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<br /> g?- �U'7435 �
<br /> Unprovement must bc removed or is datnaaed by tt►e Licensor, its employas. sgenta� or
<br /> Independoat contractora working for the Licensor during the cow'se of tlxir employment or dudes
<br /> wlth the Licensor.the Licensoe agnes to assume and pay aU coats relating to the replacement or
<br /> repair of the uaprovement.
<br /> a, RESTORATION OF PROPERTY. If the consteuction or maintenanca af th� �
<br /> iinprovement id�ndfied�n paraSraPh 1 above requirea the excavation of tarth,removal of hard
<br /> . surfacing�grass, vegetation, or landscaping,or az►Y othcr disruption of the surface of the public
<br /> rlght-of-way or neigiaborin8 Propert7►.thc Licensa shAll resWre tLe surface of the area to the same
<br /> coadition as it eaistcd imimediately prior to thee Licensee's work in the area.
<br /> S. EFFECTIVE DATE. This license agreecnent shall take effect on the date it is
<br /> executed by the Mayor of the City �f Grand Island as dat��l below. It shall contiuue for an
<br /> indefinite term un�l such time as it is rt�rminatod as provid�d hereafter.
<br /> 6. T'ERMIIJATION. This license agr�e�ment ahall tern�inat�e upon one or more of the
<br /> following occurrences:
<br /> a. The s�rvlce of sixty days a►riGen notice of intention W teraunato bY�Y
<br /> �� party upon the other party.
<br /> .�..,.
<br /> b. The Licensoe's application for a permit to atter said innprovement or any
<br /> � part thereof,unless said pennit is for work due W�a oceurcence�.s ckscribod in Faragr�Ph
<br /> ^ 3 above and said wQrk has the prior wrluen�ppmval of the L,ic�nsor.
<br /> �� �, The Licensee�s consuuctlon or insnllsttoa of u►y stmcbure or imFrovaneat
<br /> of any n�ture upoa thc real estate ovmed b�► tb�e Licensor except tt�t describod in
<br /> paragcxph 1 above.
<br /> ;j Upon the termination of thie License Agram�ent, the Licensee shaU be raNirod� and
<br /> � hcseby r�+as, w c�move saicl impmvement from the Licensor's r�l estatc at ita own expem�e smd
<br /> , • without cost w the Licensor. 5aid rennoval w occur ao l�ter tt�an sixry dsrys after recciptao�f the
<br /> �� norice of intentioa to terminate or any of the oth�r occumences set forth in ParaSr�p
<br /> � ' Sbould the Liccnsee fail to do so, the Licensor ma�y remove or caaao the removAl of said
<br /> T. unpmvement from the Licensor's real estate and the Licensee agroes w reicnburse tl�e Licensor
<br /> • for all its costs.
<br /> 7. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This agreeuaeAt s1�11 b�binding upon the perties
<br /> . hereW,their successor and assigns.
<br /> ,�� 8. ENTIRE A(�REEMFNT. This licensc agreement coasdtuus thc entire agramen3
<br /> ; beti,veen the parties notwitbstanding any other oral or writtcn agreements to the conuary. 'This
<br /> _ license agreement sball be atn�ended only in wrlting exavted by all pazties herew.
<br /> _
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