<br />Retum to: (enclose aeH-addr�ssed stampd envN�l
<br />Nems:
<br />Addrsaa:
<br />201 20587 f
<br />i�N�s�i�i�re�ei,ir��ie
<br />CFPI 201018446706
<br />OR BK 24212 PG 1494
<br />�coauEO iiiz3izeie i�=ie�ae
<br />Pal� Beaah County, Plorida
<br />She�ron S. Bock, CLERK i CO!(PTB�.(,E@
<br />Pge 1494 - 1498� �Spge)
<br />C6N � 109673966, OR 8K 67964 Paqa 1129, Paqa 1 oP S, Racoided 09/09/2010 at
<br />03:81 D'M, Brox�rd County Ca�laalon, DapyLy Clork 3012
<br />+�r nw�a�a nma em
<br />oaw�iauwee�vr�oua
<br />rw ���
<br />QO/�
<br />When Recordal Return To:
<br />Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC.
<br />Contract Management
<br />1661 Worthiagton Road #100
<br />West palm Beach, FL 33409
<br />Welb Fergo Bank, N.A, suc�ssor by margq� ro Wolls Fmgo Benk Min�rosots, N.A., sokly in ire
<br />cepacity as In�ateo (tha 'Tnratee'� of the Trosts (as deMed hebw) haraby consdtmes and appoi�u
<br />Oawen l.oen Smvktng, l.L.C. sol�ly in ib asacity �e smvioer to tha Tr� (the "S�vice�. and anY
<br />othv officer or ageM Utereof, w&h PoII power of anbstfh+l�mh as ita Irue u�d IawFul attomeyin•fia with
<br />powu and auNaity in tha piaae and sroad of the Troatee aid tn �he name of the Trustae cr in ib ovm
<br />mm�e from dme w tlme in Ihe Smvicer's dlauetfon, for tha purpa�e of scrvicing mortgagc loans, w take
<br />eny ma al� approp.tme e�ion .na ro exacuu my ma e0 aooamante mia instrumma wnton m.y be
<br />�y md appioprlate w aoomnpHeh the purpaeea of saviai� matgage loans, a� without limiting
<br />�ne �.iny or � ro�a��, � rn�e n�uy �ee �,e sory� d� ��a a�n, ��rorua
<br />Tros4� wiehwt umnt by tha Tnatee. m do the fbllow4ig, W the mRmt wneistmrt witb tLe lmms end
<br />awidi6ro�re of �o Poolin8 m�d Serolaia8 ABee� a� hmeto 0 6sh�it A(eha'T� :
<br />' t. To exearte, acknowledge, eeal md deliver dad of wsVmmtgege owe aalasmmm�� los� �te
<br />afFidevila, assignmenro of deed of trioVmortg�ge end whar raaded daomead,
<br />�tiafaetko�lmlea�roeonveymcm of deed of trmNmalg�, aubordinations md modifimtiom.
<br />tex suthaity aotificattona md daluadom, deode, bilh of sele, a�d mhv i�reoumaib of sala
<br />comeyance, artd a�nsfer, appepduely completad, whh all ordh�sry a nxessary endorsananb.
<br />eclumwled�wts. alTidavite. and aupportipg docummts aa may Ee aaca�ary and approprieta to
<br />effm im axeeaaioa, del(vmy, comeyanco, �ordation a BIiuB.
<br />2. To ex�ute and delhqv Innaa�e fllin� �nd eWnu, aflidrvits of dabt, av6�imdoro of wsoea.
<br />su6�iuulona of counwl, �ron-milhery eNidevNe, � of resebsiao, foreolosum dada, asneta
<br />tax e0idavita, atAdavha of ine�h. variflcetloro of aomplaintr, aMieos to 9uit. �tq
<br />dxlereamn for tlte ptapoae of filing metioas ro Ifft staye, ud otha doeumenes or mtiae filin�
<br />an bahalf of' the Trustas in oont�tloo with 6iauer�as. fore�loeme. bankruPOe�' aad avtetion
<br />aUiom.
<br />3. To andorse eny chadu m otd� i�fru� teaaivad by dm Sevi�r md mede paysbk to tIro
<br />Truatea.
<br />4. To Pu�ue mY detkfd�: da6t m otbis obdgrtlan, moo�ed m umecuad, inaluding bat ml
<br />limlted to tiase uisiag fiom 1L�ealoa�w or otlbr ee1R P►mahsO►Y rote or aheck T6ia powar also
<br />aud�atizes tlro�Servtcer W oollat, aegoUqe a odimwiae eenle e�ry deRatmioy eWm, fneh�dbig
<br />interast ead attomay'a fm�. .
<br />5. To do acry othv ect or eanpleAe em ahv doaaueal tlmt atiam 1n tl�e �1 aowse of
<br />��&
<br />6. To defend dro Tn�atm in setiaw md to b�ng aflirtrosdve �tloas oat tlro T�astee's bd�e!$
<br />p�d thrt the defaea ad �tftrmadve eedom �ro imdattal� to t� 6eat intamb oFthe
<br />Tnmtea
<br />. ��
<br />Book24212/Page1494
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