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<br />;,;,��w" Any application ut rcnts shall aoi cure or waive any deuutt or iavalidAte az►Y otber right or remody of l�nder. 'Ihts
<br />.�„�. • assignment of r�nts oP tho Property shall terminato when the debt secured by tho Secudty Instrum�nt is paid in tuU.
<br />:;�..;;:��:y 18. Foredowro P�000dnro. 11 Lender rcquic�s immedi icable lawn I.ender shaU U�en tlep.d m collect all y�xpacis�s
<br /> .'-,,�-'., tha power of sala and any otl►er remodles pecmltted by app •
<br />�y,��''°'• Incuned in pursuing tha remedies provlded in thig patagraph 18,including,but aot Umited to,rtasoaable sttorneys —
<br />:.=�.-5:,'� feas aad oosts of tiUe evidena.
<br />_ �*;{'.
<br /> , � j. It tho powcr ot aale is invaked�Trustcc shaU r000rd a naticc of dofAUlt!n ea�ti���bl lawto Bo s�mxer�nd _
<br /> _ Pcopeny is iacaeed wtd sh�ll cunil onpies oe sueh noUoa in the manner prescrIbed bY aPP
<br /> - - = to Wo othcr persons praatbed Dy applicable law. A[ter ttie tlme requicod by ap�licsbla law,Tn+stee,sUall givc public
<br /> l, �� notice uf sals to the peraons and in the mannEr prescribal by appucable law. Trnstee,witt►out demaad on Borcowor.
<br />:.��
<br /> -_�� shail sell the Property at pubUc sucUoa to the Wghest bidder at the time and place and under the ti rms d�10gtot f�
<br /> — In the noUce of salu ia oae ob�ubl�c a�nnounoem nt ac the Ume and place o�f y PI�w[°usly sch��o�d sale. Lcader
<br /> . .,.��� or any parcel of thc PropertY Y P
<br /> � at an salc.
<br /> , . ,��, or its designoo may purchase ttte ProportY Y --
<br />�-�^�;'.r-°.• , Upon reaipt of pa}mtent of tha prioe bid,Trustee ahell dsliver w the putchaser 1Yustee's deed convcyIng t11e
<br />�;.�� Property. The cec[tals in tho Ttustec's deed shall be pr[ma facte evidence of the uuth of the statements made thenin.
<br /> �c�a Trostee shall aAP�S'�a P�of the sal�in ths follawing order.(a)to aU oosu and expaages of exercising the pow�er
<br />`�����`�t��'� of sa1e,and Wc salo.includiag ths payment of the Trustce's fees actuaUy incurcc0.not to exoeed
<br /> �"==,� of the principal amount of We aote at the � ���tydInst�rutneAt�and c)aay excass t�athe persoa o'persons
<br /> _:'-'.=�':�� permitted by law; (b) to aU sums secnred by
<br />,��� legaily entitled to i� uires itnmadtate _
<br /> IP the Leader's interest In Wls Securtry Insuu�►ent is held by the Secretary aad the Secretary req
<br /> �q�;� payment in full under paragraPh 9,the Seccetary may invoka the nonf udidal powec of sale provided in the Singlo
<br />'-��'-�-,�* � gamily Mortgage Foreclosure Act of 1944("Ac►')(12 U.S.G 3751 et sea•)by requesdng a foreclosure oommissioner
<br />:__ m=— pe as rovided in the Act. Nothing in the
<br />, ,-;;+�' desiguated under the Act to oommence foreclosure and to seU the Pro rty P
<br /> ... , P�B�Ph 18
<br /> preaoding senuncx shall deprive the Secretary of any rigl►ts othe�v�se evailable to a L,ender under this
<br />`��`�� or applicable law. y Insuument,Lender shall request'IYustee
<br /> ;v;a�.,� 19 Reoo�pa��UP°II PaY�ent of all sums secured b ttds Securlty
<br /> '�_..�._:;, y �� Insuument and all notes e�►ideacing debt�ecured by th�s
<br /> .-:;-,,;, to reoonve the Pro aad shali surrender this Sea�r1tY ��out warrantyead witiiout charge to the person
<br /> -�,� Secudty iosuument to'lYastee. Trustee shaU reoonvey the Prope�� ���on oosts.
<br /> _-__ _ or persons legally eatiQed to it Such person or persons shall Y Y
<br /> ._� 20. �itato is�i� I.an3cr.at:t�ogidoa,ma;fmm ttmo to timo remove Trustee and appoint a suoass�r
<br /> — `� is rxorded WIthou�t ooa�eyanoo af thedPcoperty.the�ec�.�����hall suaoeod to all the�e,powe�r and du�es
<br /> — oonferrod upoa T7ustea horein and by applicabk law.
<br /> - � g�qy�t for Nol3ood, Borrower requests that ooples of the notices of default and sale be sent to Bonnwer's
<br /> address which ts the Property addres�•
<br /> �y �yo��ty�trum�mt. If one or mora r[ders are e�cecui�l by Barrowcr and reoorded together with
<br /> -- --�- this Securit},Insuum�ent,the oovensnts of cach Instrument asa if ther[de(s)wete a part of this�eSecur[ty Ingtprwuentt
<br /> tho covenunts and agreements of this Secur[ty
<br /> [Check applicable boz(es)].
<br /> � Condominium Rlder � a�duated Paymeat Rider � Growing Equity Rider
<br /> , a Planned Unit Dwelopment Rider � Adjnstable Rate Rider � Rehabi�tation LAan Rider
<br /> � Non-Owner Occupancy Rider � Other[Specitq]
<br /> BY SIC3NINCi HBi.OW.Borrower aacepts and agree,c to the terms wntained in PaSes 1 thr°u8h 6 of this Securiry
<br /> ent and{n any rider(s)�xecuted by Bornower aad reoorded with i� /
<br /> _ � l Se�l
<br /> ----- DOUG E. HOURNE -Borrowei ..�• SANDRA R. B E -Borrowei
<br /> __ -��� ���
<br /> -��-°-m�--- r� -Borrawer
<br /> ``��' -Borrowei
<br /> _ �"�aµ�
<br /> Ri:Y�,'C. -BOf[OWCi -BOLI'OVI�f
<br /> _.._•�.�x..n y
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