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WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: <br />Equitable Bank <br />North Locust Branch <br />113-115 N Locust St <br />PO Box 160 <br />Grand Island, NE 68802-0160 FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />MAXIMUM LIEN. The lien of this Deed of Trust shall not exceed at any one time $20,100.00 <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is dated July 6, 2012, among ALVERNON L KNOEPFEL, whose address <br />is 427 HOLCOMB ST, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801 and DARLENE 1 KNOEPFEL, whose address <br />is 427 HOLCOMB ST, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801; HUSBAND AND WIFE ("Trustor"); <br />Equitable Bank, whose address is North Locust Branch, 113-115 N Locust St, PO Box 160, <br />Grand Island, NE 68802-0160 (referred to below sometimes as "Lender and sometimes as <br />-Beneficiary"); and Equitable Bank (Grand Island Region), whose address is 113-115 N Locust <br />St; PO Box 160, Grand Island, NE 68802-0160 (referred to below as "Trustee"). <br />CONVEYANCE AND GRANT_ For valuable consideration, Trustor conveys to Trustee in trust, WITH POWER OF SALE, <br />for the benefit of Lender as Beneficiary, all of Trustor's right, title, and interest in and to the following described real <br />property, together with all existing or subsequently erected or affixed buildings, improvements and fixtures; all <br />easements, rights of way, and appurtenances; all water, water rights and ditch rights (including stock in utilities with <br />ditch or irrigation rights); and all other rights, royalties, and profits relating to the real property, including without <br />limitation all minerals, oil, gas, geothermal and similar matters, (the "Real Property") located in HALL <br />County, State of Nebraska: <br />THE WESTERLY SIXTY (60.0) FEET OF LOT FOUR (4) AND PART OF LOT FIVE (5), ALL IN <br />BLOCK TWO (2), SECOND ADDITION TO HOLCOMB'S HIGHWAY HOMES SUBDIVISION, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: <br />BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH OF SAID LOT FIVE (5), SAID POINT BEING <br />FOURTEEN AND NINE TENTHS (14.9) FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID <br />LOT FIVE (5), THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID BLOCK TWO (2), A <br />DISTANCE OF SEVENTY FOUR AND NINE TENTHS (74.9) FEET, TO A POINT TEN (10.0) <br />FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT FOUR (4), THENCE SOUTHERLY <br />PARELLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT FOUR (4), A DISTANCE OF ONE HUNDRED <br />ELEVEN AND SEVENTY FOUR HUNDREDTHS (111.74) FEET, TO THE SOUTH LINE OF <br />SAID LOT FOUR (4), THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT <br />FOUR (4), A DISTANCE OF SIXTY ONE AND THIRTY SEVEN HUNDREDTHS (61.37) FEET, <br />TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT FOUR (4), THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE <br />SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT FIVE (5), A DISTANCE OF SEVENTEEN AND EIGHTY THREE <br />HUNDREDTHS (17.83) FEET, THENCE NORTHERLY A DISTANCE OF ONE HUNDRED AND <br />TWO HUNDREDTHS (100.02) FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. <br />The Real Property or its address is commonly known as 427 HOLCOMB ST, GRAND ISLAND, <br />NE 68801. The Real Property tax identification number is 400045974. <br />Trustor presently assigns to Lender (also known as Beneficiary in this Deed of Trust) all of Trustor's right, title, and <br />interest in and to all present and future leases of the Property and all Rents from the Property. In addition, Trustor <br />grants to Lender a Uniform Commercial Code security interest in the Personal Property and Rents. <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, INCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br />PERSONAL PROPERTY, IS GIVEN TO SECURE (A) PAYMENT OF THE INDEBTEDNESS AND (B) PERFORMANCE OF <br />ANY AND ALL OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE NOTE, THE RELATED DOCUMENTS, AND THIS DEED OF TRUST. THIS <br />DEED OF TRUST IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS: <br />PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Except as otherwise provided in this Deed of Trust, Trustor shall pay to Lender all <br />amounts secured by this Deed of Trust as they become due, and shall strictly and in a timely manner perform all of <br />Trustor's obligations under the Note, this Deed of Trust, and the Related Documents. <br />POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Trustor agrees that Trustor's possession and use of the <br />Property shall be governed by the following provisions: <br />Possession. and Use. Until the occurrence of an Event of Default, Trustor may (1) remain in possession and <br />control of the Property; (2) use, operate or manage the Property; and (3) collect the Rents from the Property. <br />Duty to Maintain. Trustor shall maintain the Property in good condition and promptly perform all repairs, <br />rn <br />_ m <br />N <br />0O� <br />_ m ,T <br />n� <br />o <br />Nzm <br />c D <br />rn <br />Iv m <br />0 trnc� <br />O <br />r <br />Iv C/) <br />< co 0 D <br />z <br />W <br />c 3� Z <br />71 m <br />X <br />rn <br />mC)0 <br />�u) <br />00 x <br />c <br />tc3 0 C/) <br />CZ)ITI <br />N <br />�p <br />Cl) <br />Z <br />O <br />WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: <br />Equitable Bank <br />North Locust Branch <br />113-115 N Locust St <br />PO Box 160 <br />Grand Island, NE 68802-0160 FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />MAXIMUM LIEN. The lien of this Deed of Trust shall not exceed at any one time $20,100.00 <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is dated July 6, 2012, among ALVERNON L KNOEPFEL, whose address <br />is 427 HOLCOMB ST, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801 and DARLENE 1 KNOEPFEL, whose address <br />is 427 HOLCOMB ST, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801; HUSBAND AND WIFE ("Trustor"); <br />Equitable Bank, whose address is North Locust Branch, 113-115 N Locust St, PO Box 160, <br />Grand Island, NE 68802-0160 (referred to below sometimes as "Lender and sometimes as <br />-Beneficiary"); and Equitable Bank (Grand Island Region), whose address is 113-115 N Locust <br />St; PO Box 160, Grand Island, NE 68802-0160 (referred to below as "Trustee"). <br />CONVEYANCE AND GRANT_ For valuable consideration, Trustor conveys to Trustee in trust, WITH POWER OF SALE, <br />for the benefit of Lender as Beneficiary, all of Trustor's right, title, and interest in and to the following described real <br />property, together with all existing or subsequently erected or affixed buildings, improvements and fixtures; all <br />easements, rights of way, and appurtenances; all water, water rights and ditch rights (including stock in utilities with <br />ditch or irrigation rights); and all other rights, royalties, and profits relating to the real property, including without <br />limitation all minerals, oil, gas, geothermal and similar matters, (the "Real Property") located in HALL <br />County, State of Nebraska: <br />THE WESTERLY SIXTY (60.0) FEET OF LOT FOUR (4) AND PART OF LOT FIVE (5), ALL IN <br />BLOCK TWO (2), SECOND ADDITION TO HOLCOMB'S HIGHWAY HOMES SUBDIVISION, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: <br />BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH OF SAID LOT FIVE (5), SAID POINT BEING <br />FOURTEEN AND NINE TENTHS (14.9) FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID <br />LOT FIVE (5), THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID BLOCK TWO (2), A <br />DISTANCE OF SEVENTY FOUR AND NINE TENTHS (74.9) FEET, TO A POINT TEN (10.0) <br />FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT FOUR (4), THENCE SOUTHERLY <br />PARELLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT FOUR (4), A DISTANCE OF ONE HUNDRED <br />ELEVEN AND SEVENTY FOUR HUNDREDTHS (111.74) FEET, TO THE SOUTH LINE OF <br />SAID LOT FOUR (4), THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT <br />FOUR (4), A DISTANCE OF SIXTY ONE AND THIRTY SEVEN HUNDREDTHS (61.37) FEET, <br />TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT FOUR (4), THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE <br />SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT FIVE (5), A DISTANCE OF SEVENTEEN AND EIGHTY THREE <br />HUNDREDTHS (17.83) FEET, THENCE NORTHERLY A DISTANCE OF ONE HUNDRED AND <br />TWO HUNDREDTHS (100.02) FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. <br />The Real Property or its address is commonly known as 427 HOLCOMB ST, GRAND ISLAND, <br />NE 68801. The Real Property tax identification number is 400045974. <br />Trustor presently assigns to Lender (also known as Beneficiary in this Deed of Trust) all of Trustor's right, title, and <br />interest in and to all present and future leases of the Property and all Rents from the Property. In addition, Trustor <br />grants to Lender a Uniform Commercial Code security interest in the Personal Property and Rents. <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, INCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br />PERSONAL PROPERTY, IS GIVEN TO SECURE (A) PAYMENT OF THE INDEBTEDNESS AND (B) PERFORMANCE OF <br />ANY AND ALL OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE NOTE, THE RELATED DOCUMENTS, AND THIS DEED OF TRUST. THIS <br />DEED OF TRUST IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS: <br />PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Except as otherwise provided in this Deed of Trust, Trustor shall pay to Lender all <br />amounts secured by this Deed of Trust as they become due, and shall strictly and in a timely manner perform all of <br />Trustor's obligations under the Note, this Deed of Trust, and the Related Documents. <br />POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Trustor agrees that Trustor's possession and use of the <br />Property shall be governed by the following provisions: <br />Possession. and Use. Until the occurrence of an Event of Default, Trustor may (1) remain in possession and <br />control of the Property; (2) use, operate or manage the Property; and (3) collect the Rents from the Property. <br />Duty to Maintain. Trustor shall maintain the Property in good condition and promptly perform all repairs, <br />