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<br /> ' circumstanccs.Borrower shaU not coaamit waste or desuoy,damage or substantially change the Prapeny or aAow thc -._,4:
<br /> Propetry to deteriorate.reasonable weat and tear excepted. Lender may Ittspect the Progerty if ttte Properry is vacant �K
<br /> ; or abaadoned or tho loan is in default. Lender may take reasonable action to protect and presetve such vacant or
<br /> abandoned Property.Borrower shall also be in default if Borrowcr,during the loan applicatton process,gave matedaUy ;:�_:_
<br /> false or inaccurate inPormation or statements to Lender(or failed to provide L.ender with any material informadon) -
<br /> � In cannectlon with che loan evidenced by the Note,including,but not limited to,representations concerning Bonower's •
<br /> � occupancy of tha Property as a prInclpal residence.If this Securlty Instrument is on a leasehold,Bonower shall complv ��"'
<br /> ,�� wlth the provlsions of the lease. If Borrower acQuires fee tiUe to[he Prupeety,the leasehold ancl fee title shall not .,
<br /> . � be mecged unless I.ender agrees to the mcrger in wrlting. '``;
<br /> ��,�,r, Q Condemnttbn.The proceeds of any award or c1aIm for damages,direct or consequential,in connection wlth ,_W
<br /> •,,,,,�„�►� any candemnatian or other taking of any part of the Prapercy,or far coaveyance in place of condemaation,are hereby �,:�
<br /> assigned and shail be paid to Lender to the extent of the full amoubt of the indebtednass that remains unpadd under �___
<br /> the Note and this Securlry Instrumen� Lender shall appty such proceeds to the reduction of the Wdebtedness under �=-
<br /> � , , j the Note and this Securlry Insuun►ent,Hrst to any delinquent amounts appAed in the ordcr provided fa paragraph 3, __
<br /> � ; and then to prepayment of principaL Any applicadon of the proceeds to the prIncipal shaU aot extead or postpone �
<br /> '" • the due date of the monthly payments,wWch are referred to in paragraph 2,or change the amaunt of such paymenls•
<br /> � Any excess proceeds over an amount required co pay all outstanding lndebtedcess under the Note and this Securlty
<br /> ' lasuument shaU be paid to the entity legaUy entitled tharato.
<br /> ts�n the pro Honower shall pay aU governmeatal
<br /> �, 7. C�trEcs to HarcoMer and Pnotectbn ot Lender's Risl► P�Y-
<br /> or munIcipal charges,flnes and impositions Wat are not included in paragraph 2. Borrower shall pay these obllgations �
<br /> ou tLne dicectly to We enttty which is owed the paymen� If feilure to pay would adversely affect Lemder's inter�t in _
<br /> �, the Property,upon Lender's request Bonower shall prompdy furnish to Lender receipts evidencing these payments. -
<br /> „ �;r If Bonower fails to make these payments or the payments required by paragraph 2,or fails to perform any other
<br /> covcaants aad agreements contained in this Security Instrua►ent,or there is a legal proceeding t1�at may signiflcantly
<br /> affect Lender's rIghts in the Property(such as a procee,diag in banlauptry,for oondemnution or to enforce laws or
<br />- regulations).then L.ender may do and pay whatever is aeces.sary to protect the value of the Property and LendePs rIghts
<br /> . In the Property,including paymeat of taxes,ha�ard inswaace and other items mendoned Ia paragreph Z.
<br /> Any amounu disbu�sed by L.ender under this paragraph shtill beoome an additioaal debt of Bonower and be
<br /> ' secured by tl�is Secudty Insuumen� 'Ihese ataounts shall bear iaterest from the date of disbursement at the Note rate,
<br /> and at the option of Lender shall be immediately due and payable.
<br />- _ _ ____ Borrow�r shall promptly discharge any lien whlch has prlortty over this Security Insuwnent ualess Borrower.(a)
<br /> agrecs in wridng to the payment of the obUgadon secured by We lien in a manner acecp�abiC tu Lcude:.(b}taai.aa
<br /> . in good faith the lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lten in,legal proceedings which ln the I.ender's opinion
<br /> ti operate to preveat ttte enforcement oP the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the llen an agteement sadsfacwrY
<br /> � to I.eader subordinating We lien to this Securlry Instrumen� If Lender determines that aay parc of tha Properiy is
<br /> �`'� � subject to a lien which may attain priority over this Secudty Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifyWg
<br /> h. •
<br />�:, ., . , the lien. Bonower shall satisfy the Uen or take one or more at the acttons set forth above within 10 days of the g
<br /> "-.�^•.' �.. of notice,
<br />_ & Fees. Lender may coUect fees and charges suthorized by the Secretary. -
<br />-; '� ' 9 Cirounds for AooWendon of DebL
<br />%-:�.•_� � r (a) Bofault. Lender muy, except as Ilmited by regulations issued by the Secretary in che case of payment
<br /> �,-.-,- �•.:.
<br />--:._;�^r•�� � defaults,require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument :
<br /> °`'°`'�� i Borrower defaults b failing to a in full an mon a ent r uired b this Securi Instrument
<br />=;..:�,�;�. () Y P Y Y �Y P ym e9 Y �Y
<br /> �,;:,f�:�_�y•� , prlor to or on tbe due date of the neact montWy payment,or
<br /> -,,,,,;,,;;;,;,,., (ii) Bottower defaults by faWng,for a pedod of tWrty days,ta perform aay other obligauons oonteined
<br /> :�."::;W� _ ' in this Security Instrumen�
<br /> •.':, �:. (b) Sale Witbout tXodit Appiw�l. Lender shall,if perwitted by applicable law(including sectioa 341(d)of
<br /> -�.:•..N��•�,.�} the(3arn-S� Clermain Depository Institudons Act of 1982,12 U.S.C.1701f-3(d))and with the pr[or approval
<br />�,,�_;��L.: of the Secretary,require immediate payment in full oP all sums secured by cWs Security Instrument if:
<br />�-�_���,�,. (i) AU or part of the Property.or a beneflcial interest in a trust owning all or part of the Property,is sold
<br /> "��`-� or othervutse trnnsfened(other than by devLse or desoent),and
<br />__�•F�:�.��.
<br />— '-�"`�, '�- (ii) 'Ihe Proporry is not occupied by the purchaser or�rantee as liis or her prindpal residence� or the
<br /> ..tk... ..:� .
<br /> .;�,,�•• � purchaser or graatee dces so occupy the Propeny, but his or her credit has not been approved
<br /> .,:,,,�.���-:� accoidanoe with the requirements of the Secretary.
<br />-_ . .. (c) No'WaiMa: If circumstaaces occur that would permit Lender to require immediate payment ia full,but
<br /> Lender does not require such payments.I,ender dces not waive{ts rIghts wIth respect to subsequent events.
<br />- � � (d) Re�ul�tions of HUD Sasetu'y. In many clrcumstances regulations issued by the Secretary will limit =
<br /> Lender's rights,in the case of payment defaults,to require imraediate payment in full and foreclose if not paid. __
<br /> - This Secudty Insuument does not authortze acceleration or foreclosure ff not permitted by regulatIons of the �
<br /> . Secretary. �°.
<br /> r (c) Mort�ga Not Iffiured. Bonower agrees that if Wis Security Instrument and the Note are not deterniined ��
<br /> � to be eliglble for insurance under the National Housing Act wlthin 60 DAYS from the �
<br /> date hereof, Lender may,at its option require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security F
<br /> ,,;. .. Instrumea� A written statement of any authorizc�agent of the Secretary dated subsequent to �
<br /> � 6 Q DAYS from the date hereo�decllning to insure this Sec�rity Insuument and the Note,shall be �.
<br /> -
<br /> _ --_r
<br /> � deemed conclusive proof of such IneUgibility. Notw[thstanding the foregoing,this optlon may not oe exercisea
<br /> by Lender when the unavailability of insurance is solely due to Lender's failure to remit a mortgage insurance
<br /> premium to the Secretary.
<br /> now�syx�,i�ceoo��v.u� Puge 3 of 6
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