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<br /> 9?- 1(�'741.'7 --
<br /> . RE9POND WITHIN 10 AAYS T0: Janie Annette: Guetafeon
<br /> Box 405
<br /> Doniphan. Nebraeka
<br /> �
<br /> Nebraeka Department of Revenue
<br /> 301 CenCennial Mall 8outh
<br /> P.O. Box 94818
<br /> Linaoln. Nebraeka 68509-4818
<br /> Attention: M. Berri Balka. LinQOln. Nebraeka
<br /> Franaes Riley. Linaoln. Nebraeka
<br /> Notice of Deficienay Qetermination. Refused For Cauee Withaut
<br /> Oiehonor U.C.C. 3-501 (In Affidavit Form) .
<br /> 3ta�e (lf Nebraeka )
<br /> ) �s �
<br /> County of Hall )
<br /> I. Janie Annette: Guetafaon. addrese of [iox 405. Doniphan.
<br /> Nebraeka. atate. declare and affirm that I am of legal age. of
<br /> sound mind and have firet hand knowledge of facts etated
<br /> herein and do teetify ae followe:
<br /> 1. Your Afifiant etates that her name ie nat A. Janie
<br /> Guetafeon. but Janie Annatte: Guetafeon. My name ie not
<br /> written in all aapital letters. ae that makes me a
<br /> car�araticn. b�t Wr'_±{o� �?Qikal J, small letters
<br /> a-n-i-8. capital A. emall lettere n-n-e-t-t-e. aalon (:) .
<br /> capital G. emall letters u-e-t-a-f-e-o-n.
<br /> 2. Your Affiant eayeth that �he timely refuses to acaept
<br /> the Nebraska Notiae af Ueficipncy Oetermination and does
<br /> eo without diehonor per U.C.G. 3-501.
<br /> 3. Your Affiant eayeth that ehe hae no etate tax
<br /> liability when ehe hae no Federal Inaome Tax liability ae
<br /> legielated by Nebraeka 3tatuteB at Chapter 77.
<br /> 4. Your Affiant sayeth that the Nebraeka 8tate Tax
<br />� Commieeioner. M. Berri Balka and Agent Francee Riley have
<br /> � � worked in aoncert with Agente from the "I.R.8." to
<br /> violate clearly eatabliehed law. and thereby have
<br /> violated Affiant's civil righta.
<br /> 5. Your Affiant aayeth that Federal Regulations reveal
<br /> that (Title 26) "eubetitute return" authority - 6020.
<br /> Aeseaement authority -- 6203. Collection authority -
<br /> 6301, and Tax Lien Authortiy - 6321 are enf orceable only
<br /> ' under U.8. Code 27. (see Exhihit taken from the parallel
<br /> table of authorities) . Notiae of Deficienrv - 6212. has
<br /> no regulation. Aacording to the 8upreme Court ruling in
<br /> California Bankers Asea. v. Sohultz 416 US 21 . 39 L Ed 2ci
<br /> 812. 94 S Ct 149u.
<br /> ' . ..we think it important tn note that the Act'a civil
<br /> and ariminal penalties attach only upcn violgtion of
<br /> ---- --- -- — -
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