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<br />A lracl o/ lond comprlsing all o/ Lols One (J) Jhru Twenly One (2!), Weslwood Park
<br />E/evenlh SubdlvJslon localed /n a parf oI Ihe Norlhwesl Quarle� o/ Ihe Soulheasl Quorfer
<br />(NWl/4SEl/4), 01 Sec1lon Four/een (t4J, Tovrnshlp E/even (11) Nodh, Ronge �en (10)
<br />W¢sl o/ !he 61h P.M., In �ha Clly o/ Grand Island, Ha0 Counly, Nabraslra, I, sold Iracl
<br />conla/n/ng 8.765 acres more or less.
<br />Dedlcation
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PR£SENT5, lhol, T!M C. P1A7£, a single person, being Ihe
<br />owner o/ /he /and descr/bed hereon, has caused some lo be suroeyed, subdlv/dad, plaNed
<br />and deslgnofed as 'W£S7{Y000 PARK 1V/£Lf7N SUBO/V!SlON; In Ihe CIIy oJ Crond lslond,
<br />Nebrosko, as shown on lhe accomponytng p/al lheieol, ond does hereby ded/co% !he
<br />sosemenls as shown lBereon /or fhe locol/on, consfrucllon and mdlnlenance o/ pub!!c
<br />servlce uN//!!es /orever, fogelher wl/h fhe dghf o/ ingress and egress /herelo, and hereby
<br />prohibfling fhe plunNng o/ Irees, bushes and shiubs, or placing ol6ar obslructlons upon,
<br />over, a/ong or underneoth !he surlace oJ such easamenis; an0 lhol Iha /oregoing
<br />subdiv/s/on os more porllcularly descdbed /n �he descr/pflon hereon as appeors on lh/s
<br />plal /s made wflh lhe bee consen/ ond !n occordance w!!h 1he desl'ies o,I fhe
<br />unders/gned ovrner ond proprletor. �
<br />/N W/1NESS WHfRfOf, / hove a/Ilxed my sJgnolure herelo at Crand ls/ond. Nebraska,
<br />lhts /f1' doy o/ �—, 20/2.
<br />. �
<br />TIm C. Plale
<br />Acknowledgement
<br />Slo1e Ol Nebrasko ss
<br />Counly 01 Ho!l
<br />On !he_/�.day o%/�/�� 20/2, be%re me_ � Q� o i��
<br />o Notary Publ/c wllh/n ond /o� safd Coun/y, personally appeared T�, o slag/e
<br />person, to me pevsonolly known lo be Ihe /denl/col person whose sJgnalure /s alllxed
<br />herelo, ond /hal he d/d ocknow/edge lhe execuNon thereo/ % be hls volun/ary oc/ and
<br />dsed.
<br />IN WIINESS WN£R£OF, / have hereun/o subscrlbed my name ond olllxed my o/Ilclol
<br />sea/ ai Grond Islond, Nebraska on Ihe dafe /asl above wrHlen.
<br />My camm/ss/on expJres_�ebn�°e�Ld��/6 .
<br />p1NNNOtN(t•9and
<br />OHM.D.80f16PNPPfi1
<br />rmm rmume
<br />�. Sea/
<br />olary Publjc "
<br />� , Surveyor's Certlflcate
<br />24 � I heieby ced!/y Ihol on Api!l 5, 2012, l comp/efed an occurafe suivey o! 'WESTWQOD
<br />P� � ''sr ��8 97 � PARK 7WELfTH SUBD/VlS/ON; In Ihe Clty o! Crond /s/ond, Nebrosko, os shown on Ihe
<br />�'�` � i accompanying plo� fhereof,• fhal Ihe fo/s, b/ocks, slreels, cvenues, a!leys, parks, commans
<br />�� '�r� �°' � ond oJhe� grounds as con/o/ned /n soid subdlvlslon as shown on /he accampany/ng plot
<br />; 26 �a ��� � lhereol ore well ond accurolely sioked o// and morked,• thal lron maikeis were ploced of
<br />�1, v � o// !a1 coiners; Ihof lhe dlmenslans o/ each /of ore as shown on lhe p/o% fhol each lo/
<br />e�� ,� i bears !!s own number, and lhol so/d survey wos mode wllh re%rence lo knovrn ond
<br />'_C�_ � �� � recorded monumenls.
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<br />App�ova/s
<br />SubmlNed lo and oppioved by fhe Reglono/ PlannJng Commiss/on o/ NaII Coun/y, Grand
<br />lslond, Wood RJv� 1he Vlllages o1 A/da, Cairo ond Donlphon, Nebrasko.
<br />GG�' �/� , Z�/ 2
<br />� �airmon te
<br />App and occepfed by lhe C!/y ol Grand !s/ond, Nebrosko, lhls��day o/
<br />� ZOl2.
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