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_• •-- -. _ <br />� <br />�� <br />� 20i.2057��' <br />of Bomower's covenants and agreennants under this Security U�sa�ument and the Note. For this purpose. Borrower <br />irnwocabfy greats and conveys w the Truatee� ia trust. with pow�r of sale, the foIIowin,g descn'bed property loc�tod <br />� Aall County� Nebrasl�a: <br />Lots Four {4} and F'ive (5), Block Fifteen (15) in Evan's Addition to the <br />City of Grand Island, Hall Ccuaty, Nebraska <br />Item �: 400129019 <br />Rrhich b,gs the address pt 805 E Sth St I�] <br />• Grand Is3.and [Ciry2, NebtaBka 68881 lZfp Code] (°Property Address'); <br />TOC3ETHER W1TIi aU t1u improvcmants now or hereafter e�cted on the propecty. and all as�nts, <br />app�utenanas aad Sxttu+es ao�v oz heieatier a patt of the ptoperty. All replacemmis and addidons shall also be <br />cover� by thi�s Ser.urlty lns�at. All of t� foregoing is refe�mod to in thia Seau�tly Iastr�ment ss tbe •Praperty " <br />Bomawer undeistands and agre�s tbat M�+RS holds only i�gaf dde to the iater� granted by Bortower ia this <br />Security Inst�ummt; but, if na�ary to comply with law or custom. MFRS� (as nomtnee for I.eadsr aad I.end,er'� <br />succesears and essigas), bas the ri,ght: w exercise aay or all af those inter�sts. includiag. but not � w, the rig6t <br />to fonclose and eell the Property; and w take any astion required of I�ender iacludiag, but aot limit�d �. neleas�ng ar <br />caaceliog this 5ecaritY Insttl�nt• ' <br />BORROWEIt COVENANTS that Bomnwer is ]awfnlly seized of the estate bcreby coaveyod asd bas the right w <br />graat aad c,onvey the Properiy and that the Property is �aaraunbereci, except for ancumbraoas of tecocd. 8vrrower <br />wanants and wiu defend gmerally the title to We Pmprrty agaiast au cla�ms and de�aads, snbjc�s a any <br />encumbtances af rxord. <br />THIS SECURITY IIYSTR[JMENT combines uniform ooveaants for narional use and naa-aaiform covenaats <br />with limdted veiiations by jtrtsiedicxioa w cansdtute s uniform se�auity instnameat coveriag real property. <br />Bornnwer and I.ender cavenani aud agree as foIIows: <br />iJN1FORM COVENANTS. <br />1. Peymwt oP PrLsdpal, Interest snd I.ate Cherge. Bormwer shall pay wh�n dne ihe piincipal of� and <br />iatcress on, tbe debt evidencod by the Note and late char,ges dus uadar � Note. <br />2. Monthly Paymeat oi Tas�es, inaurancc and Othear CLarges. Bnrmwer ahaU incluae in each monthiy . <br />PaYment� together aritb tho principal and iatetest as set fort� in the Note aad a�+ late charge�. a sum for (a) taxes and <br />apxial ass�a�ents l�vied or to be levied agaiast the Pcflpeity� (b) leasehold payn�ncs or ground rents on the <br />Propony. �d (c) predoium�s for 3usoranRx roquiced wider pa►�raph 4. In any year in which tbe I.endsr must pay a <br />mortgage insnrance premium W the Secretaty of Housing and Urbaa Develapmtnt ("5arusicY�)� or in a�r in <br />which snc� gt�mivm would Lave bem requit�ed if Lmder sdll held tho Seauiu�► Iaat�ument, eac� m�ntWY paYment <br />ahatl aleo ieclnde �r: (i) a sum for th� annual mortgaga iosucamce prea�um to be patd by I.eader w ci�e Sa�►, <br />or (ii) a mont6ly c1�ar�e instead of a mortgage insurenc,e premium if tMis Secauity lnstrument is held by the Secntaq►, <br />in a reasonabl� amonnt w bc deteiminaed by the Secreta�y. Exc�pt for the montbly c�rge by th� Sccretaq►, th�se <br />items are c�Ued "FBCCOw Items• snd tlu aume paid to I.tnder are callod 'Esarow Funds." <br />I.antler maY, ac any t9me. callect end hold amvunts for Escmw Items in an aggregate emount not to eatoeod the <br />maximum amonnt that may be neqnit+ed for Botmwer's escaow a�xount uader the Real Estate Satlaaent Pmoedures <br />Aa of 1974� 12 U.S.C. Sectioa 2601 et seg. and iwplementiag ngulationa, 24 CFR Part 3500, as they may be <br />ameaded fiam time to titne ("RFSPA"}, �xcePt tbat the cushion or sseservo permitted by RESPA for uaaaticipated <br />disbuts�mmts or disb�semsats bafore the Barnower's paymants are available ia the acc�lint may aot be b�ett on <br />amouats due for the mortgage inaurance premium. _�� C�• <br />�__.�t.� <br />� �41�INE� (889Z1.01 Ppr 2 018 <br />• <br />p�gs_° O O� /�P <br />