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<br /> •pror,eede•)In conneclbn with condemnalion or other taklnp oI the Property or part thereof,or tor conveysnce In Ileu of condemnation.
<br /> Lender sha�l be entitled at Ite oplion to commonce,eppeer In end proaacute In ita own neme any action or proceedings,ond shall eldo
<br /> be entitled to mako nny compromise or settlement In connectlor�with such teking or damage. In the event any portlon oi Iha Properiy ls
<br /> eo teken or damaged, Lender ehall have tha option In ilo so!e and absolule dlscreUon,to epply all such proceeds, bfter deducting _.
<br /> thereftom ell coats and expensea IncuRed by it In connac►lon with such Proceede,upon ony indebtedness socured hereby end In such
<br /> order e�Lender may determine,or to aDp�Y a��d�h Proceeds,efter such deductbns,to tfie resloretion of the Rroper4y upon auch con-
<br /> Qitbne es Lender mey determine.Any applicallon of Proceeds ta indebtodnesa shall not extend�r postpone the due date oi eny pay-
<br /> ments under the Note,ar cure eny detauit tt�ereunder or hereunder.Any unapplled funda shell ba paid to Trustor.
<br /> 9.P�rform�nc�by L�nd�r.Upan the occurrence of en Event oi Deteuit hereunder, or ff any act is tnken or leqal proceeding
<br /> commenced wh�h matenalty efiecls Lencier s Interost In the Prap�rty,Lcnder may In its own dlacretlon,but without oWigation to do so, �
<br /> and withou►notica to ot demand upon Tsuator ond without roleaafng Trustor irom eny obligetlon,do eny ect whlch Trustor has egreed
<br /> but talled to do and may elao do eny other ect(t deems �eceasary to protect the secu�ity hereof.Trustor shall, immediately upon
<br /> ,w.,��er�wrwinr hy Lender.oav to Le�der ell coata and expenses Incurced and sums expended by Lender in wynectlon�with the�exer-
<br /> �����.!.�
<br /> Gse by Lender oi the fcxegoing riyhts,toqether with Interost t�ereon at the detawc race providnd in u�v i:u�,�����.���o�� -
<br /> the indebtedness secured hereby.Lender ahall mR ir►aur any Iiablllty beceuse of anything It may do or amlt to do hereunder.
<br /> 8. Hasardou�Mat�Hab.Trustor shall keep the Property In compllance wlth atl appllcable I�ws, ordinances and raguleGons
<br /> relatln�to lnduaUial hygWne or envlronmentel ao►acstiai(collective�r roiarred to hereln es"Envfronmental Lawe').Tn�Rtcx shall keop __
<br /> the Pmporcy iree irom all substances deeme�to ba h�zardous or toxlc unde�enY Envlronmental Lews(collect�veb refeRed to hereln
<br /> es'HezeMous Matodala').7rustor hereby warrarsta snd reprasenta to L.�ender that there are no Hazerdoua Materlala on or under the
<br /> Property.Trustor horoby agraes to Indemnlfy and hofd hermfess Lender,IW directors,officers,employeos and agents,and any succes-
<br /> saa to�AnderB interest,from and nga(nst any arsd alI deims,demages,bs.ges and Ilabllltles e�ising In connectlon with the presence,
<br /> use,dlaposel or transport ot eny Hazardous Materlat�on, under,irom or about the Froperty.THE FOREC301N0 WARRANTIES ANO
<br /> R�CONVEYANCE 8F TH15 aE[D Of TRUST. —
<br /> 10./Isslpnm�nt of R�nts.Truator he�eby asslpns to Lender,and grents Lender e secu�ity Interest tn,elt present,tuturd and
<br /> efter erislnp ronb,issues aod qroflts of the Properly;provided thet Truator ahall,untll the occurrence of an Event of DefeuR,herounder,
<br /> have lhe right to colloct and retafn such rents,Issuos and profits as they beCOme due end payabte.Upon the occurrence ot an Event oi
<br /> Qefault,Lender may,either tn petson or by aflent,with ar wlthout bringing any ection or proceed�ng,or by a recelver appolnted by a
<br /> oourt end wlthout rogard to the adequacy of its security,enter upon and take possessfon oi the Property,or any patt thereof,In(ts own
<br /> name or tn the nemo oi the Trustee. end do eny acts whlch it deema necessary or desirable to preserve the value,martcetabllity or
<br /> rentabillty of the Properry,or any peR thereot or Insue ta�or o�thenulse'collect the ren�mssues and profit�e tFteteof,lndudln9 thoae past
<br /> with or without taiking poasesalon oi the PropeRy, I rents,Issues end profits,less costs and expena-
<br /> due and unpald,by notifyfng tenants to make payments to Lender.Lender may epp y
<br /> es o{�rallon and collection Inctuding allomey's fees,to eny Indebtedness secured hereby,ell in auch order as Lender may deter
<br /> mine.7he enterin9 upon and taking possesslon of the Properly,the cal{ecdon ai such rent}, Issues and pro8ts, end the eppHceUan
<br /> ��t�gtnrn+�akl shall not cure or wahre any default or noUce of default hereunder or Invalldate any act done in responae to suc�
<br /> default or pursuant to such noUce oi defauft and,notwithstanding the conUnuance in possession oi ii�a Nii,�o2y ar itsa calS�Lan•
<br /> Loann struments o by taw uponsoocumence ot a Y Event of Default rincludl g v►r(tthout Ilmltatlon the right tohexe�rdae d�e��power oT aab.
<br /> Further,Lenders rlghts end remedles unde�thls pareg�aph shall be cumulaUve w1th�Le der,T�ee+end recei'►erh a�bee bla to
<br /> remedles under any asslgnmer+t of leaaes and rents recorded agalnat the Property.
<br /> eccount only for those rents ectually recelved.
<br /> 11.Ewnts o�f DNauk.The following shall consUtute an Event of Deteult under thls Deed oi Tniat:
<br /> (e)Faf{ure to pay eny Ineteltment of principal or Interest or eny other aum securad hereby w4ien due;
<br /> (b)A breach of or defeult under any provlslon contalned(n the Note,thls Deed of Trust,any of the Loan Instrumenta,or eny
<br /> other tter+c�r encumbronce upon the Property;
<br /> (c)A wrlt of executlon or attachment or any slmllar process shall be entered egalnst Trustor which shall become a lien on
<br /> the property or any porUon ffiereo(or(nterest thereln:
<br /> (d)There shall be flled by or agalnst Trostor or BorroK�er an action under any present or future federal,stete or other stetute,
<br /> � law or ropulatlon rolatlng to benkruptcy,Insotvency or other relief for�me renbtlasuea or'profits�therod�or Trus�t�a Bo�row��
<br /> • Ilquldator oi Truator or Borrower or ot all or any part ot the PropeRy.
<br /> shall make any general assignment ta the beneflt ot cradRor$;
<br /> (e)The sale,banafe�,leaae,esslgnmen�conveyance or further encumbrance of all or eny part of or any Interest tn the
<br /> tPed m e�ic�earte a I�ease of tlierProperty that oes not conet�atn en optttan to puerchasa end the term�of whlch does nat le oeed��te
<br /> year,
<br /> (n qbendonment ot tt�e Property;or
<br /> (g)ff Trustor is not an Indlvldual,fhe fssuence,sale,trensfer,asslgnment,conveyer+ce or encismbrence of more than(H e
<br /> caporatlony a totat oi percent oi Its Issued and outstandlnp stock.or(H e paRnershtp)a totel oi per-
<br /> cent d partne►eh�P�nterests,or(if a Amlted ifaMllty company)a total ot peroent oi the limtted IlabiHly compa-
<br /> ny intereats or votin8 dghts during tt�e period thla Deed ot Trust remalns a tien on the propeRy.
<br /> 12.RKn�dbs;Acc�Nn�tfon Upon D�fault.In the event of any Event oi Default Lender may,wlthout notice except es requfred
<br /> by Iaw,dectare a8lndebtedness secured Mreby to be due end payable end the same shall thereupon become due and payable wlth-
<br /> out any presentment,demand,protest or noflce oi any kind.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> (a)pernend thet Trustee exerclae the POWER OF SALE grented hereln,and Trustee shall thereafter cause Trustors Inter-
<br /> ast In the Property to be so�d and the proceeds to be dlsWbuted,all in the manner provlded In the Nebraska Truat Deeds Ach
<br />_ (b)Exerclse any and 31t �ights provlded for tn any of the Loan Inshumente or by law upon occurrence of any Event of
<br /> Detault;and
<br /> �- (c)Commence an action to(oreclose thls Deed of Trust as a mortgage,eppolnt e recelver,or specHically enforce any oi the
<br /> —= covenants hereot.
<br /> No remedy heroln conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or LendeP Is fntended to be oxclusNe of any other remedy hereln,ln the Loan
<br /> - Instrumenta or by law provlded or permltted,but each shall be cumulaUve,shall be In additbn to every other remedy given horeunder,
<br /> =LL' in the Loan InaUuments or now or hereafter exisdng at law or tn equiry or by atatute,and may be exerclsed concurcently,IndependenNy
<br />---� orsuccesfvely.
<br /> .., �_� ,,...T...��m..,e,..oa�,�a�anv�une wuhout cause.and Lender may at any time and wlthout cause eppolnt a suo-
<br /> IV� t�Y�M�� t��v •r�..rw��...��'�—y..___ .
<br /> - c�hsaa�er of tl ebproperty tor eny losseor amage unless'd e t rec cless�or wflHul misconduct atnd sha I not be requl rred t�k eny ectbn
<br />-°�]` In connectfon with the enforcement of this Deed of Trust unless Endemnlfled,in w�iting,for all c�osts,compensation or expenses which
<br />- may be associeted therewlth.In addiUon,Trustee may become a purchaser et any sale oi the Property Qudldel or under the power ot
<br /> .;� sale grented hereln);postpone the sale of atl or any porUon of the Property,aa provldod by law;or sell the PropeAy as a whole,or In
<br />;�; separate paroels or lots at Trustee's d(screUon.
<br />. �. 14.FMS�nd Exp�ns�s.In tho event Trustee sells lhe PropeKy by exerclse of power of sele,Trustee shall be enUtled to opply
<br />= eny sale prooeeds flrat to payment of all costs and expenses of exerclsing power of sale, includfng all Tnrstee's tees,and Lenders end
<br /> �'� Tru�tee's ettomey'e�fees, actually Incurced to extent permltted by Appllcable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exercises any►ight
<br /> provlded by law to cure an Event oi Detault,Lender shall be entlNed to recover from Tnistor all costs and expenses actualty incurred as
<br /> ,�;� e result ot 7rustora default:Including without Ilmltt�tlon aIl Trustee's end attomoy's fees,to the extent permitted by applicable law.
<br />�- ,. 15.Futun Advanc�s. Upon requeat of Borrower,Lender may,at Ib optlon, make eddltlonal and future advances and read-
<br />- f vences to Borrower.Such advancos end readvances,wilh interest thereon,shall be secured by thfs Deed of Tn.ist.At no tlme shall the
<br />