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� <br />�� <br />� <br />N � <br />e � <br />e <br />U7 � <br />� ��� <br />N �� <br />� �� <br />�� <br />�� <br />��. <br />�� <br />- <br />��■ <br />�I <br />� <br />� <br />� � <br />��, <br />� � r� <br />f�? 2;r't = � <br />� '� r" C � <br />r ;'' ' t — <br />n ; _ <br />r' t ` ` P-� <br />�F �. c:c� <br />r� � _. <br />Q c:� ' _- <br />� ��' '� '?7 <br />�,,� r i � <br />�! <br />� �� '` ' t� � <br />�T7 l,. <br />�, �4 ... <br />�._� � F,, <br />fTl _� <br />C� <br />U) <br />C7 (l� <br />o —r <br />c � <br />z rn <br />--� <br />� O <br />o T <br />- n -> <br />_ rTi <br />Z> rv <br />r � <br />r r: <br />�: , <br />F <br />� �� <br />� <br />� <br />WHEN �tECOR0E0 MA1L TO: <br />Exchange Bank <br />Allen Drtve Branch <br />1204 Allen Dr. <br />PO Box 5793 <br />Grand Is�nd, NE 68802 FQR I�EGORDER'$ U$� ONI.Y <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />�7 <br />� <br />� <br />N7 <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is dated July 18, 2072, among ENCINaER ENTERPRISES, L.L.C., A <br />Nebraska Limited Liability Company (°TrUStor"); Exchange. Bank, whose address is Allen Drive <br />Branch, 'f 2d4 Allen Dr, PO Box 6793, Grand Ial�nd, NE 68802 ireferred to below sometimes <br />as "Lender" and sometimes as "Beneficiary"}; and Exchange Bank , whose address is PO Box <br />5793, Grarid Istand, NE 68$42 (referred to be(ow as °Trustee°F. <br />CONVEYANCE AND QRA11iT. For valueble ao�ideratton, 7►uator conveys to 7r�tee tn tr�t, WITH POWER OF SALE, <br />for the banefit of Lender as Benaficiary, ail ot Truator's ►ight, ti�e, and Intereat in and to the following deacrfbed real <br />property, together wlth all existing or subsequently erected or affixed bulldings, improvements and fixtu�ea; all <br />easements, rights of way, and appurtenances; all weter, water rights and dltch rights pnoludEng stock in utUtties with <br />ditch or irrigation rights►; and all other rfghis, royalties, and proflts� relatin to the real property, including without <br />Ilmltatlon a!I minerals, oll, ges, geoihermal and slrrfilar metters, (the R�81 � operty 1 locetea In Hal! Couniy <br />State of Nebraska: <br />Lot Twenty-Qne 121}, Villa Mar Dee Subdivision, a subrlivision in H$II County, Nebraska <br />The Real Property or its address is commoniy known as 106 Villa Mar Dee, Grand Island, NE <br />68807 . <br />CiiOSS-COLlATERALIZATION. In add(tion to the Note, this Deed of Trust aecures ell obligations, debts end Ilabilitles, <br />plus interest thereon, of Trustor to Lender, or any one or more of them, as well as alf claims by Lender against T(uator <br />or any one or more of them, wt►ether now extsting or hereafter arlsing, whether related or unrelated to the purpose of <br />the Note, whether voluntary or otheruvise, whether due or not due, d[rect or Indlrect, detem�ined or undetermined, <br />absolute or coMingent, liquidated or unpquidated, whather 7rueto� may be fleble lndividually or jofnt�y with others, <br />whether obligated as guarantor, surety, accommodation party or othenulae, arni whether recovery upon such emounts <br />may be or hereatter mey become barred by eny statute of Ilmttations, and whether the obligation to repay auch emounte <br />may be or hereefter may become otharwise unenfotceable. . <br />FU'fUliE ADVANCES. (n addttlon to the Note, this Deed of Trust secures all future advanoes made by Lender to Truator <br />whethe� or not the edvances are rr�ade pursuant to a commitmerrc. Specffically, withoui Itmftatlon, this.Deed of Trust <br />secures, In addition to the emounta specffled in the Note, aU future amounts Lender in ita disoretlon may loan to <br />Trustor, together with ir�terest thereon. <br />7rustor preaently assigna to tender (aEso known as Beneflciary tn this Deed of Trust} ai1 of Trustor's right, titfe, and <br />intereat 3n gnd ta all present and future leasea of the Prop�rty and alf Rents from the Property. In addltlon, Trustor <br />grants to .Lender e Unfform Commerclal Code security interest In the Personal Property artd Rents. <br />7H[3 DEED OF TRUST, INCR.UDU1[G THE ASSIQNMENT OP RENTS A111D THE SECURITY INTEREST d11 THE RHNTS AIdD <br />PEfiSONAL PHOhF3iT1f, IS GNEN 70 SECURE iAi PAYMERIT OF THE INDEBTEDNESS AND (B} pERFORMAIdCE OF <br />ANY AND ALL OBLIQATIONS UNDER THE N07E, THE RELATED DOCURAENTS, AIVD THiS D�D OF TRUST. THIS <br />DEED OF TRUST IS GIdE11t AND ACCEPTED ON THE FOLLOWiWGt TERAAIIS: <br />PAYMENT AND PERFQRMANGE. Except es otherwlse provided in this Deed of Trust, Trustor shaU pay to Lender all <br />amounts secured by this Daed of Trust as they become dus, and ehall suiotiy end in a timely m�nner pefform all of <br />Trustor's obligations under the Note, this Deed af Trust� an@ the Retated Documents. ' <br />i�OSSESSION AIYD MAINTEiVANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Truator agreea that 7rustor'� poasesalon and use of the <br />Property ehall be govemed by the fopowing provisEons: <br />Possesalon and Use. Until the ooau��enoe of an Event of Dafault,.T�uator may i11 remaln in poaseasion end <br />control of the Properry; 12) �se, operate or manage the Property+; and (3) colleci the Rents from the PropertY. <br />Derty to Meintain. Truscor shall meintain the Property fn tenentable conditlon and promptly perform aA repalrs, <br />. replaoements, and melntertanoe neaes�ary to preserve ite value: <br />Complianoe With Environmer�tal Laws. Trueto� represents end warrar�is to Lender that: (11 During the period ot <br />Truator's. ownership of the Property, there has been no uae, generatlon, manufeoture, storage, treatmant. dtsposal, <br />release or threatened release of any Hazardous Substanoe by any person on, unde�, about o� from the Property; <br />(2) 7nastor has no knowrledge of, or reason to believe that there has been, exaept as previously diaclosed io and <br />acknowledged by Lender En writing, ia) any breach .or vtolatton af any Environmental Lews, (b! any use, <br />generation, manufecture, siorege, treatment, disposal, release ot threatened retease of any Hazerdoua Substance <br />on, under, about or irom the Properry by any prior ownera or occupants af the Property, or (c1 any actual o� <br />threataned litigatlon or clalms of any kind by any peraon relating.. to suoh metters; artd (3} Exoept as prevEausly <br />disalosed to and acknowledged by Lender in wrtting, {a) neither Trustor nor any tenant, oontraotor, agent or other <br />authorized user of the Property shall use, geresrate, manufacture, store, treat, dlspoae of or releasfl. any Hazardous <br />Substeince on, under, about or fram the Property; and lb1 any such activity shall be conducted in complianoe with <br />N <br />0 <br />F�—' <br />i`J <br />C� <br />cr} <br />c� <br />N <br />� <br />ziu <br />_:;� <br />T� <br />� <br />.�� <br />�b' <br />