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<br />-. I� ,�� COYENANTi `�� �O I�� M
<br /> 1. Paym�nti. Borrowor aflreee to make ali paYments on th� secured debt when due. Unlosa Borrower and Lender apree otherwfse, eny --
<br /> .� eRalualve�otentere�t or�princlpal,tecand ta/ntet���ind�h n bo prinCtp I.bf pi�ti�i/pre�p Ymant nf the �ecu ed d bt occu�e for any reas�ond'de�e,i �
<br /> not nduc�or�xcus�any scfwdul�d p�yms�t untll the s�cur�d d�bt Is psid in tull. _
<br />� 1,Gdnu Ap�(n�t Tltlt.@orror�er a�ll1 DeY eU t�x�s,�aaeuments,md other charpe�atttibut�ble to th�p►operty when due end w(II dofend titlo
<br /> ! to th�prop�rtV�p a�ost�ny clai3n�wh�c�would Imp�lr the Nen of'thl�de�d oi tfust.Lender mey requi�e Hotrower to acstyn any riphte,clnime or �
<br /> d�f�nns whlch eorrowa m�V�iav�����+►st P+�'1��O�uppry tabor or m�terlal��o improve or malntaln the proparty.
<br /> . 3, InwrMta. Borrow�r wlll keep the prop�rty pInwred und�►nrm��ecept�bie to L�ndsr st Borrower't uxp�nss�nd for Und�r'� benefit.All
<br /> � Iniurinci p�o11oY�AnY�iniur,nc�prociids mayrtW,i pli�d�withln L�dir'idt�cr�ton�to�ith�r i�w�atoration�o�rop�lr ot tha domnpod proyperty �_
<br /> or to th��ecund dnbt.I!Lend�r nquins mort0�0��nturmae,Bortow�r�prns to m�intdn�uch imurance tor as lonp at Ltnder►equirei.
<br /> "� � 4,/rcpwty.Borrow�r wili keep th�p►opsrtY In pood conditlon md make�II ropsirs msombly neaasery.
<br />- � 6,Facp�nw�.Borrowar�pnn to psy�U Lander'�expsruu. Indudlnp re��on�bl�attwneY+'tees,If Borrow�r breaka any covsmnta in tht�deed
<br /> of vuit or In�ny oblip�tlon seeursd by thit de�d ot truft.Benowar witl pay ths��amounts to Lends�n Drovided in Covemnt 9 of thii deed of
<br /> :�_• uuat.
<br /> 0,Pdor 8�eudt�r Int�nsts.Unteu Borrower tirst obtain4 Londer'e wrftten conaent,Bor�ower witl not m�ke or permlt any chanpee to eny prior _
<br /> � seaurfty Intsni�. 9orrowar wfll pe►form all of Borrower'a obllyaUons und�r �ny prfor mortyaqe, deed ot truat or other seeurity ayreament,
<br /> � � Ino{udinp Borrow�r's cov�nmts to mak�paymenu when dus.
<br />� � oth�n�n►af e In w►itlnp, Bor�ower m y colle�c and re�i(�tthe�n tstai lonp a Bo rower is notPin default�If Bonorwer detiuki�^Lender�Leridere
<br /> aQent, or s court appolnted racelver m�y t�ke posiesUon �nd mensqs the p►operty a�d eollsct the rents.Any rents Lender colleat�sh�ll be
<br /> apptlad flrat to ths co�ts of manspin�the P►opertY. tncludin� court cost��nd attorneys'fses,commissions to rent�i a Qents, and any other
<br /> �� nnaesaery relsted expense�.The rsmelniny�mount of rents wlll then apply to p�yments on the aeCUred debt sa ptovfded ln Covenam t.
<br />=Y ' p�d��p�y�Ippnwnq, Barowrr ���to wmply with th�provitkns of�ny Naa it thl�ds�d of vust Is on
<br /> S.doassholde•Ca�do�ninkMns: —
<br /> �1en�hde. �f thi�dNd ot t►u�t is on�unit In�cor+dominium a r p�nn�d untt aovetopment,Bo►tower will pertorm all o}Bonower'� duties
<br /> unde tM cawn�nts,by-law�,a repulatlons of tM cordominlum a plann�d unk d�wlopm�nt.
<br /> g,Autho�ity ot L��d�r to►�rfam tor dortowM• �}�row�r fail�to p��torm any of Bortow�r9 dutN� u�r thi� d�ad of uust, Lmd�r m�y
<br /> conf�ctructbn on the prroparty ii Elicontlnwd or not�csiri�id on In a n�oeabN mmrnr,L�nd�r mry do whitevsr�li nec,iiary�protsct Lender i =
<br /> security interon in the property.This may inalude compNti�p the consttuatbn. _
<br /> u�y}�������pedorm wfil not pnclude L�nder irom�xerelsinp any of k�otMr rlphu undsr tM law o►this d��d of bust. i•'
<br /> c
<br /> ` '��� Any�mount�paid by L�nda to prot�ct Und�r't a�aurRY Inteest witl b�a�r.ursd by this d��d of VuK. Such amounts will bs du�on d�mand
<br /> and will bear int�rsst from th�d�t�of th�payment unUl p�id In tull at tM interr�t rat�in sN�ct on the ncund d�bt.
<br /> ` ob�lipniof n ss wed by�i deid of truit u iny�lo►n�mort9�9sPor dsed of trusiulinds�miys accitiriti thi m,t�urity of the s,cursd debt i�
<br />- d�m�nd imm�dlat�p�yment and m�y invok�ttw pow�r of��N�nd�ny othv r�m�dhs p�rmittid by�pp�IoabN I�w.
<br />��.z�ti:�, _ __.������ua��}��k. tt ts hirebv roqueat�d ttut copisa of ths notic�s of d�f�ult uid �d�M unt to e�ch pxson who i�a P�Y
<br /> :+.~ honta,at th��ddrss�ot e�ch�uch p�rson,ss at torth henm.
<br /> - - '-�`�•���r 12,powa of.9Y�. If th�Lsnder invokes the power of�ale,tM Truste�ahy0 flrst ncad in tM office of ths npistsr of dNds of�+ch county
<br /> ��_'y._�q;;y�`' ' wh�ntn the tru�t propsrty or som�put or pbrc�l therwf i�dtuat�d�notic�of d�fault cont�ininp��o^��io�othe�p�rsons ay p�rahcribidtby
<br />;`„.:,.� . .::. � sh�ll also mali copl��of th� r►otics of d�}suk to tt►�0orrow�r,to�ach p�rson whu ts a DntY h�
<br />�=y��;�� Incorpwitid olty oi villaye and Is�usYd in farminp op erilloni cirrid on by�thecuuitor�the tfruit i shill ptvi�publio notics of t�i1 i to th�e pinoni
<br />�:�ix'' ''� snd in ttN m�nnsr pnscribed bV�appplio�ble law.Truatee,wkhout dsmand on Borrowor,�h�ll�ol`p�ratspsel iia requirsd by appllcibNlawt
<br />,r:.��.:,��;;_ .'• Wdder.It requk�d by the Farm Hor►Hatead Prot�ation Act,Truste�ah�li otter the propert}r
<br /> =���?: 3' Trwtn m�y postpon�sab of NI or any parc�l of the prop�rty by publio announc�me�t at ths tims and plac�of any provlouslY schedutad s�l�.
<br /> --�j�,LL;�� L�nd�r or Rs dedpr�may purchas�th�txop�rtY at sny saU.
<br />_�"�`'`�;.�F]�, Upon naipt of paVm�nt of tha pric�bid,Truste�shall d�llve to th�purch�ser Tru�t��'s dad conv�ylno tM prop�rty.Th�ncitiala contain�d in
<br />���_ry;rt, . 7ru�tse't dNd thali be prima hc(s evtdknce of tM truch of th��tatemsnu cont�in�d thenln. Tmtte�sf sll apply the pocesds of tl»als In tM
<br /> "'' folbwinp ord�r: (a1 to all exp�nses of ths ale, includiny, but not Ilmited to, rs�sornbte Truste�'s tess, rea�tonabls �ttornsy'i fN� and
<br /> _ -��`T�-�� nlnttat�m�nt ina;(b)to di sum�s�cured by this de�d ot truat,end lal th�b�l�na,if�ny,to tM p�rtons Npslly entitlM to ncNvs R.
<br />----"�°°�°�� 13,Fonda�un.At UM}Q'A Qptbfl.thta d�sd of trun may b�toroototsd in the m�nner provid�by�ppitcabl�Isw fa fnncbsun of mortp�a
<br /> --,��=;�' on nal prop�►ty.
<br />----�vfl�i���. 14.��on Lender may enter tM property to inspect k If Lander plvee Borrower notics beforohmd.TM ratice must a�t�the nasonable
<br /> _�,,o,,�� wu�s fa L�ndiPs irupecUon.
<br />---_- , 18,Cp�mn�do�.Borrower�ui Q�t to Und�r tt»pr oceadt of my�w+rd or clalm for dam� u conmaud with�eondemmtion or otl�r Ukirp
<br /> , of dl a�ny prt of th�property.Such proc��dt vrEtt��c�P�isd u Provfded in Cownant 1.'�I�assiynm�rK(s wbJact t�th�terms of any prior
<br /> �---�„��F security aprnm�ttt.
<br /> Yn y�=� 16.W�iwr.By ex�rclsinp sny rem�d avaiisbb to Lende�.LendK doe�not O�vs up any►Iphta to leter uee eny otMr rem�dy.By not ex�rcisinp
<br />�„�,e� any rsm�dy upon BorrowH's detwl4��nder doss not wafve any rlyht to letsr contldsr tt»�vent�dehuk if It h�ppem�y�ln.
<br /> _____ ��_� �s��� �,_,,,�„ �o,W��� g����j �nd p��ipru 1lqx�d.All dutks unde thl�do�d of t►ust ars Joint and nvsnl. Any
<br /> ...o..o.,.�t ow��1
<br /> � Bor�pwu who co-sipn�this c�ed of uua but doa�not co•sipn tM und�rlyinp debt Inttrum�ntl�l do�� so oniy to pnnt and conwy th�t
<br /> Borrower's iMenst In ttN{xopKty to ttN Tru�tes u�der tha t�rmt of thts desd oi Vt�at.�n�dditbn.wch a BorrowK aprse�thet the le�dsr and
<br /> ���' �ny otMr Bwrowsr und�r thi�d�ad of WK m�y sactend, moditv or make sny otMr ahen0es In tM term�of this dted of trust or ths aecur�d
<br /> __=:'� d�bt without that Borrow�r'r consent�nd wtthout rekuiny that�orrower from the termt of thi�d�ed of trudt.
<br /> �r�'��' Tlw dutHs and b�ndks of thls d�sd ot trust shdl bind�nd b�n�fit th��uccssson md asdpns of Lender and Borrowe►.
<br /> —_„�t:tl�±:'.,y�•
<br />— �Z�-s�'��„� 1�.Notic�.Unleis atherwiss rputr�d by I�w,�ny notic�to Borrawer thall be pivsn by deliverinp it or by mstling k by certifled mNl addrouad to
<br /> ===�-,�•- Borrowe at the p►op�rtY�ddn�s or�ny otMr addr�a tMt eorcower hss Divan to Lendu.Borrower wHl pive any notice to Lender by c�rtffied
<br />