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<br /> , • ors hercb absolutcly and unconditeonally assign aU such r�lTt�is Ui�nd�P of ts,so�long�s Trus ors�ro
<br /> �tlYecicd hcrcby.and Tn�st Y �_:'_�
<br />_ �eu�Gc�,�n�,ho«�e�•er,liercby cN�sen►s to 1'nistors'coUect�a��1��d retentio��of sucli rents.
<br /> � ►to i aw�►t of t►uy indebteQness secvn;d l:..reby. or iu slic perfornti�nc�of a�tiy a8teement �4''
<br /> ' not. at sucl�timc, i��ds:fault �v��b ccspa [�Y ?;�_
<br /> hereunder. lf any c�•ent ot defauit described1ottise oc'fn�stors�or1anfone cl�ing under Trustoirs.a�dC��iti oul reg rd to the'��l►te of --_
<br /> fnt a ��^`
<br /> Bcne ficiAry,as n t►�a t t c r a f n g U t n n d w i t l�o u t __
<br /> thc tn►st cstatc or tlic intcrest of thc Trustors thcrcin. sliall liavc Q�c rig h t ro n p p►Y ro n�1 5'���n h�v�n g�unsdiction to ap �
<br /> ' cccci��cr oC ttic propercy. —
<br /> 8. Thc Bcncficiary. or its agcnts. arc authorirxd ta �pn��g��y of hc•clt thcy��1ulhorir.ed t�perfonn undcr tl c tcnns`of
<br /> ?:,�• ., purposc of iuspccting thc s�unc and for thc purposc of pe
<br /> _.,;rrrf� any loan instruments executed try Tcuscors.
<br /> 9. If all or�ny p�'►rt ot thc praperty or any intcrest of Tnistors is sold.`�s T��d jp�immcdib cly ductandtpayablc�and _
<br /> consent of tlie Beneficiary,the eeneficiary may dec�are all sums saurad by�
<br /> procecd ro the re�ncuo���ents s�hall be deamed an'event ofQefault hcrcunder:'n `
<br /> lp, pny of thc g nunt of any instaUct�ent of principal or interest or any other sums secucod hercbY when
<br /> .• . ,� a. Trustors shall havc failed to makc pay
<br /> :;,.::>�• duc:
<br /> •� b. There has occurnd a breach of or deWult under anY term. covenant, ag�ment, condition. pra��ision. [epresentauon or
<br /> };.>.=:�.�` to all or any
<br />..� ,�_�;' warranty contained in this Dced otTrust.the note or any otlier 1 rior o�r subsequent 1 en or en umbrance in respect
<br />.,.; ,_. . ent of anY P
<br />:,�..,..,Y c. Tl�ere has bcen a dcfault by thc Tnutors in the payn► l ar ���.ent, or shall make an -
<br /> ;, ,�, part of the properiY: ar sludl bc adjudlcatcd bankn►P
<br /> ''�: d. Tnistors shall file a voluntary pet►aon in banktuptc�� or�action to enforce any lien or encumbrance or judgments
<br /> t to thc property:
<br /> ` assignmcnt tor thc bencfit of cmditors in respcc b�Q s�d the samc
<br /> �f�:.
<br /> .�.�.F ._ against the propeny iscommenccd.
<br /> :'�'•.•,� : —.
<br /> ,�•. • 11. ln the event of any default,abB��thou any pT�n�ent,demand p test o oticeoywry wnd eTh�rcaRer.the Beneficiary
<br />- � shall thcmupon baomc due and pay
<br />:,;:�ir�i�' may: an action or proceeding.or by receiver appointed by a court and
<br />=;�`,.
<br /> A. cither in person or by agent. ��111►aT��ry en e�r upon and takc possession of the pmperiy or any part theteof.►n�ts°w�►
<br /> , '`..,: �vithout regard to the adequac.7'of anY acts�vhich it deems necessucy' and desirable to preserve the value, —
<br /> u�UY�:-% name or in the narne of the Tn�stee, and do any
<br /> _ -w �,���hitity or rcnt�bility of thc properry.or part tl�ercof,or�intenest t1�1he n�.v��c�a�c�ent�s iuixs ana Profits thereof.
<br /> =��a�•� security hereof and. without taking possession oi'ti�c pres�rt'i....�f_
<br />-�'>`'`;� including those past due and unpaid. and applY the same. less costs and expenses of operation and coliection, inct�wing
<br /> -,✓t�c ,
<br /> attorney fces, upon any indebtedness secured h��bY��1 ��ch order as the Beneficinry maY detemiine. The entenng upon
<br /> .':`-�"�'_ • ian of the uust estata the caUection of such rents, issucs�te an act and pn�response �� such a fa�°d
<br /> and takin8 Possess
<br /> -.�—�� shall not cure or waive anY default or notice of default hereunder or tnv � pn of the pmpe»Y or Ihe collection.receiPt
<br /> �+� pursuant to such noticc of dcfault and noavithstanding thc continuance in Pos�
<br /> x� and applic�tion of rents. issues oru ron��n�of y e fi o d fault lncludi g the right to e cre se the power of sale:�y
<br /> -- of the loan insttuments or by law po � a int a receiver, or specificaUY enforce any of the
<br /> b, commence an action to foreciose dus Dced of Trusc as a mortgag . PP�
<br /> covenants hereof;
<br /> c. deliver to Tn�stec a��tt o declara�aeo�l�dwhi ht notioe Teustee shall caus�t b�ttduly fi ed fordei'ceord n the offic al records
<br /> Ttustors'interest in the p Pe�3' is located.
<br /> of the county in which thc property
<br /> � 12. Should theBcnoficiaq' elect to�of Trnst and the note and su h rece P��d evidenoe of expendituressmade�s��
<br /> ' � und sl�all deposit with't'rustoe this
<br /> ' hcreby as Tn�.stec may reauir�,and u N uce o S�te as then req�ired bycla v�and by ttut's�Deed ofTcusc.TNS ceushall withou dcVinand
<br /> --� to Tnistor such Notice of Default fu►d ��by�a`y��ef�����on of such No6ce of D�fault and after Notia of Sale
<br /> on Tmstor,after such time as maY tl�en be�R at the time and place of sale fised by it in such Notioe of 5ale,either as a
<br /> ..—.m.�— t�aving been givcn as required by la�v,scU the propenY �nt, and ia such order as it may dMermine,at public
<br /> whole. or in separale lots or parculs or items as Trnstee shalt deem expedi �1 ��;�tent
<br /> auction to the highest b�dder for cash and shall deliver to such p�u'chaser or purchasers thorcAf a dced to the property d.
<br /> with the luw tt►en in effect. Recitals in t�hlc n�e fol owin ordcr(a)rto�l reason�ble costs lntd expenses of tthe sale,in�cluding but
<br /> Tcustee shall apply the praoeeds of the
<br /> -___— not limited to Ttustee's fea of not�o and�()/the cxcess. ifanypt�the person or persons gally en iUcd thcreto�nAny person.
<br /> --
<br />