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<br /> °'*' MORTGFAG��
<br /> Lee A Boh_rer ^^�, ����,h a� taa A Hazen_ �� •,_
<br /> . This Mort�e is entered faw betweea .t�`_
<br /> a married person. and Gordon T. Hazen, her husband �e��..�o�»��d ;T^.•
<br /> ;l.;.
<br /> �,• _
<br /> Five Paints Ba k a Nebr���� ��rooration (henm"Moatga�ee�•
<br /> � MortQaaor is indsbted to MortQl�gee!a the prinolpal aum o!!,_8.5d�_�0 .evidsaosd b�Mort��or's note
<br /> r' -
<br /> � �eut�mber 10- 1497-(herein"Note'7 grovidin�tor p�ymenta of prlaoip�l ond interest,with!he b�lanoe otthe
<br /> � indebt�dnsM.if not wonsr paid.due�nd p�yable oa��tP"'��F. ��_ ,-�
<br /> . �'.
<br /> To�soure the p,ymeat oi the NoLe,with lntereet a�Provided therein.the pa,ymeat of all otber eums.with iaWi` .-
<br /> e�t, advanosd by MortQ�se to proteot the rsourity of this Mort�ge�and the pesformsnoe of the oov�enwnts and�� __
<br /> -� meate oi the Mort�a�or aonWned herein,Mortgagor doee herobyi mortgRge e�ad aonvey to Mort�gee tIIe following
<br /> de�oribed
<br /> . �� propartyr looated in N:,11 Coun�,p.Nebrasks. �.�
<br /> Lot One Hundred Seventy-One (171) i n �•Jest Latim. an Addi ti on to the Ci'ty of
<br /> � Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska.
<br />�' --
<br /> • Toaether with all buildia�s,improvemen4 2Y�RUre�. strset��wlleys.Pwa�ew+�Ys�e�emenb.rl�ht�.Pnvlls�w
<br /> �,• ' �nd�ppurtsn�aoes looated thsreon ar in anywise Pertainln�thereto.and the rent�.isauv�wnd protits.rsvenslon�wd
<br />�:;�.= • nmaiader�thsreo� inoludin��but aoi limited to,heatinQ�nd aoolinR equlPment and suoh psnwnal proper4►thst 1t
<br />- . �' � attaohsd to the impmwment�w a�to oon�tit�te�►fixture:all of wbioh.iaoludin�rePlaoemersts and additions thss�to.L
<br />;`,'��°," . :: '-. � hereby deolared W be s pas3 of the real est�te seaured by the liea oi thU Mariga�o�nd all of the Lore�oin�bs1n�refsn�d
<br />�'-�' �. to L�rein as ths"Proper�►'•
<br />���.. .'..'�'i�rF, = D[ortga�or i�uther ooven�nts ana a�ree�.with MortQagee.a�t follows: _
<br /> 1. P�,ym�a�1b p�y►the indebtedne�a aad the intereec thereoa M providsd in this Mort�e�nd ths Note.
<br /> -'" 4 � f, TlW,Mosta�or i�the owner ot the Properly.has the right and�uthor(ty to mort�a�s the Propsii,y.+►nd w+�r -
<br /> Y 1,,,,:.::,:,•:;�,., rant�thst Lhe lisn ora�ted hsrby fs a ll�st wd pri�r liea on the prop�r�y.ezaepf�u may othe:wlse be�st forth hersin. _
<br /> .:_.;;�•' m The Proper�y►i��ubieot to�Mortgtge where�„ Fi vp pn;ntc Ranir L =-
<br /> • ••. tha Mort�ee.reoorded at Book_.,__.�e----of tLe I�oi3ga�s Records of u�i t _;
<br /> _ iy:-
<br /> -- Couaty.Nebraslca,whtoh Mortg�ga ie p 11ea prlor to the lien e:a►ted hereDy. �;--
<br /> �,_
<br />_ t� Other prior lieas or eaoumbrsnoes: F�ui tahl R►�ildi.ng,.t i na n _ r;
<br /> �t4
<br />_ �. .�_
<br /> 9 ���� Awet�mentr.To pay a�hen due all t�ea,epeait+l essessmenta and nll other at�rgea ag�inst the
<br /> - • �� property and,upon wrlttan demsnd by Mortgagee.to edd ta the pa,yinents raquired undar the Note eeoused hereby,suoh
<br /> - wnount as m�q be suftioient to em►ble the Mortg�g�ee to pe�y�uoh ts:es.asses�ments or oLher oharges�s tLe9 beaoma
<br /> due.
<br /> __.----
<br /> � isau:anc�.To keep Lhe improvements now or hereatter looated on the real estste deeoribed herein insured
<br /> ^, t�gai�►at damage b3►llre�nd suoh other l�a�►rds as Mortgagee me,y re4utre.m amounis�nd wiia wm�.:�«.�r•.•••o�
<br /> ' the Moitgagee.�nd with loss p�yable to the Mortg�gee.In caao ef lwo under�uoh polioiee the Mort�a�ee fe authorlsed
<br />� co ac�usf,oolleat aad oompromise.in its diso�reu o a�o�lai�mb�h��:��her+sbyPbut p�ymea�re des shatl onn•
<br /> prooeed�to the resW r+►tlon oi the Proper4Y po
<br /> tinue uuW the aums seoured hereby are ere pdd ia rull.
<br /> 6. O S�araw For Ta�s aad Imvsaaoe.NotarithatKnding a�}rthia8 aontsined in Par�BcsPhs 3�d 4 hareof W �
<br /> the ooatray,Mort�or rhall pwy to ths Mort�e at ths tiats o!p�,yln�th�moath�y lnsWlmsnLs of prlaotpal�►nd tnt�r
<br /> � ea�.ono-t4!!�Ztth oi the yearly tase���os�ment�.har�rd insuranoe premlum�.and ground reata(tf any)whloh may�tWa
<br /> i a priorl�over tLis Mortg�ge.all ae re�sonably estimaLed fnom time tent of thetitems��.Thi r►mh!b euoh wmounts
<br /> ' Ibe held by the MortQagee without intarest aad spplied to the paym P�
<br /> � were depo�ited.The sum�patd to Mortg+gee hereunder ere pledged�u addlrioaat seouri�y for the indebtedness eeoured
<br /> I
<br /> ,
<br /> �-.E
<br /> ' � �li�it __.. . ___ . _. .
<br />