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, <br />� � . , � . a • <br />� , . <br />�oi�o5s5� <br />�ar��siT «�„ . <br />Fractional Lot Three (3), Bloc6 Five (�), in SP�ULDING & GREGG'S ADDITION to the City of Grand <br />lsland Hall County. Nebraska and its complement Fractional Lot Three (3j Block Three (31 in ARNOLD <br />rLai:E, an Addieioa co ine i;iiy oi i,ranti isiand, Hai[ i.oun[y, Ivebraska, and i,oi rour (aj, niock i+ive (�j, <br />SYAULDING & GHEGG'S �1llDITtUN to [lie City of Graud islaud, Hall Cuunty, Nebraska <br />EXCEPT <br />A tract of' land located in Fractional Lut 3 and Lot 4, Bluek 5, Spaulding & Gregg`s Additioa to Grand Island, <br />Hall Cuunt�, Nebraska. described as follows: <br />Begi�ining at tlie Westerly coroer uf said Lot a; theuce Northeasterl�� along the Nortuwesterly fine of said Lots <br />-! and a�c! 3, a distance �f 132.UU feei to the Nnrtheasterly line of said Lot 3; thenee Southeasterly a1Qng said <br />line detlecting 9U`OU'0�" Right a distance of 4.68 f'eet; theuce Suutt►westerly detlecting f39 right a <br />distance of' 124.67 I'eet; thence Southerly deflecting �1�°QO'�0" left a disCance of 10.37 feet to the Southtresterty <br />line of said Lut =1; thence North���esierly along said line det1ecting 135"(12'S0" right a distance of 1�.09 feei to <br />411G FIVILI a�i vi.'Siuuiu� <br />