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<br /> w F1ve Pa[nte 8�nit� a Nahras�� (:er��nrA4inn (hen�tn`1[o�'�eH'�� =_
<br /> I�tort�or b fnd�btsd W Mo�s�fa th�prinoipsl sum oi f��.,:16.7j1 -svid�ao�d b9�oit��Or's noh
<br /> � � S e pte m b er 3, 199�,r,�n"Note'�pravldin�toe pymenet of prlaoipal�nd iat�rMt.wlth th�bala►os ot tM
<br /> iadapqanw.ft aot�on�r p�id.du�+�ad p�y�ble on N ov e m b er 20. 2004 .
<br /> Zb�eour�tL�p�n�nt of the Nots.w1W intsr�i w�pioHd�d th�in,ths p�yment of all othsr�u�m�.wlth inf�r
<br /> . �!.�dv�no�d M ldorf�+�to Pnot�ot the wouri�►oi tblr lfost��.and th�PulOrraanoe oi th�oo�+r�nanc� wd�,s+t
<br /> � m�ny�ot th�l�Iort�os ooat�iad hsrdn,Mort�a�or doe�her�by most��sad oonvsy to 1�Rost�ss tb�icllowln�
<br /> � dNOrtb�d
<br />°� P='oP�zO►��� H all CouaRy.N�bna7ra.
<br />;�� .,�.. �,J: Lat Eteven (il), and the West Ten feet (W10') of Lot Ten (10), 81ock 'fhree (3).
<br />- . Morris Sscond Addition to the City of Grand Island. Hall County, Nebraska.
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<br />�,°� • `` �th�r with Ril butldin�s.lmPmvement�lWarN,rtt�sn.a11�,I�wyrr�ewmsnti.rl�t►ts.PrM1�
<br /> ��r1�4.
<br />,�?�'r-�;;�.',� md�pD��os�loo�d th�on or in anywtN PerWniai ther�W�wnd th�rent�.issue��nd pmoQd.�adan�sad
<br /> "=�=�-:�,� r�maind�n�th�rso�inoludin�,but noL limit�d to.h�attn��d 000lin��qutpmsnt and suoh pawaal prop��th�t 1�
<br /> ._x.cs;.,� ��to th�lmpsaNOmaat�w�W oonstitut�a ltutuee:tll of whlob,iaolndini r�Pl�w�m�ata and�ddltlom��e�Mo.1�
<br />----_=r;,�-:i�
<br />,�,�,���;�,�.5� b�y�d�obnd to M a p►ti oi th�rwl wt�te�ewYed b�'i��lien o!this�ort�q+and sil oi ths ibra�olai bin6 rwarnd
<br /> �,r.�;X, � 10�II�II M t�MpPO�.
<br /> '"'�r�:�"t;. 1,[oef��or lfuRha oc�rsaant��nd�.wiih Mortp�ee.�s LoLLawr
<br /> •_:.;�.�_°:
<br />-,A.;�°;}i� �, p�R Zb ry►tt�e iaa.blaan....na stu int�awc sh.roa a.pm�fctea�n thls 1�Qorf�s.na the Y�lbts:
<br />�.`?"..��,�-.=z;. ..
<br /> ,��'t�� !. TUM.]�[ort�os i�th�owa�r oi th�Prope�ty. �s the siaht and wuthori�r to mo:t��e the Paopu'y.�1�n►r
<br /> --- y rw►ti th�f tbo 1i�n or�sS�d h�=by 1��lir�t and prlor lien oa the prop��.esapt�m�y otD�swlM b�rst iorth h�rrin.
<br /> . �_�'".�r� D Tl��Prop�rq�it sub�sot to;MosfQ�+whmi� _ is
<br /> ,:�;`
<br /> i.iv�f4•..� ,
<br />_-�.;;-._�.,fi� th�l�to�t��w.rwo:dsA ut Book .Pa�e of Lhs Hort��li�oordi of
<br /> Couuly�NsbsMt�.whiah MostQ�s is�liea prio�eto the lten oreat�d h�rsby.
<br /> - ' � O Oth�r Prlor H�ns or saoumbranoM•
<br /> i�
<br />=;. � i TaiK.A�wm�nt�.To PiY Whea due �ll taes,egeoiQ neesements�nd aA other ohs:ge��g�►tnst the
<br /> E pro-�x�q�nd,upoa written demwd by Mort�es,to�dd to th�pa�ymsnts required under ths Note reoursd hersby.�uoh
<br />� � • � �anount M m�y bs su8ioient to�nabls ths Atort�a�e�to pW suoh ta�e�.�meats or other oLas�e��s th�beoome
<br />: ��r• � dus.
<br /> - ,L I�ur�a�o�.4b Ice�p the lmp:ovement�now or heseRlter loaat�d on ths re�l sstate de�a4lbsd hersia in�eured
<br /> __,� ,__ _.._.��..a�t.f�... ..1...n..�..taht.*n
<br /> _-_..-_ -. .- �{{���� �j/ZII��IIQ iQCII RGR O�[Ot y i�avtt�pv t+tq a�[ta+s���aa wa�avw.��......�.....�."'y.�.�—��s�_" �
<br /> th�)„�oet����nd wtth iws�ls to th�Mo�.In oaM oi las undex�uoh poSM�s th�Mort�s is authorlssd
<br /> - to�yrt�ooII�ot end nompsomUs.ia ib dLorstloa.ail olaims th�rsunder st it�sole optton.authostasd to either spp�}r the
<br /> � �� pmose�L W th�:s�torWon of tbs Prop�rRy os upon th�lnd�bt�daeM Noursd her�by.but p�yment�hereuader sh�ll oon-
<br />_ � tinus uatfl th���u wour�d h�r�by ars ar�p�id!n hill.
<br /> 6. U �orow for 11r��sd Ia�araao�.NotRlt�tandin��n3Rhtua ooaWned in par�graP�s 3 and 4 hereof to
<br /> th�ooatrru�r.�turt�or�h�ll DW to th�Mo�s at th�tlm�of yyd�th�moathl,q fn�tallm»a�t ot prinofpal wd intsr
<br /> e�t.onst�oolfth oi tn��aar�p t��w�m�ats.h�d inwr�snoe pr�miums.�nd aronad r�nts(it W�)wbioh m�y attafn
<br /> v prlorlfy ovar thls)+tort�o.�11�u rwonab�y MttmWd iram tlm�to tlms by the Mort�aQee.The amount�w patd�hall
<br /> M hsld by the Mnii�rgw v�'lthout lnt�rMt and spplied to the p,yment o!the item�fa rs�peot W wLion�uoh amounte
<br /> _ wsre dspo�ited.Ths�um�pald to Mort��h�r�wnd�r sr� pt�d�d M sddittorul reourtq►for the indebtsdnsa�soured
<br /> � ' , .. ,� �
<br /> _ i '
<br />