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<br />. •�.x:�..,�' cov��NTe ��," 1a7�5
<br /> � 1. Payments. Borrower apr�es to meko �il prymenu on the secured d�bt wMn due. Unlesf Borrowsr end Lereder seree otherwlse, tny
<br /> �, p�ymenta Lender rocelve� Irum Borrower or 1or Borrower's benefit will be applied firxt to any amouMS Borrower owe� on tho�ecured debt �_
<br /> �- not�duc�or,xcuii iny schiduled piymint uMll tl'u tocu�sd debt ie�pald'fn fulj�l prep�yment of th�sar,ured dsbt occwt for any reaeon,it wfil
<br /> � '
<br /> �.Clalms Apdrttt TN.te.sorrower anrlN p�y�11 1+�s,usattmentc. and othee charpes att:ibutable to the property when due and will defend tttle �
<br /> tn the prop�rty�o�Init i y clalais wh�ch woyW p��r tt�e Nnn of thli dsed of t�wt.L�ndsr m�y requlre Borrower to aaqn any eiph:s,ct�tms or
<br /> . ;� d�}�n�et whlah 8orrnw���1111y h�V�IQiln�t p�rl� wha wpP1Y bbor ar materlals to Improve or mdntaln the property.
<br /> y 3.In�unnn�.Borrowar wlll keep the property u�sured under�erms acceptable to Lender at Borrower'� expenae and lor Lender'n benefit.All
<br /> inouranco pollcloc choll Inctudo o ctnndnrd mortCepe elna��+e In favor of Lender.�ender wiil be named o4 los�p�yee or e�iha Insured on eny such c__,
<br /> � or�to tMisaursd dsbt�I}Lindir requlrs°i�mo�►tq ps Pi i�urir�sthBoriower ayre�ei t�mslntdn suchhnsur�ncs for a�(onp�a�lendera equiroe��p��
<br /> � �"'':.�� 4.P�opety.Borrowor wlli ksep ths properry in pood condiUon�nd make dt ropaln roaaonably necessery. _
<br />-.:4.;, _
<br /> g,Exp�ns�s,Borrower�pree�to p�y ail Under's expenaea, including re�somble ettorneys'fees,if Barrower breaks any covenants in this deed
<br /> " of truet or In eny obti9itlon�ecured by tNt deed of trust.Borrower will pay theae amaunts to Lender as provlded In Covenant 9 of this deed of -
<br /> truat. -
<br /> p �ac�t�yr SntsresL�8 n,ower�wlll par�form ill f IoftBor ower i obligadons�under�any priar mongege�deed of trost�oritother�secu�ery tapreement� `_
<br /> � includinp Borrower's covenents to make ptyrnmta whe�due.
<br /> 7.Assipnm�nt of R�nU�nd Pro11ri.Barrower�asigns ta Lender the rente and profite of the property.Unleas Borrower md Lendar have egreed
<br /> otherwite in writinQ, Borrowsr may collect and reteln the►ents aa Ion4 aa Bonower is not in dofauit. If Barrower defeulte, Lendor, Lender's
<br /> agent,or a court�ppointed receiver may tak�poseeasian and manafle the property and collect the rente.Any renta Lender cdlocts ehall Ea
<br /> '� �pplfed firat ta the co�ts ot menapinp the property,includi� court costs and ettorneys'tees, commissions to rental agents, and any other
<br /> -_ �. `..,�,(;. neceseary rslated expensea.The remntnfng amount of renb wPl then epply to paymenta on the secured debt aa provided In Covenant 1. —
<br /> _ ' �"{, e ������.�����;��n�d�nit pnrNppm�np Borrower ayrses to campty with the provi:bns of my lease If thii daed of trust I�o0
<br /> ' �,��'.r,.:_
<br /> under te1covsnents by la vs,or repulitions of the co dominium or planned unit developmeni nt,Borrower will pedorm nll of Bonower's duties _
<br /> 9.Authority of L�ndu ta P�rto►m ta BarowK. If Bo►rowsr feils to�pertorm any of Borrower's dutles under thia dead of truat, Lender may
<br /> perform the dutle�or cauts them to be perfwmed.Lender mey sien 8orrower'e name or pay any amount it necessery for performance. If any
<br /> -;;�.'.'.=�,� consuuctton on the prope P�d(scontinued or not curtad on in a ro�sonabls manner,Londer msy do whatevnr Ia ner,e�tary to protact Lender's
<br /> "" cecurity interost In tfx pro e This may I�clude completing tho construction.
<br /> Lendsr'a failure to pertorm wiit not preclude Lender}rom exe►citing eny of it�other►ights under the law or this doed of wst. `
<br />�`��`�� AnY amounts peid by Lender to protect Lender's aecurity interest will be secured by thlc deed of trust. Such amount�will be due on demand
<br /> '�='��v=��. and wfil bear Interost from ths dete of the payment until Dtld In fuli at ths Interest rete In eftect on the securod debt.
<br /> ;:.'�., 1p, Driadt and Aae�arion. H Bortower f�0� to make any peyment when due or breaks any covcnanta under tN� deed of trust or any ��:•.
<br />' �Y�;� de�mand immedite paymsnt end may invoke tlya p wemof ssae md any other remedfert permitted by��ppl osb el iawurity of the secured debt and Y_
<br /> =t.:�r;•. : --.
<br /> -- '.:-+.,, ��. �.g,�at fnr Notic�ot D�fautt.It is herabY requested tt�at coples ot the notices of default end sale be sent to�ach person who is a pstty
<br /> ���:� heroto.at 4hs addrosi of each such peraon, at�st torth nere�n,
<br /> "_:::� 12.Pow�►of S��. If ths Lender invokec the power of�als,the 7rustee shall ilr�t record fn the oNice of the regieter of deeds of eech county _
<br /> ! whereln the tru�t property or aome part or pucel tluraof Is situat�d a notice of defauit containing the Information requUsd by taw.The Trustee
<br /> ' ehell also meil copiea of the notice of defeult to the Borrower, to each peraon who b a party hereto, and to other persans aa preacrlbed by
<br /> -�^�� epplio�ble Iaw. Not leas than one month aflu ttro Trotteo rocords the notice ot detautt, or two montha if the trwt property is not i�any
<br /> �_=,n��� Inco►porated aity or villspe and la u�ed in fermMiO qperaUons cenied on by the trustor,the Trustee ehall pive publia notke ot eale to the pereons
<br /> and in the m��ner prescribed by eppplicable 4w. Trustee, without demsnd on Borrower, shali cell the property at pubOC euction to the hiyhest
<br />-- bidder.If roqutred by the Farm Homestead Proroction Act, Truatee shall offer the property in two aeparete ealeo es rpuired by�pplicabte law.
<br /> �:T:lr.� Trustes msy po�tpone eale of dl or eny parcd of the proparty by publlo announcement at the time snd pleae of�ny previoue{y echeduled eale.
<br /> —,�,� Lender or it�derlqn�e may purohasa th�properly at�ny iete.
<br /> �=r�"'''-"� Upon rocelpt of p�ymsnt oi the price bid,Truttee shell deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveyin9 the property.Ths recltiels contalnsd In
<br /> ���� tollowinp o dsr(ej to PalimexpenSee��of the�wte Includinphbut�not/imfted tolneeesonableTTruetee6eafoeip�reesoni6le ettorney sst ss and
<br /> "-"�`"-"— rei�st�tement fees;lb)to all tums�eoured bythia deed of ttutt,and(ol the balance,I(any,to tho persona Iepeliy entitled to recelve(t.
<br /> � 13.Fonebwr�.At Lender's aptlon,thi�doed of trus�mey be foreclosed in the manner provide by applfoabin taw for(o�ecbaure of mortgapes
<br /> _ on reN property.
<br /> i�t,In�p�eUUon.Lender mey enter the property to inapea it if Lender givea 8ottowar notiee bsforshand.The n.�tice must�tate ths reasonab�e
<br /> -- e�up for LsndePa intpection.
<br /> 4 � 16.Cond�mnetlon.Borrowe�eesl0ne to Lender the proheipplled asYprovided in Covenantal.�7his essipnment Ist aubjec�to the terms of iny pr(or
<br /> • of all or any part of the property.Such proceeda wIM
<br /> escurity�grsement.
<br /> —�� iny remedy upon Borrowe ra ydef ulta Lendar does rnt�wiive iy�ipht to late9iaonsider ihe svtent a defaultlf it Keppe�,�aln�. BY not exerclsing _
<br /> 17. Joint�nd S�veal LI��y: Caityn�ra;6ucnisan and As�ipnt Bound. All duties under thi� deed of t�utt are /oint and several. Any
<br /> � �� 9orrower who co-sipns thls deed of trust but does mt co•sign the underiyinp debt insVUment(s) doea so only to grent and convey that
<br /> Borrowsr'�interest In the prope►ty to the Truttee under tho termfva of thfa deed of truat.In addition,such a Borrower apreea that the Lender and
<br /> — debt witehout th t 8orrower��coneent end witho t rel a�ei�ne tlut eorrower from the torms�of thla deed ot tru L this deed of uuat or the seoured
<br /> — The duties and benefits of this deed of trust�hell Dind and benefit the succeaROrt and saelqns of Lender end Borrower.
<br /> �—-"� 1 a.Notic�.Unleas otherwfse required by law,any notice to Borrower shall be glven by dellverin9 it or by meiling it by eertitled mail addreseed to
<br /> _,_,��� Borrower at the property addross or any�otMr addreae that Borrower has gfven to Lender.Borrower wfll give any noGce to Lender by certified
<br /> mail to Lendsr's eddreaa an p�pe 1 of this deed of truit,or to eny other add�eca which Lender hes deetyneted. Any olher rwtice to Lender shall
<br /> "' be sent to Lender's�ddreas�s ctaUd on pape 1 of this dead of trust.
<br /> ._�"V:i'`�o.�'..
<br /> ";,j�?�,;`k't� • Any notice shell be deemed to have been glvan to Bor�owe�or Lender when given in the men�er steted above.
<br />-i.i�Y.-:q�, r
<br /> '-' "" 18.Tnnsf�r of th�Pro{fe�ty a e B�ndletai Mt�n�t In th� Eorrowar.�f ail or any part of the property or eny interest In it�a sold or transfarred
<br /> ����`• ��•`a"'��` without Lender's prbr written consent, Lender may demand immedlate payment of the secured debt. Lender mar also demand immedinte
<br /> ,�''�'� �'�� payment If the Borrower i6 no! e naturel person and a beneticial intereat in the Borrower is sold or tranaforred.However, Lender may not
<br /> �'-`-���Y:� � demend payment In the abovs situatlona if it b prohibited by federal taw es of the date of this deed of trust. _
<br /> ...v. :.�., -
<br /> � � � 20. R�COflV��I�fICR.When the oblfgation securad by tlds deed of trust has beon paid, and Lender has no further obfgAtlon to make advancea =
<br /> under the instruments or egreemente socured by this deed of truat, the Trustee shall, upon wrftton request by the lender, roconvey the trust =
<br /> • -.,..� property.The Lender shdl deliver to the Borrower,or to Borrower's successor In interest,the trust deod and the noie or other ovidence of the
<br /> obiipatlon so�etiaifed.Borrower sheil pay enyrecadatlon eoets. _
<br /> "��, .` 21. Succ�ssw Tru�tt�. Lender, et Lender'e optbn, may remove Trustee end eppoint a successor trustee by fkst, mailing a copy of the -
<br /> � �'��' .�. subatitution of trustee en required by eppiiceGe lew,end then,by tiling the subetitution of trustoe for rocord In the oHice of the register of deeds _
<br /> of each county in which the truat property,a some pert thereAf,Is situated.The successor trustee,without conveyance of the property,ahall -
<br /> " ` succeed to all the power,duties,euthorlry end title of the Truetee named In the deed oi trust end of any successor trustee.
<br /> • }
<br /> . fDeye Y o/21
<br /> DANKERS SY6TfMS�INC..ST.C10U0.MN 6E301 It•Q06797-2��1/FORM OCP MT6�NE t/18N1 __ __
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