ad
<br /> __ puqwse u�g p�ymenta under this Plar4 the Date of Confirmition is
<br /> wumed to be J�nwry 15.1991. �
<br /> :� �
<br />_� 'lhe�reditor liill Counry'1'ceosurer holds a tax lien interest with rep�rd to the real atau d�scribed
<br />°_,�� u the W l/2 N!i'/.,section 14-Sa-I Y,Hall Counry,hcbrasko.'lhe Lkbtor,based upon pn sppcaiul obtained
<br />�;�i by t 3P�s secu�ed aeditot hetein,on July 2.1 S�6 from Cletus U.Lauck,a real atnk tppniser licensed Ery
<br />-'`�"' the St�te of NeMuk�a and fimilier with the pcoperty hcntofore described.proposes that the reai Qropeny be
<br /> `" deemed to hive a fair erntket value of 5215.WU.W.'Ihe proposed value is grceter than the cleim held hy this
<br /> ��1 creditot. '1'he Lkbta propose�that the secured clpim of this crcditor be dlowed in full as of the dute of
<br />:•�� confumation of this Plan�nd that said claia�be paid�s followa:
<br /> �,� The dlowed securcd claim as of the date of confumation, pusendy estimated to be
<br />_.= approximately 51�.000.00.together with interest at tht Wichman cau in 10 cqual annual
<br /> iniullments of�ppro:timately S 2.700.00. The fint such p�yment shall be due one yar
<br />�_� tfter confi�motioa and the remaining paymenb clue on thc same date vf each y�e
<br /> there9Rer fa on additional period of 9 yeus.
<br />�:�� The Debta pcoposes th�t said payments extend for a period in excess of tivec years in order to proride fa
<br /> — the payment in full of the�llowed secured claim oF this credita pursuant to 11 U.S.C.S.section 122Z(b}(4}.
<br /> The Debtor stntes tht such�tended period of repaymrnt is necessary in light of the ralue of the wA4te�a1
<br /> '- - :.�ain;:sid sIsias:s:d s!�sbilit;of s.�.s��:c.crr so reps;ss:d w.�s eu:drr she te:ms�xaditior�of
<br />�� repayment as aet foRh above. This aeditor st�aU retain its lirn,mo�tgage or security inucat with respect to
<br /> _ the�bove described pcopecty until sueh tima as tha elnim proposed he�ein has been paid in full. The abore
<br /> -- stated paymrnts to this creditor ere,during the panod of this Plan,to be made thcoug,h the Chapter 12
<br /> — Tcustee.
<br /> XIII.
<br /> _���
<br /> �� '!he�quitable Life Assurance Society of the United 5tata(the'�quita6le")is the holder of en
<br /> �` allowed secured claun in�he omounc of 591.578.72.plus interrst ehercon at the tatt of 9.5%pet mnum on
<br /> �� artd�fter Au�ust l,iS�Jb.ptus all of the�quitablis ettomeys'fees.costs,and rcinted e�cpensa ss of the date
<br /> of pl�n conFirmation in such�nount as is eppro�Yd b�the l3ankruptcy Court(collectively.the'�quiteble
<br /> sec�ued claun'). Without Lmitation,said e.Ypenus ahall include any title insurance premium psid by the
<br /> Bquitable to obtain a lendets policy of title insuronce ir�suring the Equitables ficst priairy lien as described
<br /> -- herein below.
<br /> In order to satisfy the fiquitable's secured cleim,the llebtor shall pn}the Equitable the full amount
<br /> on such claim ss follows:
<br /> • 1. Pay ST.000 to the Eqwtable on or beforc Aiarch 1, 1997(said emount shall be applied
<br /> firs!to inteccst on the 591,5�8.T2 from Au�,wt 1,1996,and thrn to pcineipnl).
<br /> 2. Moke 9 equal paymenu of principal end interest to the Equitable on the fitst day of
<br /> - - March in each of the years 1998 through and including 2006. The exect omount of�uch paymer�ts shaU be
<br /> --� detrnnined by emoniung the outstanding balena of the Equiteble's secured claim ac 9.SYe irterat over 20
<br /> �_---- • year�immediately Collowing the 5�,000 March 1,1997,paymcnt reteered to above.
<br /> � 3. IC not sooner paid,pay tha then outstanding emowit ot'the Equitable's secured claim on
<br /> -
<br />