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<br /> 5. Hau�rd or Property lnsurance. Bonower eh�ll keep the improvementa now existiag or derei4er erected on the
<br /> Proporry insurcd ngninst loss by fire, haznrds tncluded within thn term'oxtended cavorage" and any other haiards,including � _
<br /> ' �j floods or flooding, for which Lender requiros insurance.71►1e iaeurnnce ehall bo matntainr,�in the amounte and for tho pedods
<br /> •.�r,' thnt I.ender nquires.'The insurRnce carrlar providiug the insurance shall be chosen by Bottower sub,jat to L.eader's approval _
<br /> � ,� which shnll not be unreasonably wlthheld. If�orrowcr fatle to maintnin coverage described nbove, Lender [nny. at Lender's -
<br /> •" option,obtnin coverage to protect[.ender's rights in the Property in accordnnco wiAi paragrnph 7•
<br /> -�`�� �_ All tnsuranco polIctes and renewals shAll be acceptnble to Lender and shall lnclude a standard mortgage clause. Lender
<br /> Shiill liavc the rlght to ho l d t he po l icies nn d rene w n l e. l f L.e n d e r r e q u i r es,Battower shnll prom ptly giveto Lender aU receipts of r_
<br /> _s_.__ pn►d promlums and nnewnl nutices.In tha eveat of toss,Rorrower shall give prompt no�ic�to tho insurnnco carrier and Ixnder.
<br />-:�� l.cnder may tnake proaf of lass if not made promptly by Bonower.
<br /> Unless Leader and Borrower atherwise agrco In writla8.tnsurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the
<br /> . . •; • property damaged, if tho restoratton or rcpair is cconomically feasibla end I.eader's sacurlty is not lessened.If tha restoration or
<br /> ;.� repair is not economically feasible or Leader's sccudty would be lesseaed, the Insurance procaeds ahall be appliod to the aums
<br /> suurcd by thls Sevuriry Instn�ment, whether ar not then due, witli aay excess paid to Borrower. If Boaower abaadons the
<br /> •• •- Property, or doe9 not nnswer wlthin 3Q days u notice from I.eader that tha insuranca cerriar has offered to settle a claim, theu
<br />;,;`:.,��,,;; Lec.3�r may collect the iasurance proceeds. Lsnder may uso the proceeds tv ttpair or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> ' %<;.,�h secured by this Security Iastrumant,whether or not then due,The 30-day period wtll begin when the notice is given.
<br /> `,',�,��;�'� Unless L.ender and Bonower othenvise agree iu writing, any application of pm.ccxds to principal shnll uct extead or
<br /> postpoae th�due date of the monthly paymeats referred to in paragrnphs 1 and 2 �e ctiange the amount of the payments. If
<br /> :;�^,�tt;t undar paragraph 31 the Pcoperty ia acquired by Lender,Borrower's right to any insuranee polieies and proeeeds resulting from
<br /> �:M�,;�° � dnmage to the Property prior to the acqutsition sh�ll pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secund Uy this Securlry Instniment �
<br />='x"'' immediately prlor to the acquisition.
<br />...,r,r;,r, .
<br /> 'LL.�4 6.Uccupancy,PreservatIon,l►isintennnce und 1'rotectlon of tt�e Property;Borrower's Laan Applics�tion;Leaceho .
<br /> _ ..-4•14.r
<br /> Bonnwer ahall occupy,escablieh,and use che Property as Barrov"er's princlpal tesidenca within sixty days after the executton o
<br /> �=3�.�:��� this Secudty Instrumeat and shall continue to occupy the Properry as Borcower's principal resideace for tt least one ytar nRor
<br />-'�i.':,� tha date of occupuncy, unless Lender otherwise agrees ia writtng,whlch consent ehsll not be unrensonably withheld, or unless
<br /> •�'�K-;� extenuat i ng circumstances e x is t w h l c h a ro b e y o n d B o r ro w e r's c o n t ro l. B o r r o w e r ehall not destro y, d�msge or impair the
<br /> -�'�' to deteriorate. or wmmic waste on the Properly.Bona�'ver ehall be in def�ult if any forfeituce
<br /> .�:^'�
<br /> Property, allow the Property
<br /> --_ - action or procadin8,wl�ether civU or criminal, is begun thnt in Lendor's good faith judgment could result in forfaiture o the
<br /> -''�-,`,�' Propercy or otherwise mater�ally impair the lien created by this Secw�ty Instrument or Lender's securiry interest. Boaower utny
<br /> _-�-��
<br /> - cure such a dafault and niastate.as providecl ia paragraph 18,by causing tho action or procadi�►B to 6e diemissed with a ruliag
<br /> �="'�''- ti�ai, ia L�uclar's &ccd f:ith dri�rminA!�°*+• r��udes forfefture of the Borrower's iaterest In the Property or other uutarial
<br /> .�;4:'r� impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security iaterest. Borrower shap also be in defauic ii
<br /> ___,�;�� Hoaower,during the loaa application process.8ave inaterially falsa or inaccurate information or etatements to Leader(or fidlod
<br /> -°�— to provtde Lender with any mater�nl Infotmatlon)in connectton with the loan evidenced by the Note,including,but not lim[ted
<br /> to, ropresentatiobs conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property As a principal residence.If tius Secudcy Instntment is on a
<br /> - leasehold, Borrower shull comply with ull the provisiona of the lease. If Borrower acquirea fee title to the Pmpecty. the
<br />-�--
<br />