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.` '� � CS1i � 309573966, OR SK 47364 P(i • 1131, � Pago 3 of 5 <br />2 Q120587� <br />F.xhibit A <br />Pooling, and Servioing Agreement daoed ea of Auguat 1, 2001 Merrill Lyrtd� Mortgege Investors Trust <br />MoAgago Loan Asset-Backed Ceniflcates. Serlea 2003-WMC3 <br />POOLIN<3 AND SERV IC1Nti AQRIiLMENT Dated es of Febmary� 1, 2003 MERRILL LYNCH <br />MORTOAQE INVESTORS TRUST MORT(9A�E LOAN ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES. <br />SERIbS 2009-1MMC1 <br />POOLIIY(i AND SF.RVICING AGRE6MEW7' Dated as of April I, 2005 Asset Backed Pass-Throu�h <br />Cwtiticata Saies 2005-WHQ2 <br />POOLINO AND SERVICINO A�RfiF.MENTI' Detad as of February i. 2005 Asset-Bacimd Paas-'fhmuBh <br />Certifieat� Sales 2005-WHQ! <br />POOLdNO AND SERVICINCi A(3REEM0�T Daud as of Novmnber l,1004 AssotrBacicad Pass- <br />Throug6 Catiftcaea Sarles 2�4-WHQ2 <br />POOLINd AND SERViCING AGREEMEN7' Dated ae of Oetob� t, 2004 Asset-Becked Pass-Through <br />Ccrtif� Seta 2004-MHQI <br />P�LINti AND SERVICING ACiREEMEM' Dated as of Sepumber 1. 2004 As�et-Becked Pass- <br />77wugh Cadflc�a Series 2004-WHQI <br />Pooih�g ead S�vicing Ag�ent dated et of Febnury 1. 2004 Fi�at Frankiin Matgage l.o�n Tn�st <br />Mortgage I.oaa Aavet Baakad Cartifioetes. Smlea 2�4-FF I <br />Pooling aud saviciog agrcanont dat�l aa of Aprll 1, 2004 Hs�et Backad Seeuritim Corporatlon Home <br />Equity Losn Teuet 2004-HE2 Ass� Backad Pes�Thmugh Cmtii"�cates. Series 2004•HEZ <br />Pooling and Servicfng Agracment dated ag of A�il l. 2004 Merrill Lynch Mortpge inv+estors Tnut <br />Mwtgage Lom Aseat-8acked CertiFioatas, Series 2004WMC3 <br />Pooling and Swicing A�t deoed es of January t. 2004 Marill Lyneb Mortgage imeston Ttust <br />Mmtg�ge Loan Asset Ba�Jtcd Cat(tioatw. 5etia 2004WMC1 <br />Poo1i� and Smvicing Ag�reanmtt daeed as of Match 1.2004 Meaill Lyach Mortpge ]uvastors Tnmt <br />M.ptg�ge Laan Asset-Saeked CcitiflmLes. Seriea 2004-W MC2 .. <br />Pooling and Swvictag A�t dand ea of Mey 1, 2005 AssehBacked Pavs-Through Cmtirtea�as <br />Series 2005-WFIQ3 <br />Book242121Page1496 Page 3 of 5 <br />