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2�12Q5��� <br />WARRANTY DEED <br />THIS INDENTURE Made this 1 day of March 20� �etween DO1�iIPHAN CEDAR VIEW <br />CEMETERY (a Cemetery Association) of Hall County NEBRqSKA a corporation organized and existing under and by <br />virtue of the laws of the State of NEBRASKA pariy of the 5rst part and ���,1 8� C i n�d �, c, ., a t� pazty of <br />the second part: Witnesseth that the said gariy of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of S o 0_ 0 0 dollars <br />in hand paid, receipt whereof acknowledged has sold an by these present does grant, comrey and con5rm unto the said party <br />of the second part, the following premises,to-wit: Block No: a Lot No:�Graves 5& 6 in Division WSA <br />of DOI�TIPHAN CEDAR VIEW CEMETERy in Hall County Nebraska together with all appurtenances thereunto <br />belonging: Subject, however, to all Articles, By-I,aws, Rules and regulations of said Cemetery Associatioqas they now exist <br />or may hereafter be changed, modifie,cl or enlarged, and the said grantor Cemetery Association for itself or its successors, <br />does hereby covenant to and with the said pariy of the s�ond part and their heirs and assigns, that at the time of the <br />execurion and delivery of these presents it is lawfiilly seized of said presents: that it has good right and lawful authority to <br />couvey the same: tl�at they are Eree from encumbrance and does hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said premises <br />against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. .In witness whereo� the said grantor Cemetery Association has here <br />unto caused its corporate seal to be affixe� and presants it to be sigined by its President the day and year first above written. <br />Signed and sealed and delivered in the presence of DOI�TIPHAN CEDAR VIEW CEMETE SOC�ATION <br />President <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA On this �� day of 20 i � t��� Pr�ident of the <br />}ss <br />HALL COUNTY <br />GENFAAL NOTARY- State of Nebraska <br />�EN R. HAPPOLD <br />My Comm. Exp. Jan,12, 2013 <br />Notary <br />My commission expires / / o� /I,3 . <br />�� , ; <br />STATL OF NEBRASKA, County of HAL�, . � <br />Filled for. record and entered in Numerical Index ' <br />on at ' ' o'clock m, <br />and recorded in De�ed Record . � Page <br />BY ! <br />County Clerk of Deputy County Clerk <br />Register of Deeds Deputy Register' of Deeds <br />I <br />DONIPHAN CEDAR VICW CEMETERY a Cemetery Association to me personally <br />known to be the said President and the identical person whose nameis affixed to the above <br />instrument and acknowledged the execution theieof to be their votuntary act and dced as <br />such officer, and the voluntary act and deed of the said DOI�TIPHAN CEDAR V�W <br />CEMETERY a Cemetery Association. <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at DOI�TIPHAN, NEBR <br />the day and year last written above. <br />