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20120592� <br />DEED UF TRUST <br />tContinued) Page 6 <br />Request for Notice. Trustor, on behalf of Trustor and Lender, hereby requests that a copy of any Notice of Defauli <br />and a copy of arry RtotEce of Sale under this Deed of Trust be mailad to them et the add�esses set forth in the flrst <br />paragraph of th18 peed of Trust. <br />Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender institutes any suit or action to enforce any of the terms of this Deed of <br />Truat, Lender shall be entitled to recover such sum as tha court may adjudga reasonable as attorneys` fees at t�ial <br />and upon any appeal. Whether or root any court acUon is involved, and to the extent not prohibited by law, ell <br />re�oneble expenses Lender inours that In Lender's opfrtion are nacessary at any time for the protection of ita <br />interest cr the enforcemerrt of its rights shall 6ecome a part of the Indebtedr►ess payable on demand and shell bear <br />Interest at the Note rate from the date ot the axpenditure unti) repeid. Facpenses covered by this paragraph include, <br />without Ifmitation, however subject to any limits under applicabie law, Lender's attomeys' fees and Lender's legai <br />expenses, whether or not there is a lawsuit, fncluding attomeys' fees and expenses for bankrupYcy proaeedings <br />(including effores to modify or vacate any eutometic etay or Injunction), eppeals, and any entloipated post-judgment <br />co118Ction serviCes, tha coat of searching raCOrda, obteining dtie reports (including foreclosure reportsl, surveyors' <br />reports, end appraisal fees, title (nsurance, and fees for the Trustse, to the exient permitted by app8cable law. <br />Trustor eiso w(11 pay a�ry caurt costs, fn addkion to all other sums provided by law. <br />Rights of Tnistee. Trustee shall have ell of the righis arTd duties of Lender as eat forth in thia sectfon. <br />POWERS ANR OBLI(3A'CIONS OF TEiUSTEE. 7he following provisions relating to the powers and obligatians of Trustee <br />are part of this Deed of l'n�st: <br />Powera of Trustee. 1n addlt(on to all powers of Truatea arising es a metter of law, Trustee shall hava the power to <br />take the foilowing ectior�e with respeot to the Property upon the written requast of Lender and Trustor: (a) join En <br />preparing and flGng a map or piat of the Real Property, Inoluding the dediaaUon of streets or other rights to the <br />public; fb! join in grarrting any easement or areating eny restrEction on the Real Froperty; and Ic) Join in any <br />subordination or other agreement affecting this Dead of Truat or the interest of Lender under this Daed of Trust. <br />Trust�e. Trustee shall meet a!I qualiflcetions required for Trustes under applfcabie faw. •In addttion to the rights <br />and remedies set farth above, witY� respeat to all or any part of the Properry, the i'rustee eha11 have the right to <br />foreclose by_notioe and sele, and Lender shell have the right to foreclos� by judictal foreclosure, in either case in <br />accordance with and to the full eactent provided by eppliceble law. <br />Suocesaor Truatae. Lsnder, at Lender's option, may from tlme to time appolnt a auccessor Tn�tee to any Trustee <br />appointsd under thie Deed af Trust by an insb�ument executed end acknowledged by Lender and recorded in the <br />offioe of the reaorder of Hall Cou�ry, State of Nebreslca. The instrument shall oontatn, tn addition to ap other <br />matters requlred by stete law, tha nemes of the original Lender, Trustee, and Trustor, the book a�d page (or <br />computer �system reterenae? where this Deec! of Trust le racorded, and the name and eddress of the succesaor <br />trustee, arM the instrument shell be executed and aoknowledged by all the beneficlaries under thls Deed of 7rust or <br />their sucoessors In irtterest. 7he succ�sor trustee, wkhout conveyanae of the Property, shal[ succeed to all 4he <br />title, power, and dutles conferred upo� the Trustee in this Deed of Trust and by applicable law. This procedure for <br />substitution of 7rustee shell govern to the exclusion ofi ell other provisions for substitution. <br />NO'TICE3. Any notice requirad to ba given under this Deed of Trust, including without Ilmitetion any notice of default <br />and eny notice of sale ahali be given in writing, artd shall be effective when actually delivered, when actualiy received <br />by telefacaimile {unless otherwise required by law1, when deposited wtth a netionally recognized overnight courier, or, if <br />meiled, when deposRed in the United States mail, as flrst class, certifled or registered mail postage prapafd, directed to <br />the eddresses shown near the beginning oi this Deed of Truat. AI1 coples of notices of foreclosure from the holder of <br />any flen which has prlority over thls Deed of 7rust ehell be sent to Lender's address, as shown near the beginning of <br />this Deed ot Trust. My paRy may change Ite addrese for notices under thia Deed of Trust by giving formal written <br />notice to the other parties, specifyfng thet the purpoae of the notioe is to ohange the perry's eddreas. For noUce <br />purposea, Trustor agreea to keep Lender informed at all �times of Trustor's current addrgas. Unlass otherwise provided <br />or requlred by law, If the►e is more than ona Tiruator any notlae given by Lender to any 7rustor is deemed to be notice <br />given to all Trustors. <br />MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The following miacellaneous provisions are e part of this Deed of Trust: <br />Amendmems. Thls Deed of Trust, together with eny Related Documents, constitutes the entire undersiending and <br />agreement of the parties as to ihe matters set forth fn this Dsed of Trust, {Vo alteration of or emendment to this <br />Ueed of Trust shafl be effective unless given in wrlting and signed by the peny or parties sought to be charged or <br />baund by the alteratfon or amendmerrt. <br />Annual Reports. if the Property is used for purposes other than Trustor's residence, �Trustor shall furnish to <br />Lender, upon raquest, a certified statement of nei ope.rating income received from tha Property during Trustor's <br />prevfous fisael year in auoh form and detail es Lender ehall requfre. "Plat aperating income° shall mean all cash <br />receEpts from the Property lass all c�sh expenditures made in conr�ection with the operatlon at the Property. <br />Caption Headtngs. Caption headings in thfs Deed of Trust ere for oonvenience purposea onty and are not to be <br />used to Irrterpret or define the proviaions of thie Deed of Trust. <br />Merger. There shal! be no merger of the interest or �atete created by this Deed of Trus# with any other interest or <br />eat8te in the Property at any time field by or for the beneflt of Lender in any aapacity, without the written consent <br />ot �ender. <br />�overrtl� Law. This Deed of Tnsst will be goverrted by federal law appUcable to I.endar and, to the exte�rt not <br />preeir►pted by federel law, the laws ofi the State of Nebraska without regard to ita cu�licta of law provisiona. This <br />Deed of Trust h� been aaoepted by Lsnder fn the State of Nebraska. <br />Choice of Venue. If there is a leweuit, 7nistor agrees upon Lander's request to submit to ttte Jurisdfction of tha <br />courts of Flall County, State of Nebraske. � <br />No Wafver by Lender. Lender shall not:be deemed to heve waived eny �ights under this Deed of Trust unless such <br />waiver is.given (n wrKing and signed by Lertder. No delay or omiselon on tha pert of Lender in exercising ertiy right <br />shall operate as a wefver of such �ight or any other right. A waiver by Lender of a provision of this Deed of Trust <br />shal! not prejudice or con�tftute a waiver of Ler►der's right otherwise to demand stNot compllence with. that <br />provisfon or any other provlslon of this Deed of Trust. No prior Lender, nor any course of dealing <br />between Lender and Trustor, ahall constitute a waiver of any of Lender's rlghts or of any of Trustor's obligations <br />as to any future transections. Whenever the consent of Lender is required under this Deed vf Trust, the granUng <br />of such conser�i by Lender in any instance shall not conatitute contlnuing consent to subsequent instances where <br />such oor�ent Is required and in all cases such aonsent may be granted or whhhald in the sole discretion of Lender. <br />Severabllity. If e court of competerrt juriadiction finds any provision of this Deed of Trust to be Illegal, Invalid, or <br />unenforceable as to eny circumstance, that fir►ding shall not make the offending provision illegal, invalld, or <br />unanforceab(e as to any other circumstence. If feasible, the offending provision shall be considered modifled so <br />that it becomes le�al, valid and enforceable. If the offending provision oannot be ao modified, it ahall be <br />oonsidered deleted from this Deed of Trust. Unleas otheruvise requtrsd by law, the illegality, invalidity, or <br />unenforaeebi8ty of any provision af this Deed of 7rust shal! not affect tha {egality, validity or enforceabil[ty of any <br />othet provision of this Deed of Trust. <br />