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<br /> ' F Comm�rcial FsderAlBank P.O.Box 1103.Conaumer Loans,Om4hA NE 88101.Branah phom numbar — �
<br /> �- ------------------------- -----------�
<br /> ------------------------__--__..______------ .�oan�i_"3b79'�'�r__
<br /> SPacs above thLs lins fa rocordinp data. ` � �
<br /> � ' Canmer�JA/ MORTGAGE - Collateral
<br /> �� � F�derP1 B�*k Real Estate Mortgage --
<br />_ ,;� ;;+" '` � Matudty Dat� Initial lnt�t fl�t�
<br />;�, �� Naturo of indsbndnus Lwn/4nount
<br /> Coneum�r Loen 6,231.01 09/13/02 9.750 _
<br /> �+- . .. �. i, D�0 t3 RLYIBB ea�d VF�IICA REYF� •
<br /> iw Commsrcid Federal &nk,�Fedsnl Savin a Eisnk('Commxc�el Fsd�ral'),whow�ddnss is° �. °A* ��03
<br /> ne►env a p
<br />- •,..'.� � ��� � 681�1 a mortp�ps,with povwr ot als,of th�fdtow+np prop�rty top�thor with ali improwrr�ents now u►
<br />� hereafter erented on the p�o�'ty.+ed�II ea��U,riphta a�d�ppurten�nces thateto:
<br />-``,::�`,.•.' �Rq' g�yV���O�QtPiI�Drl�Jlt�. I�1LL CO3 1 0�'
<br />`"�::,;�,c'a;
<br /> -�h;�
<br /> ,�.,�: r«.• - Ii more than ons perw�sipn�thi�Matp�ps,ths wwd•i'rm�ns�ve.'
<br /> `';%.,��`:�'r�" - This Mc:tO�e x^_ure••io•�•mds by Commercid Federal evldonced by:---
<br /> 4�+,..2�"�� • •. A not�d�tsd th�urr�d�te u thb Mortpap�in tfis�mount of i__ fi���� .�' .wich irrssrNi ai ine in�i;■i i:i:ot y�.�._°L
<br />='Y?� :'`_�t�•,' '' per mnum,contdns th�termi ta npaymsnt oi that loan.tf that nots fs�ver ohsnped or r�placed by a nsw note.it wiil ba wcured by this Mortp�p�.
<br /> ��
<br /> '�"���pi.+�F�` I P�►�+W th�ldlawfnp ffiInps:
<br />��r'��='; 1, All pay►nN�ts on any note a othx debt securad by thla Mortpege will be pNd when dun.
<br /> l�'�+��� 2. An insunnce poliayfa fin end extended covsr�pe will be k t In torc�on ths propsrty in an emount et least sqwi to ffis dabu s�oiw�d by this
<br />.�+r�n?'�• CM,a�mma�rcfil�Fedeii wlll be• nwmed insurod on the polioy��TMe insur�ncs company mwt bs aatld�ntory to Comm�rcfN Fed�r�l,and
<br /> ��'� �� 3. AII tax�t Md�tssstrt»ntt on iM propKlY wiU b�paid Mfon th�y bscorn�dMinquant
<br />�;2:io-:s s�
<br />.Yr;r 4. No wut�wili I»cammittd on tha propsrtY,and it wfll be k�pt In qood rop�ir.
<br /> V�'� 6. Th�prop�rtY wfli not bs rdd (inoludinp by Imd contr�nt).Iwaed,and no int�nst in it w+ll M es�ipnsd In�ny w+y.
<br />—0 6. I own th�proMrty ine and ctsv oi any oth�r mortp�p�+a encumbnnea EXCEPT PRn�.�N+ fT. 11Y141C�[�
<br /> � 7. No othe mortp�0�a li�n or�th�propsrtywill wrr k»dlouwd to be in d�t�ult a M fonelossd.
<br /> - N any oi thw�promi�w�ro not kept,thsn Commercbl F�dsni cen d�cian all of ths d�bt imnsdiat�ly dw and payaW�wHhout�dvanc�notic�. -
<br /> ---- Fxcnptiom may 6�required by Iwv.'Th�i„t�rut�at�wfil incrws�to 19.0096 a any I�usr of ths maximum rat�dlovwbl�by I�w at th�t Ur►w,�nd thfs
<br /> � mortyy�ean b�{oaclos�d fn�ecord�ncswith appifabl�law.If th�debt is�ccal�rated,thM I sla wipn any rK+t a otMr inooms irom th�prop�rtY to
<br />� ,�-_,,,,,g� (FOR SO.DAKOTA RE6IDENTS ONLIf�In th��v�nt of any ddauit le th�makiny ot�ny payrnw�t a in kNpinp�ny cov�n�nt h�in,this Mortpsp�may be
<br /> toncload by aetion.or by adverti�s*nent a�providwl by�t�tut�a th�rulss of prsotic�nlatlnp th�rato.and thl�P�npnph�hall b�d�ertNd a�authoririnp�nd
<br /> �N� constitutinp�pow�r oi sal�u m�ntion�d in�aid�htut�or rul�s�nd�ny amMdment th�nto,rnd may nt�in sututory cau and attom�lr fMS(SD,WY,MN,
<br /> ..�� OK.�nd MI roaident�o�ly). -
<br /> GrWn smounu ca�b�paid by Commxai�l Fedx�l and�dded to the d�bt tscurod by thi�Mortpaps.Inciudinp�ny tax�s a inaunnc�I hnn pre�d to
<br /> �'^�;�=� p�y but tall to,my attom�}r f�a eaxt�xpsnsa�Commxeld F�dKa�P�Y+�t it is m�ds� pKty�t any Ipal aotio�broupht by wrt�one dw cone�rninp th� -
<br />_. ,� " ' prop«ty,md any attomsy t�ss a court expw+sW which th�I�w mipht allow ii Commxoid F�d�nl hu to po to court�p�inst ms to cdl�ot th�d�bt or
<br /> _�-`:;� ,, fonclos�thb rtartpp�•li�ny of thew thinps happan,thsn ths add�tional debt wiil�ccrue inte�t�t th�aartN r�t�u th�reat oi th�d�bt�nd must be Wid
<br /> immediatNy.
<br />-- � }���:� .
<br /> If this propNty I�we►condwn�ed undx thd powsr of eminsnt dom�fn or�ny aimil�r method of ukinp propsrty tw publio uN,�ny procwda ot tha Lkfnp
<br /> -- . ': . vAi�be p�id to Canm�reial F�denl up to ths full�mount ot th�debt s�cur�d. �:
<br /> - ,� ,�.�• '� garower w�Ivu dl right ot hornetaad exet�ption in ths propsrly and futurs waivas all riphts of redsmption,aenptlor+,distributivs�han�nd dower.
<br />�'�' 1�.� Noqo��o Borrows�(for ptdaham�proP«tYl: A pow+r of ub h�t bNn 9n�tbcl in thia MerApa�. A pow�r of ul�m� atiow th�M�xtaao�to t�k�1M
<br /> . .4� � � oou �n• aTOft�l�aa9�n upon uyuun uy amowK unwr w.m ��
<br />'�� _ ��`l :.:.
<br />�:' � fL� � C �C��F�.
<br />�:'.:,. 09 04 97 DIH30 T 1�'YF8 �•
<br />_,,',:• �� 1 7 a s Dats Borrow+r'a Typed Nema owsr'a Sipnaturo
<br /> _ �lo ro..•ra �c�yP s -
<br />�:` ,f f.�,.a'l� ����� 8orrowar'a Sipnaturo =
<br />_ - 1717 N�M37WY�+i+ AvE t�atAi� •-�*'+s�, a�e. 000vo _
<br />` �.
<br />--. • 9orro�r's Ad rou _
<br /> °'` j �,.
<br /> � � couKrr oF kW�L t
<br /> � On thfs 4� dayot � ,tA 97 ,�{��,o not�ry public in and fa s�id county, penonaily came
<br /> j)� (; gEy(EB �IC1 VF=i(taG RF:YFB' to me known to bo the identic��penon or perw�e wfioas _
<br /> neme fs or en��xrd to the abwe rtartQWe,and thsy,he/�he/they severally scknowledped ths sa�d instrument md ths�x�cut�on ihsraoi to b�their
<br /> ' voluntary act md d�ed. J _
<br /> WITNESS my h�nd� � � eba�"• �/ � / �� r����� -
<br /> My cwnmiuion s�iros: ��M1'�iM 1�N�fi1�1 L�Il I /.�L11./'/ �''9 -
<br /> NE-IN-NVY-IL•SD � Notary Pubho's Sipnatun DN-10'77 (07%97)
<br /> . lq�.Jm.24.19M
<br /> _a :
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