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<br /> ''�' by owner'a end operator�ot almller propertlen end as Beneficiary may requfro tor ite protection. Truator will camply E.
<br /> • � with auch other requirementa es Beneficiary mey irom time to time request for the protection by Inaurance of tha �
<br /> �� intereat of the respective perties. AO insurence pollclea matntalned purauant to thls Aeed of 7ruat ehall neme Tru�tor E�
<br />' �,.� and Benefiafary aa inaured,ee thelr re�pective intereat mey eppear and provide thet there ahall be no cancellAtion or �_=
<br /> mod(fiaation without fifteen (16) daya prior written notification to Trustee and Beneftciery. IN the event any pollcy �
<br /> hereundor la not ronowed on or betare tifteen (161 deys prior to Its explretion date,Trustee or Beneficiary mey procure �
<br /> � �� such insurancs in eccordance wlth the provlalona of Peragreph 7. Truator shell deliver to 8eneficiery the oripinal ;_.
<br /> •-'� � policles of ineurance and renewsle thereof or coplea of such pollcies and renewals thereof. Falluro to furnlah such �-_
<br /> ineurenae by Truator,or renewals Aa required hereunder, shail,et the option of Beneficfary, constitute e defeult. All e:
<br /> h�� unearned promiums aro hereby asaigned to Truatee as additionel security,and e aele end conveyance of the Prope►ty G,:
<br /> r � I by the Trustee shell oparate to convey to the purcheser the Trustor's interest(n and to all poficies of tnsurence upon
<br /> , the Trust Property. �
<br /> :, � b. Tax�i snd Aat�ssm�nts. Truetor shall pay all taxes and specft�l a&sessments levied or assessed apeinst, or
<br /> . � due upon,the Property betore delinquency and will deliver to Beneficiary capies of receipts showing payment of such
<br /> - taxes and special assessrner.ta.
<br /> ,`• �. Addit[ond Uam. Trustor shall make all payments of Interest end principel,and payments of any other chargea,
<br /> ••: , fees, and expenses contrected to be paid to any existing Ilen holders or prfor beneficierfea under any prior Deed of
<br />-:� �'.� Trust, Mortgage o�other securlty agreement,before the dete they are delinquent end to pey any other clalm which
<br /> jeopardizes the security granted herein.
<br />- 7. Prot�otion o9 B�n�fld�y't S�cudty. Shouid Trustor fail to make any payment, fail to de eny act es herein
<br /> : provided or(f any action or proceeding is commenced which materially affects Beneficiery's Intereat in the Property,
<br /> Includfng, but no Ifmited to, eminent domain. Insolvency, arrangements or proceedings involving e bankrupt or
<br /> � ' � decedent,then Beneftclery or Truatea,but without obligetion to do so,and without notice to or demand upon Trustor,
<br />� and without releasing Trustor from any obligation hereunder, may make or do the same, and may pay, purchase, _
<br /> contest or compromise andy encumbrance, chasge or Ilen,which in the judgement of either appears to atteot seid
<br />- w'` Property;in exercising eny auch powers,the Beneflciery or 7rustea mey incur a liebility and expend whatever amounta,
<br /> i:,. �-"•� �� inaluding disbursementa of reasonable attomey's fees,which In their absolute discretion mey be necessary. In the
<br /> . � � event that Trustor sheU tail to procure insurance, feil to pey taxes and special assessments or fail to meke eny
<br /> • ...,.:
<br />� '=�'�•; ';� payments to existing or prior Ilen holders or beneficleriea, the Beneficiery may procure such insurance and meke auch
<br /> �; ;;}, payrn�nis. �!!�um� :"CL'zf£�4f 8Y.¢Stl�B��}v Rw�tRflCinN or Trustee in eccardence with the provistons of tha Deed of
<br />"':- i�'' 'd Trust are secured hereby and,without demend,shall be immediately due and payeble by Trustor and ahail bear i�tereat
<br /> t��. t• "�.7.
<br /> �' ' '�'� �'' at the rate provided for advancos under thA Loen Agreement; provided, however,that at the option of the Beneficiery
<br /> 1;,-.:-,..�_•
<br />�� " or Trustee, such suirs may be added to this principal balance of any indebtedness aeaured hereby and shall bear the
<br />�� ' ' `� '-1� uame tnterest as auch Indebtedness and shall ba peyable retably over the remaining Lerm thereot.
<br /> -°��r;'k;���!'" � 8. Assipnmsnt oiRents. Beneficiery shall have the right,powe�and authority during the conti�uence of this Deed
<br /> _-.=__.�..hf�'
<br /> -'��#, of Trust to collect tha rents, fssues and proflts of the Property end of any personal property lacated thereon wlt or
<br />—=-::K;��,,�� without teking poasesslon of tho Property effected hereby,and Trustor hereby absolutely and uncondttionaily �astgna
<br />�''`�;:'�� ell such rents,issues and profita to Beneficiery. �enefidery,however,hereby consents to the T�ustor's collection end
<br /> —���-,
<br />'-�;,;_T��� retention of auch renta,isaues end qrofits es they eccrue and become payable so long ea 7rustor is not,at auc t me,
<br />=.�wi�;�4� . In default with respect to payment of eny indebtedneas secured hereby or in the performence of eny agreement
<br />--��W- hereunder. Upon any such default, Beneficiary may et any time, efther in person, by agent or by a recelver to be
<br /> -"��� e ointed by e court,wiihout notice end without regard to the adequecy of any security for the(ndebtedneas hereby
<br /> -�-:�4�� PP
<br /> =_��� secured: (a1 enter upon end teke possession of the Property or any pert thereof and in its own neme eue for or
<br /> -- otherwise collect such rents,issues and praffts, includfng those past due end unpaid, an epply the aeme,less coate
<br /> � and expenses of operetion end collectfon,including reasoneble ettArney fees,upon any indebtedness secured hereby
<br /> --�;;,;.,,�g;,� and in such order as Benaficiary mey determine: Ib1 perform such scts of repeir or protection as may be necesaary or
<br /> -''="-?'�s proper to conserve the value of the Property:(c) lease the seme or any part hereof for such�ental term and upan such
<br /> ``'--"�� conditions es its judgment may dtctate. Unless Trustor and Beneficiary agree otherwise in writing,any epplicatlo�of
<br /> _�.,�.7�
<br /> �_,,,,,,_..;,.��� rents�isaues or profitsto any indebtodness secured hereby shall not extend or postpone the due date of the installment
<br /> --=-•��-- paymenta as provided in the Loan Agreement, and the epplication thereof es aforeseid sheli not wafve or cure eny
<br /> :-,�,�H;7�;� defeult or notice of detault hereunder or invaltdate any act done pursuant to such notice. Truator also essigns to
<br /> —"��•»�� Beneficiery�ea further security for the performe�ce of the obligatio�s secured hereby, ell prepaid rents and ell monies
<br />_ _4���4r1�;_�� which may have been or mey hereafter be deposited with said 7rustor by eny lessee of the Property, to secure the
<br /> 3.;�,�,.;, payment of any rent,end upon default In the performenco ef any of the provisions hereof, Trustor agrees to deliver
<br /> - - `:� such rents end deposits to the f3eneficiary. Delivery of wr(tten notice of Beneficiary's exercise of the rights grented
<br /> ... �.Y ' _
<br />=`��:;'' "�-':`'' herein to any tenant occupying safd premises shall be sufficient to require said tenant to pay seid rent to the
<br /> �:�,, Beneficiary untfl further notice.
<br /> �•�i�'�;;�•� 9. Condemnation. If title to eny part of the Property shali be taken in condemnation proceedings, by right of
<br /> ,�.°,'�:'••:���' eminent domain or similar actfon, or shall be sold under threat of condemnation, all ewards, demages and proceeds
<br /> . ' . • are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Beneficiery who shall appiy such award, damages and proceeds to the sums
<br /> ' � secured by the Deed af 7rust,with the excess, !f any,paid to the 7rustor.
<br /> 10. Future Advancei. The Loan Agreement provides for advances from time to time to Trustor by Beneficiary
<br /> , �'i as provided therefn. In eddit(on,upon requeat of Trustor,Boneficiary, at Beneficiary's option, prior to reconveyence
<br /> —�� '�, ' � ..f �M D�nnn►tv tn the Tn�efnr mnv MAICA addltinnAl future advances to the Trustor. Such future advances, W�tft
<br /> _
<br /> . .-_�- --- ....�.�..i .� �... _.
<br /> interest thereon,shall be secured by this Doed of Truat when evidenced by promissory notes atating that said notes -
<br /> � � • ere secured hereby; provided thet at no time shall the secured princfpel and future edvences, not inctuding sums
<br /> advanced to protect the security, exceed one hundred percent (100961 of the original principal amounts secured ,
<br /> - � hereby.
<br /> � 11. Rsmsdia Cumulatfve. All remedies provided in this Oeed of Trust ere distinct and cumuletive to any other �
<br /> y right or remedy under this Deed of Trust o� afforded by law or equity, and may be exercised concurrently,
<br /> j independently or auccessivdly. �r :,� � `,;,'^ :
<br /> � 12. Accsltration;R�medies; S�Is. A detault shall exist in the event of:
<br /> (A) Any fraud or misrepresentation by the Trustor in connection with the line of crodit which this Deed of Trust
<br /> •• secures;
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